Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Quotes about truth and lies

Winston Churchill..

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing has happened."

"It is a sad day when the truth is just an obstacle in man's quest for power and a lie is his preferred entree for sustenance."

M. Beatty

The Lie Revealed

Josephine Hart...

"A concealed truth, that's all a lie is. Either by omission or commission we never do more than obscure. The truth stays in the undergrowth waiting to be discovered."


Coiled and ready to strike

In the wicked weeds of deception

The truth is poised to bite

And reveal its resurrection

No amount of cover can permanently hide

What liars don't want to be seen

Truth waits patiently inside

To show itself and intervene

There will always be one to spill the beans

And betray the liar's trust

Truth was always there and has forever been

To ensure the liars are double crossed

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


"Every moment and every event of every man's life on earth plants something in his soul."


The slap on the butt that makes a baby cry

First steps into a mommy's outstretched arms

Waving sadly to daddy "Bye bye!"

Learning all too soon the ability to charm

Riding a bicycle, crashing a car

A first failing grade and the punishment

Over-encouragement that he will go far

And when he did, such astonishment

The first job at a pizza place

The first time fired from it, too

The first jilted girlfriend, the slap on his face

A month earlier the first "I love you!"

Each little noodle in a lifetime of soup

Every little pat on the head

Each little "man to man" on the front stoop

Hanging on each word his father said

All this and more is planted in his soul

It makes him the man he will be

Every incident, each word will make this man whole

Marked forevermore for his world to see

Too Big for My Britches

"To consider persons and events and situations only in the light of their effect upon myself is to live on the doorstep of hell."


It is not all about me, you see

In the garden of life I'm just one little pea

Let's take a crane and move my ego aside

Tone it down a little, my selfish pride

Every little gun is not pointed at my head

If it was I'd be stone cold dead

Every Cupid's arrow is not aimed for my heart

I'm not the focus of anyone's art

Consider the world did revolve around me

I'd be the target of hate in all humanity

I'd be so overwhelmed by love and affection

No mirror could be large enough to hold my reflection

I'd be the blame for global warming

They'd say I set the killer bees swarming

I'd be the suspect for each murdered corpse

I'd be the hero of whatever the sport

I'd much rather be one flute in the band

One little grain of a beach full of sand

Totally ignored for much of the time

With just a little piece of life claimed as mine

Monday, April 28, 2014


" When we were children, we used to think that when we were grown up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grow up is to accept be alive is to be vulnerable."


A child will dream of independence

But arrive in the world of adult incumbrance

What little one would have ever known

Rules are stricter once we are grown

Play is scarce and work is plenty

Promises are broken or empty

Building castles on the beach

Is a fantasy that can't be reached

We never again would expect to see

Our childhood vulnerability

As adults we become more prone

That vulnerability is ours to own

The Battling Poet

"Artistic temperament sometimes seems a battle ground, a dark angel of destruction and a bright angel of creativity wrestling." Madeliene L'Engle (1918-2007)


