Saturday, August 31, 2013

We The Narcicists

"As individuals and as a nation, we now suffer from social narcissism. The beloved echo of our ancestors, the virgin America, has been abandon. We have fallen in love with our image, with images of our making, which turn out to be images of ourselves." Daniel Boorston (1914-2004) Author, Historian

It has gone beyond the pride we feel

At the raising of our flag

It is no longer the thrill of fireworks

And not our victories that we brag

We have become so narcicistic

Of the power and the wealth

We admire our own reflection

And are impressed by our own stealth

When a power such as ours is shattered

The crash heard is very loud

How will the narcissists behave

With nothing to show they're proud?

Friday, August 30, 2013


Ronald Reagan...

"We can choose between the future and the past, between reason and ignorance, between true compassion and mere ideology."

Make Me A Patriot

Hold me up as a patriot, please

Let me shed negative ideologies

Teach me compassion but give me strenghth

To promote self reliance at any length

Trust me with knowledge to develop my skills

Chase from my heart need for conceited thrills

May I be one they will believe what I say

Wash away lies wrapped in shades of gray

Let me live for my country and love fellow man

May I give a hand up whenever I can

Give me the will to try to  look toward

Paying my dues and pay my gratitude forward

Thursday, August 29, 2013


"Hypocrisy can afford to be magnificent in its promises, for never intending to go beyond promise, it cost nothing." E. Burke


Painted pictures meant to inspire

An art for which politicians conspire

A canvas of roses and clear blue skies

Hide a web of most deceitful lies

Statues built to look upon

Meant to confuse the vulnerable ones

Grand productions like Broadway plays

"Vote for me if you want better days!"

Campaign promises evaporated

Flowery rhetoric proved exaggerated

Those now in office become aloof

Until lies on film are used as proof

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


People are outraged over the video's of the children being gassed...but the again thousands are being killed all over Africa everyday and no body wants to do anything...perhaps an African American like Sharpton should get involved. This is all another distraction to divert attention away from the scandals. If there wasn't some political advantage to it then Obama would ignore Syria. Another question is how did the Syrian rebels all come into the possession of American made gas masks. It leads me to believe in the possibility of a false flag operation...there was a lot of that going on in 'Nam where we did things and blamed the NVA. I dare say that Obama would be way over his head prosecuting another war since he has basically emasculated our military and I don't think the current attitudes of our military are none too dedicated to their commander in chief since he has shown such disregard for our military. I could go on...but you get my point !!  I'm glad you are in agreeement with me. JTD

I can relate to everything you are saying. At one point I would have been one of those yelling at the top of my lungs to go kick their asses. But it all seems so futile without the proper leadership and cohesiveness within the ranks to engage in a war we could win.

The type of battle we'd be engaged in is a brutal, maiming type of war against people who passionately hate us. Our soldiers don't want to die, but they will go in there and fight as they are told to do. Their soldiers are hateful extremist who are more than willing to die for reasons only understandable to those who follow their religion to archaic extremes. They have never evolved to being able to get past hating those who "oppose" Allah. They see it as an honor to die for Allah.

Until we find some way to encourage those oppressed by the radicals in the Middle East to fight for their freedom as hard as the radicals fight for perceived injustice toward Allah it is an impossible situation for us to intervene. We cannot keep stepping in and fighting these battles when they refuse to fight as hard as we do for ourselves.

On the other hand acts of terrorism against our country and its people should be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Obama seems to want to fight harder for them than for the USA. MMB

Do We Know Enough to Invade Syria?

Good morning. I hear the drums of war and can almost smell the cordite and AV gas as planes tune up for an assualt. Usually the people who beat the war drums are those who have never been to war. The are the politicians who start the wars because it shows the world their power and it keeps the industrial military complex feeding the contractors lucrative contracts. The politicians conjure up all sorts of reasons for war and play to the imagined fears of the people. All, and I say all of the wars we have been engaged in since WW2 have been political and not necessairly to defend freedom. Freedom needs to be defended from the government itself. It is the political hacks and factions of the media who tell us that we must fight for freedom when in reality we fight to protect the industrial interest of the new world order. When war comes the very first casuality is the truth. Vietnam was started on a lie and so was Korea. In neither case was war actually declared. Thousands died for a lie and with the war on terror thousands more die every year. War has been a way of life for thousands of years for certain groups. We fight to establish democracies that people don't want nor understand. We posture our military force to intercede in civil wars going on in the mideast without a war plan or an objective...and when we attack THEN WHAT! They had better think this out! They have spent months and months deciding on the guilt of a murderer in our courts and they will spend months on months to decide a penalty...but for war they attack when the public has been convinced that we have something to fear.

