Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Doors Need To Close

"Besides taking jobs from American workers, illegal immigration creates huge economic burdens on our health care system, our education system, our criminal justice system, our environment, our infrastructure and our public safety."

Jan C. Ting Politician 1948


Jobs most don't want but sorely need

An economy reeling that can stand no more blows

Hospitals over-burdened and their finances bleed

As unsecured borders allow a continued flow

How many more poor with no hope to succeed

Will flood our schools already in trouble?

How many more dependents will amnesty breed?

How much faster will our economy crumble?

Along with the good the bad will follow

As illegals with criminal backgrounds exist

In overcrowded prisons they won't have to wallow

As their felonies bring a mere slap on the wrist

How many more benefits can one country provide

To not just our own and not neglect

More and more people on a welfare line

Who learn to live without self respect?

There are more that fail than reach a goal

In a country with a deficit that continues to rise

How can we continue to dig this hole?

And it is not their people who we despise

Our hearts are still open, but the inn is packed

We are at the extent of global charity

It is taxpayers we need and that's a fact

Or our own will continue suffer disparity

The doors need to close until our own burdens are met

Our minds need to relieve our hearts for now

If we continue this course we will soon regret

That final bird that broke the bough

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