Sometimes I wish I could

Bask in the simplicity of it all

Ride the gentle winds, I would

Instead of tumbling down a waterfall

Then inside my head it comes

I become trapped in it once again

The whirlwind of creative eloquence

Will carry me off to way back when

I think in terms of flowers growing

Tides and mountaintops

The images my mind keeps showing

Never seems to stop

A poet's mind is never idle

I close my eyes and words appear

It seems that I'm incapable

Of competing with the likes of old Shakespeare

But then again I find my way

Amid the fantasy to which I'm entitled

In the words and rhymes I have my say

Not harnessed in, a steed unbridled

In my world the angels dance

Beasts are slain and left to die

Folk are caught up in true romance

And it never matters how and why

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Memory Lane


The old lane is nearly overgrown

The board fence leaning towards the ground

This is one place I am pleased to have known

It's been so long since I've been around

In the old carriage house still tucked away

Is the old buggy great grandma and grampa used to ride

I had heard it was special back in the day

It's where grampa proposed to his bride

Dust and cobwebs drape over the buggy's fringe top

It has been decades since this place has seen much light

I guess there's been some where the ceiling has dropped

The stars likely peek in during the night

And there is the mansion, once so stately

Quietly finding its final place to rest

It hasn't been entered much lately

Now inhabited by ghosts,  it was once picturesque

The old barn is still standing, but leaning a bit

Faded APACHE painted on an old stall

A rusted out tractor, alone still sits

Remembering the fields, she plowed them all

But in an overgrown patch of ground

Is what is left of what has my heart breaking

The remnants of the fire damaged caretaker's house can be found

It was once so quaint and breathtaking

I can still hear the laughter of the young family rising

Who started their married life in that cute little space

That the happiness lingers is not so surprising

It was so cozy to raise a family in that place

The deterioration is a sad thing to see

For one who held the place so dear

But somehow it finally comes to me

So many angels like to hang around here


I know what you mean by wanting things more simple. As I continue to purge things I think about how many times I have been through all these damn boxes and have thrown away so little. Meanwhile I continue to have boxes of useless items taking up space and complicating my life and know the day after I die Ryan will throw every last box in a dumpster.


Memories packed tightly away

That I haven't seen for many a day

The same things that I can conjure in my mind

What is in my heart I can easily find

Musty boxes filled with scraps of what was

I just keep it mainly because

When it comes to releasing memories it's hard

To realize it is packed way safely in my heart


"SIMPLIFY! Life is so complex without even trying!" Sharon Krogman


Life is so complex without even trying

We dig deeper in debt just buying and buying

Things clutter our homes and our attics and such

When is it ever too much?

Obsessive collecting of useless possessions

Bring clutter and chaos and family objections

What inanimate object means more than your peace

And trying to acquire things out of your reach?

When having just everything becomes such a lust

That once treasured items are covered in dust

If it seems you have more than a reasonable supply

Get your life back...simplify

M. Beatty

Need or Greed?

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for."


Want it, need it, crave it, bleed for it

Will the angst over having not affect you more

Acquire it, must get it, you can't forget it

Whatever the hell you are yearning for

Appreciate it, covet it, downright love it

Things often miles from your grasp

The lust for have nots you can't rise above it

And it spoils the gifts you already have

Saturday, April 26, 2014

My quotes about life.

"If our life mattered to anyone at all, I guess it was worth it."

"Is it luck that when I died the people left behind spoke fondly of me? Or was it my own effort that made them remember me and smile?"

"If my life is spent to the point I am indebted to God, I hope I die broke from my amazing shopping spree of life."

"I hope people remember me as someone who shook  hands rather than someone who went through life slapping faces."

"When the time comes I can no longer carry my own weight, let me lay down my worldly burdens gently and head off to dance with the angels."

"If I have any regrets, it will be for days wasted angry at someone or something I could not control."

"It is not always going to be sunshine, warm breezes, and puffy white clouds. Some days are going to be angry seas crashing to the beach, swallowing you up, only to come crashing back in to spit you out."

Quotes by Marian Beatty

Within a Lifetime

The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a final moment; but it is no less a magnificent mixture of triumph and tragedy." John F. Kennedy.


Taken for granted, our days and nights

As we face a lifetime of triumphs with well scheduled plights

It all blends in to insignificance

After all, for most, it is a very long existence

Bravely we face our night's and days

Appropriately handled in many ways

Our own little world will likely take precedence

It's our own little family in our own little residence

We are soldiers wandering a battlefield

Not sure if our personal fates are sealed

Little skirmishes or full blown attacks

Sullen times we will never get back

We are knights upon a flashy steed

We are compassionate givers or prone to greed

Perhaps some will be heros to all mankind

But mostly we are all just marking time

Within a lifetime we'll all conspire

In search of peaks higher and higher

Were we honest to ourselves or did we lie?

To whom does it matter on the day we die?

Friday, April 25, 2014


"Every age yearns for a more beautiful world. The deeper the depression and the depression about the confusing present, the more intense the yearning." John Huizinger


It comes from deep within me

The passion for the miracles around me

Perhaps if I did not so see things so bright

I'd not be cast into the darkest of night

Why do I appreciate love so immensely

Only to feel hate so intensely?

Can't there be somewhere in between to embrace me?

Rather than the highs or lows my emotions must place me?