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime." Ernest Hemmingway

How do we plan to justify

The deaths of sons and daughters?

And the years that it takes to rectify

The damage of war and plunder

We resent when foreign beliefs of theirs

Are imposed upon our own

We fall for threats on freedom declared

Will come to hit us next at home

How far must we wade into the turmoil

These foreigners create?

When will our constant intervention

Be realized a mistake?

We can't control humanity

We cannot enforce our moral code

Should for once we try neutrality

These interventions are getting old

We pay for our intrusion

With their brutal terrorists acts

As we live with our illusion

We can make their people adapt

Poem by M. Beatty

I personally think that the current leadership in this country is ill equipped to prosecute a war of any kind and for now they should let Syria and the insurgents do what they must. They show us pictures of gas poisoning about some pictures of our carpet bombing in Vietnam or all the shock and awe laid down on the people of Bagdad? What does the people think happens when we shoot missels into a town? For now we need to stay out of it!

Commentary by JT Dixon

For Our Intrusion

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime." Ernest Hemmingway

How do we plan to justify

The deaths of sons and daughters?

And the years that it takes to rectify

The damage of war and plunder

We resent when foreign beliefs of theirs

Are imposed upon our own

We fall for threats on freedom declared

Will come to hit us next at home

How far must we wade into the turmoil

These foreigners create?

When will our constant intervention

Be realized a mistake?

We can't control humanity

We cannot enforce our moral code

Should for once we try neutrality

These interventions are getting old

We pay for our intrusion

With their brutal terrorists acts

As we live with our illusion

We can make their people adapt

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sheltered Or Subjected

"Isn't it the moment of most profound doubt that gives birth to new CERTAINTIES? Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope; perhaps one could never find sense in life without first experiencing absurdity." Vaclav Havel (1936-2011)

Some never will know the confidence

Of when he never had experienced failure once

Held up and on a pedestal

Never once forgettable

Perhaps it is better to have encountered some resistance

Those born to life's uncertainties

Fighting hard to find.their dignity

Knowing struggles from time to time

Realizing setbacks are usually benign

And things will get beyond a travesty

Who will be the stronger man?

The one who will stand much longer than?

Will it be the always protected child?

Or one who has felt at times defiled?

Who will withstand a lifetime of demands?

The broken bones that heal

Like an oiled squeaky wheel

Are stronger in the end

Controversy is real, not pretend

Conquered mountains are a victory revealed

If choices are sheltered or subjected

Being a flower I'd have surely rejected

Character grows through pain

When even scars remain

In the end. I'd be the one that's most respected

Monday, August 26, 2013

Short quiz that may amaze you.


Six trivia questions to see how much history you know. Be honest, it's kinda fun and revealing. If you don't know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers.

Who said it? 1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler C. Joseph Stalin D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few... And to replace it with shared responsibility… for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin B. Mussolini C. Idi Amin D. None of the Above

3) "(We) ... can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khruschev B. Josef Goebbels C. Boris Yeltsin D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung B. Hugo Chavez C. Kim Jong Il D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx B. Lenin C. Molotov D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet B. Milosevic C. Saddam Hussein D. None of the above

Scroll down for answers

Answers (1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004. (2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007. (3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007. (4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007. (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007. (6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005. Wanna know something scary? She may be the next socialist president i


Sun Tzu..."If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril."

Living here is la la land

Where everything is oh so grand

Oblivious to their destructive plans

Leaving behind patriotic demands

Trusting others will steer us right

Too busy to join in and fight

Refusing just to see the light

How the hell do we sleep at night?

Questions stick in citizen's throats

How long has it been since up we spoke?

Believe me this is not a joke

Our country is going up in smoke

Questions asked are always deflected

On subjects even remotely detected

To taxes and regulations we are subjected

Only some impose their strong objections

How many excuses have we found

To shirk our duty all around?

