Saturday, November 15, 2014

Why I Say

From an anonymous source....

"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others."


I may not be an orator

Or prone to make a speech

I'm not a valid ambassador

High office is above my reach

I can say with all my honesty

Cross my heart and hope to die

What I share can be deemed as trustworthy

About my country I refuse to lie

I am just a proud American

Proud to learn what makes her best

And will spread the word best as I can

And hope those listening can do the rest

I'm seething at the fraud involved

Being sold by our politicians

And it shames me that the lies evolve

And become truth across the nation

You may grow tired of my discussions

Meant to enlighten those I touch

But I can see the repercussions

Supporting politicians we should not trust

They say it takes a village

To grow children to be their best

Informed votes should be a priviledge

And our will should be expressed

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