I have it always in my mind

The world will fall apart if I leave it behind

Then again it may blossom and thrive

If I just live in the background while I am alive

When I'm happy and getting things done

My humor propels me and I bask in the sun

When in times of depression I fell

I have personally shook hands with the devil in hell

Again my brain is being sucked from my head

As I enter a world so close to the dead

And tears fall...

And fall...

As I fall

"Depression, suffering, and anger are all part of being human." Janet Fitch

"Perhaps it is true that depression, suffering, and anger are all a part of being human. But when the depression intensifies normal frustration within common suffering and anger, it means the Swiss watch that ticks in your brain that moves you forward is ticking back and forth from past to future and confusing the hell out of you." M. Beatty

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Freedom of speech

"In a free society, standards of public morality can be measured only by whether physical coercion...violence against persons or property...occurs. There is no right not to be offended by words, actions, or symbols." Richard E. Sincere (researcher for Crises magazine)

"There are a whole lot of things said and done that are offensive to me. If we complain about what offends us, that is within our own right to free speech. If we demand that the offenders be silenced and reprimanded, we are edging ourselves out of a free society.". Marian Beatty

"What if you are offended by free speech or free expression of any kind? Do we not measure the level of freedom by what we are allowed to say or do within the reason of general law? If we display a cross in the middle of a desert and we offend someone and are forced to take it down what does it say about our premise of free speech. Where does free speech go too far and where should censorship begin? Do we protect those of a sensitive nature from pornography or visions of death? How far do we go when it comes to regulating free speech? How should Americans feel about being placed in free speech zones after receiving a permit to assemble for a particular cause. Just how much freedom have we lost because there are so many splinter groups who can't tolerate a different truth?" James Dixon

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws" Tacitus (55-117 AD)

"While reviewing the absurd laws that were obviously implemented because something offended someone to the point they complained to the right people, it is obvious to me that we have been chipping away at our liberty for many, many years." Marian Beatty

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Welcome to the Club


When the brightest of light cannot break through the darkness

When you feel like you have bled to death with the tears you have shed

If there becomes no way to ignite your one vital spark

And thoughts of ways to end it keep spinning in your head

When the road you travel seems to be forever under construction

And friends have dwindled away because you are pleasant no more

If you contemplate instead of progress, pure and complete destruction

Then you cringe if someone dares to lay a knock upon your door

You shy away from mail, leaving all the bills sealed tight

Every sound is shrill and hurts your brain

There is something within you that just isn't right

Perhaps you have joined the ranks of the insane

Welcome to the club, we are all in here to invite you

In various stages of insanity we survive

Just looking for some mentor capable to reunite you

With the will we once had to stay alive

Liberty quotes

"The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom." Aristotle

"When there comes a time when punishment in the form of justice comes at every turn because of the cries of outrage by extreme factions...and retaliation exceeds moderation, that means that the government is tightening the reins of the free spirit of We the People. Liberty requires the wisdom of our representatives to rule in moderation, within reason, and not regulate the people back into the chains of tyranny." M. Beatty

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Imposing One's Fears

"Those who want the government to regulate matters of the mind and spirit are like men who are so afraid of being murdered that they commit suicide to avoid assassination." Harry S. Truman


As some yards need a fence

Some rivers need a dam

Sometimes life is too intense

With intrusive demands

Some people need a list

And at least a guiding hand

The insecure insist

On an oppressive plan

Some thrive on regulations

For fears they perceive

From the co-population

Who may be killers and thieves

They want as many laws

As it takes to feel safe

And let government claws

Invade everyone's space

As these insecure folks

Impose their insecurity on another

And their inability to cope

Affects their sisters and brothers

Their fear creates chains

That restrains a whole nation

They go to great pains

To impose laws and regulations

Can it be with such fear

They would wish themselves dead

Rather than go another year

Knowing there are pitfalls ahead?

Monday, April 21, 2014


Winston Churchill said..."Study history, study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft."

"One can choose to wing it,  go through life through trial and error. Yes, making mistakes can be a good education, but knowing your history and learning from another's past mistakes can leave you a much clearer blueprint for life with fewer do-overs and painful lessons."

Marian Beatty

George Santayana said "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."