Tiny voices are easily drowned

Then raise them NOW! We're going down!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

When Patriots Stumble

When one American...who has done nothing forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth...then all America is in peril." Harry Truman

Forced by fear

A patriot stumbles

His mind is closed, his voice is silenced

Intimidation forced his self reliance

If one by one

Our patriots fall

Deaf to the truth that frees us all

It is inevitable that our Republic will crumble

When more and more patriots begin to stumble

Just the Facts

"We have a natural right to make use of our pens as of our tongue, at our peril, risk and hazard." Voltaire

Silence is not always golden

When our country is in peril

At the hands of those who are sold on

Ethics extremely liberal

Our values now are compromised

We've become tolerant of diminished rights

We accept untruthful alibies

Of those with social justice in their sights

Divisive tactics are a preconceived plan

To fuel the hate aimed at opposers

To deflect the truth that patriots demand

Trusting we will lose our composure

Though our guns remain loaded and ready

We shall start with pen in hand

Keep our voices steady

With education being our plan

We will hope their attempts at bribery

To build their allied base

Can be depressed by our priority

The facts that we embrace

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Your Eyes

Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show are limitation. Look with your understanding.

Look with your eyes

Be fooled by disguise

As far as you can see

Is not nearly where you can be

See the finality

View the humanity

But understand the possibilities

And your hidden capabilities

Let your faith be your guide

Your body be your stride

Your mind have its say

And your eyes illuminate the way

Your Eyes

Don't believe what your eyes are telling you. All they show are limitation. Look with your understanding.

Look with your eyes

Be fooled by disguise

As far as you can see

Is not nearly where you can be

See the finality

View the humanity

But understand the possibilities

And your hidden capabilities

Let your faith be your guide

Your body be your stride

Your mind have its say

And your eyes illuminate the way


The truest character of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance." (Samuel Butler)

Divisive times, self centered ways

Do you love your neighbor or show disdain

Somewhere it is dangerous to go outside

Lock your doors when you take a ride

In the mirror what face do you see?

Is it the one who looks down on me?

Greed for some is the driving force

Collecting welfare is another's of course

We once said hello or have a nice day

Now we walk a little faster and look away

Black on black crime is rising fast

Broken homes increase  more hopes are dashed

Blame is more than just a game

Many excuses are being explained

Funerals for the young are no longer rare

Now it may be unlawful to say a prayer

Either neglect your children or spoil them rotten

Is this how far society has gotten?

Single mothers with no support

Holding down a crumbling fort

Alcohol and drugs now being condoned

Amid the liberal overtones

Abortion by demand is to prevail

What did our country do to fail?


...Self-centered indulgence, pride and lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle." (Billy Graham).

Gone are the days of barn raising

Here are the days of bullying and hazing

Has pride and arrogance taken the lead?

Is sin what now our character breeds?

Gone are the days of loving thy neighbor

Here are the days of intolerance and anger

Where is the progress we made between races?

What is the sadness on the survivor's faces?

Once we talked about the good old days

Are they just tricks my mind plays?

Fewer are those who remember it well

Gone are too many with stories to tell

Friday, August 23, 2013


As Charlie Reese put it..."We...are never really free if we can't control our own government and its policies. And we will never do that if we remain ignorant."


Construct a bill

That is a must to pass

Fill it with pork

Then vote real fast

Add massive payouts

Not acceptable on their own

Now again our budgeting

Is overblown

Executive order

A tool to use

When our congress

Continues to refuse

Recess appointments

Behind their backs

Executive ideals

Slip through the cracks

Face it folks

We failed to see

How we've been losing

Our liberty

As life went on

In our home towns

Back in Washington

They were shooting us down

Thursday, August 22, 2013


God , teach me to slow down. Teach me to listen. Teach me to hear Your whispers as well as Your yells.

Where are the exits to this highway to hell?

I can't take my hands off the wheel

The speed that I travel just can't do me well

Where is some time I can steal?

I can hear all the voices on the radio station

Telling me what to do, what to buy

I'm moving too fast to ask any questions

Or find the right person to ask "why?"

I then hear a gentle voice that urges me to pull over

I do, then I turn off the key

I gather myself into some kind of composure

Realizing my Lord is speaking to me

He shares His advice and a moment of prayer

I swear I feel His hand on my shoulder

Never a believer I wondered "why is He here?"

But this moment was to spiritual to squander

After the encounter I got off of the freeway

And stopped to smell the proverbial roses

My life now has meaning and I'm in control

With God I can take whatever life imposes


Billy Graham..."Once you've lost your privacy, you realize you've lost an extremely valuable thing."