Take a walk through life

Meander if you so choose

Do it without a map

Wrong turns are progress you lose

Perhaps before you begin your journey

And at stops along the way

Review a bit of history

Avoid mistakes that make you pay

Forward progress is most desired

And can be handled appropriately

If you take the time to review

A bit of history

We have a couple lost generations who have no idea of history...even their own national we wonder where national pride went. Where are the patriots? The new patriots that can speak of national pride? America has been engineered socially to the point where the only thinking going on is what information the government provides. Could this have something to do with the high drop out rates in schools? (Just a thought) James Dixon

JFK..."History is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside."


The tide comes in with bits of knowledge

Gathered from the deep sea of history

It comes from the hard knocks college

And is an education that is free

Go to that beach and collect

The stonesj and shells of history past

The gems in this sand that you collect

Can put success into your grasp

"They can change what history is in the books, they can hide history from our children by limiting what oppressors wish to negate.

All I can say is talk to your children, teach them all the history you learned before oppressors began to alter it to fit their own agendas. Point out that truth about our history can be found in old books and on the Internet.

Maybe, if we arm ourselves with the truth from the past along with our patriotism and guns,  we can thwart the damage being done by the re-arrival of the tyrants."

Marian Beatty

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Quotes about individuality

"If there comes a time when individuals fail to exist, when all the people think as one...the world as we know it will be done. Every civilization deserves its freethinkers. Every country can only thrive with the presence of rebels."

M. M. Beatty

The Liberals (left wing) are heavy duty in to COLLECTIVISM which takes away individuality so whenever you hear that word, RUN! But they will rarely use the’s subtle.

Sharon Krogman

Free thinking seems to be taboo least we say or do something to offend some fringe group.

"I do think we can keep our souls and values and also our individuality and at the same time play the game at least until the game is so oppressive that revolt becomes necessary."

James Dixon

The Individual Emerges

"Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society for which he lives. Man's life is independent. He is born not for the development of society alone, but for the development of his self." B.R. Ambedkar


Born into a world where seeds are sown

Unceremoniously mixed with the soil

Beauty and sustenance are eventually grown

But then also come the weeds to spoil

Raindrops falling into the sea

So seamlessly they merge within the waves

They lose their individuality

Within the depths of Neptune's grave

But people are much different, you see

Like oil in the puddle we stand alone

As we  struggle with our personalities

No matter by whom we are chaperoned

As seeds are continuously spread and sown

And random raindrops miss the sea

The random rain meet seeds wind blown

And join to form flowers of humanity

The individual emerges among

The stately nature in its background

Each of us go one by one

Our own ideas to expound upon

Friday, April 18, 2014

Born To Be Free

"A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man." Tacitus


Inborn is the will to reject it

Chains and shackles, brutal oppression

It is my pride, you should respect it

Free to fly, it's my obsession

No color am I to be tainted

No respect am I to be denied

No creed of mine shall be stained

No vilifying me is justified

I'll twist your boot from upon my neck

Drop you unceremoniously if you try to stone me

You'll rue the day we ever met

If you, a tyrant, attempt to own me

Come the Tyrant

"He who allows oppression shares the crime." Desiderius Erasmus


A tyrant comes to take the land

He leads the people by the hand

With punishment or threats and lies

To oppress the people he surely tries

He sucks prosperity through straws of taxes

To put more people in menial classes

He socially levels to lower status

He throws more regulations at us

Whoever will stand to watch it still

The oppression of people of their free will

Without lifting a finger or spending a dime

Is equally guilty of the socialist's crime

To turn a cheek or pull a punch

To abandon the citizens in a crunch

It is our elected reps we should indict

If they all surrender without a fight

The Little People Oppressed

"All oppression creates a state of war."


See the little people sad

Give them time and they'll get mad

See the little people weep

Push them and they aren't so meek

See the oppressive government try

To demean the people and make them cry

See them knocking down the door

And hear the little people roar

It's time to settle up the score

The oppressed little people are waging war

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The New Priorities

"Whenever justice is uncertain and police spying and terror are at work, human beings fall into isolation, which of course, is the aim and purpose of the dictator state since it is based on the greatest possible accumulation of depotentiated units." Carl G. Jung (1875-1961) from the book THE UNDISCOVERED SELF (1957)


Peek around the corner

Hide behind the curtain

Say nothing they can use against you

It's the NSA, I'm certain

Turn your pockets inside out

Report every cent as you earn it

Just so the IRS can pass it on

And the government can burn it

And then while they are at it

Target conservative groups

Deny them their deductions

How low can government stoop?

The land is vast and barren

Being put to very good use

By cattleman who feed us well

With the cattle they produce

Making sure to get their dollars

The B.L.M. endeavors to collect

Sending dozens of armed feds swarming

Is there an agenda to suspect?

Allow illegal immigration to continue

Border crossings raise our fears

Who is too busy commandeering

An American rancher's steers?

Water is at a premium

The California farmers felt

But the E.P.A. denies them

They must protect the smelt

And use our hard earned dollars

For environmentalist groups to funnel

Putting shrimp on treadmills

Giving Florida turtles a brand new tunnel

They see our ire growing

And it's only just begun

No wonder they are adamant

To confiscate our guns

Don't they work for We the People

As promised in our constitution?

Is the administration the pimp

In all this government prostitution?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Quote about government priorities.

"It concerns me, the battles our government has been choosing these days. More and more they seem against We the People instead of those we should fear."

M. Beatty

Range War

"To test for whether one is living in a police state is that those who are charged with enforcing the law are allowed to break the laws with impunity." Jim Roland Founder of the constitutional society


In they came, armed for battle

From a fellow American they take his cattle

Though his family's livestock grazed this land forever

The government was compelled to this endeavor

Day by day lawbreakers surge

Over the border into welfare they merge

Yet what battle does our government choose?

With an American cattleman, now I'm confused!

He works, pays taxes, and helps feed this nation

Has employs more cowboys each generation

Asks not for welfare to feed his own

He's doing well with all he has ever known

What brought this government wrath thrown down

Snipers perched, armed feds  all around

Where his cattle has grazed for decades here

Is it really for the tortoise the government fears?

I suspect a hidden agenda within

This battle against these American men

Is this a preview of what's to come?

Government agents converging, brandishing guns?

What should be handled within a court

Turned into a brief range war

It may be, and I hope I'm misguided

Just the beginning our civilization divided

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Quote on Tolerance

"Be tolerant of matters of the heart. Question boldly what matters in your mind. Be extremely intolerant of mindless acts that affect your life negatively." Marian Beatty 4/15/14

Time For Some Intolerance

"Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It is boring. Unlike love, it has always been bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things." E.M.


Since when is every wrong acceptable?

Why are sins and anti-social deeds ok.?

Too many folks are un- respectable

Let it be said whatever they say

It is about so much incivility

That has become tolerable today

Condoning irresponsibility

What's been said, whatever they say

Protesting crowds are a distraction

When property is damaged in the wake

We tolerate more lawless infractions

As we have put so much at stake

Why do criminals have more rights

Than the soldiers in the field?

Is our future looking bright

As legalized drugs are being revealed?

Why will we tolerate

That oversized soda laws are passed

While states are lining up to embrace

The lawfulness of smoking grass?

Worst of all we have our government

Riddled with ineptitude and scandal

It's time to stand and be intolerant

Of what put our country into shambles


Gilbert K. Chesterson had the right idea..."Tolerance is the virtue of the man without conviction."


Go with the flow

Say you don't know

Chillin' with your time

'Cause nothin's on your mind

Don't want to rock the boat

Just believing hope will float

Although shocked at things that people do

You just trust it won't affect you

Your intolerance is so overdue

A buried head is not a virtue

Monday, April 14, 2014

Extreme Measures

"Global sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption, and set levels of mortality control" Maurice King


It's an excuse, I say

Though based on a bit of fact

As human inhabitation puts

Our world on a negative track

Just as climate changes are gradual

Science can continue to explore

While human consumption of energy ebbs

Not the drastic measures put at our door

Changes that will put us in poverty

As costs continue to rise

Regulated surcharges for energy

Manipulation in disguise

Our consumption will be limited

To what they feel is for our own good

Sources of energy from fossil fuels

Will be banned in our neighborhood

But the most shocking cures hidden in their books

Will be that of population control

With abortions being mandated

And the death panels sitting in charge of old souls

When extreme measures overtake good sense

And make life a burden to bear

When with failure to trust science we focus on calamity

Is life worth living scared?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

In Reality

"Do not be mislead by what you see around you, or T%((M influenced by what you see. You live in a world which is a playground of illusion, full of false paths, false values, and false ideals. But you are not part QRQQ3 that world."

The way I see it is that although you live in a complicated world that is contrived with all kinds of deceitful means that seqqrnd you chasing the whims others impose on you, you also live in a world based on your own ideals and goals.  It is best not to be fueled by the false "integrity" of others and discard your own ideals so easily as you see many do. Believe in what you have embraced on your own and be skeptical of false promises.


Be aware what you will plainly see

May be a vision devised

By devils meant to make you be

Part of a scheme that is evilly  contrived

Promised lies wrapped in an apple tart

Is easily injested due to mortal cravings

When promises are too grand to be real

They are likely to be that of evil ravings.

In our own true world of relevance

It is our duty to question bold

And live within the truth and evidence

That only reality can behold

The Secret of Serenity

Sai Baba, but he was actual born as Sathyanarayana Raju (Nov 26, 1926 to April 23, 2011)...One of his quotes sounds pretty good...Love all, serve all, help ever, hurt never."


Run through the field of wildflowers

Twirl in the refreshing rain

Bask in the sunshine of love

Surrender to the euphoria your heart has arranged

Open your arms to your brothers

Share your heart with them all

Be the one throwing the rope to a friend

When it is his time to fall

Your time was a gift from our Father

Your life comes from heaven above

Use it to serve many others

Who desperately need help laced with love

May your righteous deeds repel the pain

As the selfish will ultimately endure

Looking back on a life of unselfish acts

That this kind of life will ensure

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Take Note

Jon Voight the actor..."There is a real question at stake now. Is president Obama creating a civil war in our own country?"


As our liberty is taken

We have so much at stake

Our history forsaken

The windshield is opaque

As we drive forward to disaster

Apathy becomes a crime

Obama's the ringmaster

He's tyranically inclined

Seeing division in the races

A broken foreign policy

Socialism he chases

He reeks putrid of dishonesty

Now will we ignore the scandals

The cover-ups and deceit

To bow to those in sandals

The sand beneath their feet?

There are thieves in the White House

And it's those who we elected

As our standing is heading south

Our power is being rejected

The flag we once revered

And our country we yearn to save

Is the viper's head now severed?

Are the liberals dancing on our grave? 

Take note of how it happened to us

How we let our republic die

As we look at ourselves in sheer disgust

And dare to question why

Friday, April 11, 2014

The Harsh Truth


Reality isn't always red roses

Each breath may not be fresh air

Life sometimes comes in bitter doses

There are times we feel life just ain't fair

Sometimes the lies come dressed in a beautiful gown

And facts are naked and cold

Falsehoods come bearing pleasing sounds

And sad, naked truth keeps growing old

All in all, despite the dressing

Lies bear an evil end

And there will be no second guessing

That honesty precedes a wholesome trend

The Uprising

"Our government teaches the whole people by example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it INVITES ANARCHY." Louis Brandeis


Faced with the lawlessness, lies, and deceit

Our corrupt government laid at our feet

How are appalled people expected to respond

Lawlessness in kind breaks with each coming dawn

Laws too absurd for our minds to envelop

Regulations forcing revolutionary thoughts to develop

One final straw breaks a proverbial back

Will retribution come in the form of attack?

Appropriate changes can come with our constitution, still

Without bloodshed we'll regroup if the people have the will

An army of patriots can rise to the cause

They are made to be broken, unreasonable laws

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Our Political Menu

"And to say that society ought to be governed by the wisest and the best, though true, is useless. Whose opinion is to decide who are the wisest or the best?" Thomas B Macaulay (1800-1859)

Unfortunately, the wisest and best are too busy in their quest for success to be bothered with leading a country. Leading a company is much more lucrative


Within these borders where are they?

Those with integrity, patriotism, and unselfish goals

Is it We the People who overlook them?

The potential leaders who can make this country whole

How is it that the corrupt are the ones willing to serve?

Is their "service" undermined by selfish desires?

Or is it the corrupt factions that groom the candidates?

Elections are a farce, they are shills we hire

Too few are those with the integrity we should demand

Far too easy for a country of voters to be swayed

So simple, the answer could be an informed constituency

Yet so many of us are too  uninvolved for reasonable decisions to be made

A trip to the polls used to be such a moving event

Were we not proud to be the folks who made the choices?

Why do we even bother when the candidates are corrupt?

And they are groomed by those with very deep pockets and convincing voices

Our political menu consists of people like Obama and Pelosi

Puppets of Soros, inane mindless loons

Unfortunately our chosen entrees have been tainted

By socialistic factions and their ultra-subversive goons

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's Gotta Be Love

"It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death."
Thomas Mann


Cupids and bows are senseless to some

Numbers and facts, in a mind like a sponge

Cannot compete in affairs of the heart

Love tears a reasonable person apart

Gut wrenching hours until his next call

Responsibility means nothing at all

Adverbs and adjectives are nothing they say

When your one true love has swept you away

It's gotta be love when the birds and the bees

Are able to take a scholar right to their knees

All the products of multiplication

Cannot compare to a heart's gratification

Too Tolerant

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." Thomas Mann


We will tolerate tardiness

Or a slightly tasteless entree

But would it not seem heartless

To tolerate your loss of liberty?

In a sad transition of power

When tyrants strive for control

How many hours

Will we tolerate their role?

When we tolerate each little mandate

And accept each demeaning law

How soon will it all translate

Into our final straw?

Time will work against us

As we turn our spineless backs

How long can we linger with disgust

In the freedom we now lack?

Monday, April 7, 2014

As We Are Disarmed

Donald S. McAlvaney states..."Thus perhaps the most dangerous of all socialist attacks on America in the 1990's is the onslaught to register and confiscate Americas firearms. America cannot be subjugated to communism or socialist dictatorship until Americans are first disarmed. Poland had strict gun control, so does Cambodia, Russia, and Red China. Over 100 million people were brutally slaughtered in those countries, but first they were disarmed. The danger to the people when they can't own guns is far greater than any danger gun ownership can ever create."


Pass laws to gain control of us

Line us up in rows

Has it become serendipitous

How socialism grows?

Scare us that guns will kill us

If left in our own hands

When bits of violence tell us

We are doomed to these bad lands

So they take our guns for our own good

Have we been out-foxed?

Own us, did you think they could?

Have they put us in a box?

Once We the People are defenseless

Once government continues to grow

Ultra liberals become relentless

As we watch our liberty go

Too Many Laws

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)..."Laws are like cobwebs which may catch many small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through."


We have built our webs of law

Supposedly for our protection

It is America, after all

But is freedom a mere perception?

For every civil annoyance

A law is passed, we are restrained

Most are pure and simply nonsense

An insult to our brain

If moral standards were encouraged

If right and wrong ingrained

All these laws as a growing appendage

Could eventually be constrained

Too many laws to stifle

More reprimand to engage

When kings become our idol

Then it's time to turn the page

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Fleet Admiral Chester Limits said:

"God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it's hopeless."


Journeys are not always by choice

Veering from the familiar path we walk through our daily tasks

Sometimes we must follow the orders of some disembodied voice

Blindly, with no questions asked

Be it to rescue some wayward soul

Lost in some deep dark place

Or to fight for the liberty some evil faction stole

And confront our enemies face to face

Yes, every road in life can drastically change

To some dark, bumpy, overgrown lane we had no intention to travel

But we must hold fast to that chosen goal, now temporarily estranged

As we endeavor to shed the demons we all find distasteful

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bring On the Laws

"Everyone has his own conscience, and there should be no rules about how a conscience should function." Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)


I was given half a brain

And a full dose of tolerance

I find most laws simply insane

And their absurdity of abundance

If I pop a zit in public

And it annoys old John Doe

A 911 call from some psychotic

And it's off to jail I go

Friday, April 4, 2014


Then comes James Madison a few centuries later..."It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so VOLUMINOUS that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant change that no man, who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow. LAW IS DEFINED TO BE A RULE OF ACTION; BUT HOW CAN THAT BE A RULE, WHICH IS LITTLE KNOWN, AND LESS FIXED."

James Madison could have been speaking of Obamacare in this quote.  The whole thing was a joke from the very beginning, and its implementation is even more illogical.


How many ten thousands of pages to read

Yet attempt to understand

It contains too much that we don't need

Regulations impossible to comprehend

It is the one "accomplishment" Obama can claim

It was passed with mass deception

You'd think he would be embarrassed to share its name

It's been a joke since its inception

Pelosi said it must be passed

For us to know what the bill contained

With slight of hand , and partisan votes cast

Obamacare the law became

Why couldn't health care be adjusted an tweaked

To address the problems of cost and exclusion?

Instead of becoming a joke that peaked

Into impossible mandates with stupid solutions?

Thursday, April 3, 2014


"Their final objective toward which all their deceit is directed is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection." Henry A. Wallace


Do they laugh about the lies they tell?

The swamp land they ultimately sell?

Is being deceitful a politician's art?

Is their truth and fiction that far apart?

The trophy for the biggest lie

Is to watch our beloved nation die

To put good people in the basement to give

Thanks for the meager life they live

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Norm of a Lie

"The size of the lie is a definite factor in causing it to be believed. For the vast masses of a nation are in the depths of their hearts more easily deceived than they are consciously and intentionally bad. The primitive simplicity of their minds renders them a more easy prey to a big lie than a small one, for they themselves often tell little lies, but would be ashamed to tell big lies." Adolf Hitler 1889-1945


It comes someday, the norm of a lie

When the people admire the falsehood creator

Lies perpetuate and seldom die

Truth rarely is the terminator

Slip in the the deck the one big lie

Amid the many little ones told

Convince them all as they stand by

Their naivety is bought and sold

The one big lie revolves around

The one thing that soothes their fear

Pump them up to keep them down

Label it Champaign, their cheap warm beer

They lie with a smile and a pat on the back

People will always respect the way he'll tell it

They stand behind the tainted fact

And dress the lie so they can sell it

No matter no more the size of deception

When truth can be manipulated

It becomes a matter of mere perception

Until wholesome honesty is overrated

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

That's Life

Dessip, you helped me write a poem....


We go through life collecting our scars

While chasing our dreams and reaching for stars

We carry our ghosts, as burdens or fear

We wonder sometimes "Why are we here?"

Yet we find ourselves in awe of the beauty of the world

As patriotic citizens when flags are unfurled

We look into the eyes of a child and see

A sunrise that that proves how pure we could be

Some old fallen barn that stood one hundred years

Broken rotted pilings once a grand fishing pier

Farm boys listened to Gramps musing about his favorite old horse

Grandsons heard overblown fishtales, of course

Somehow our scars are stronger than regular tissue

We learn to roll with things we take issue

We find the courage to move on, most profits, they say

To receive the gift of another wonderful day.

Our Strength

"You have power over your mind...not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength." Marcus Aurelius


Control what you can

With what skills you have at hand

You can only define

What can happen in your own mind

Be open to the outside influence

And aware of your impotence

We can only stand behind

What we conjure in our mind

Our strength abounds from imagery

That is cooked within our chemistry

And the world will not be blind

To the power in our own mind


Will Rogers would say "The trouble with practical jokes is that they very often get elected."


When I turn on my TV

And the focus on DC

It is oh so plain to see

They are playing tricks on me

There is an illusionist in The White House

Making scandals disappear

He has turned our country into a mouse

Breaking bread with Vladimir

And let us not be forgetting

The clowns on Capitol Hill

Keeps all of us regretting

Our election choices still

We've got our speaker driven to tears

When Harry calls him out

Pelosi then volunteers

Her spoken round about

The media spews their fiction

About the right wing's bigoted hate

They are forever causing friction

Impossible to abate

When Jay Carney fields a question

He is forced to carry the load

He tells the curious pressmen

More lies as facts unfold

Now inundated with taxes imposed

And drowning in regulations

We the People are feeling thoroughly hosed

Within our government's new nation

When I turn off my TV

And ponder about DC

It is all too plain to see

What fools now are we