All gone

No more

Unceremoniously out the door

First our privacy and rights

Our dignity vanished in the night

Government expanded before our eyes

Amid the administration's lies

It matters not much now, you see

Our privacy and liberty

Are never more to be



There were stories he would tell

About his life across the sea

The tales of exotic islands

Were intriguing to me

He told of foreign ports

From Asia to Brazil

He laughed about flirting with beautiful women

And the sights he remembers still

Then he got quiet

And looked down at his coffee cup

His hands were wrapped around it

Like he refused give it up

He stared into his coffee

As if there was something floating in there

It was memories of some horrible things

He never thought he'd share

"It has been over thirty years

Since we landed in Beirut

The terrorists were everywhere

In hiding they stayed put"

"We were greeted with a horrid task

Much more terrible than hell

To dispose of the many body parts

Of the local infidel"

" You see, they would not toe the line

With what extremists said was right

So they were murdered, bombed, and tortured

Women were raped for hours that night"

"We tried to act like men

And not be sickened by the sight

But as we gathered up the body parts

Our stomachs were knotted tight"

"We were shot at by those cowards

Who holed up safe behind the scenes

We lost a fellow marine

A kid just past his teens"

"Not many of us slept that good anymore

Our nightmares would not stop

We prayed to see our homeland's shore

Where the terrorists were not"

"How would I know that before I died

We'd have those killers in our midst

What could we have done to stop them?"

My friend tightened up his fists

I know now why he looked away

As this story he revealed

A marine is not supposed to cry

The tears he had concealed


Stephen King..."No one likes to see a government folder with his name on it."


Your life was just a simple one

Good family, friends, and neighbors

If someone needed anything

They would come to you for favors

You are proud of your convictions

You stand up for your rights

Now you are faced with new restrictions

Because you have joined in to fight

You insist the Constitution

Has always been our friend

Now you see that  revolution

Might need to happen in the end

The government is growing

Recording all you say and write

You've grown concerned with  knowing

Your country is changing overnight

It has come down to normal citizens

For the act of standing bolder

Are being scrutinized by politicians

And your life labeled in a folder

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

In Limbo

Just listening to a lot of Rod Stewart songs today and it led me to these lyrics of my own.

In Limbo

What are these visions that come to me as I sleep?

Of someone now gone, what are these images that I keep?

Why do my dreams welcome you as I am alone in my bed?

Who are you dreaming about instead?

Where did the tender moments go when your heart touched mine?

Was it easy for you to leave our past behind?

What happens to our heartfelt words once spoken?

Do they just fade away when promises are broken?

The smell of the aftershave and perfume we once wore

Made unique from the chemistry we once had before

It is long gone now in the breeze of our goodbyes

What is this rain that keeps falling from my eyes?

I still feel it but do you still know the touch?

It is probably true that you don't remember that all too much

Where do all the feelings go when lovers part?

Is there someone out there who can heal my broken heart?

Marian Beatty 8/21/13


"Dissent is the highest form of patriotism" Howard Zin

Of course I will ride the gentle steed

One sure footed and well controlled

I hope he has some spirit, though

Just enough to show he's bold

Hand me the reins of the broken down horse

And I will lead him on his way

Nurture him and heal his soul

He will see a better day

Present me with a wild beast

Who will buck and kick towards the sky

It is up to me to take control

And never question why

I look upon the steeds before me

Like I see my government's goals

It is up to We the People

To get her errors resolved


Mark Twain..."Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it."


I will wear my colors proudly

I will forever salute the flag

When asked about our principles

I will be more than ready to brag

I will love my fellow Americans

Defend them all if I am asked

Just as our ancestors did

In valid wars of the past.

I will support our chosen government

I will vote with my heart and mind

And will expect in turn my government

Will reciprocate in kind

But if my government looks to take control

And abolish our liberty

I will fight it within an inch of my life

For America the free

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


After Beirut I knew that it wasn't the end of it and that it wasn't just an isolated attack as some suggested. The Marine barracks was on flat land at the bottom of a hill and as we sorted through the bodies the muslims at the top of the hill danced with joy as others took up sniper positions to try and pick off some more infidels. They did arrest an 18 year old girl after she had exposed herself enough to kill a member of the recovery party. They displayed vicious heartless behavior and yet they had the gall to profess that they were a peaceful religion. Anybody who ever served in the mideast knew that America would someday be exposed to terrorism on our own soil.

This is a perfect demonstration of ignorance...political correctness is about the most ignorant postures of all. Qhen we speak of ignorance and political correctness this is precisely what Sun TZU was getting at in the know your enemy part of his book THE ART OF seems that if we think that everybody wants to be our friend then it will magically ignorant can you get!? When they say ignorance is bliss, I say ignorance will get ya killed!


"The evil that is in the world almost always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence if they lack understanding." Albert Camus


Inside his heart he means well

His intentions have always been good

But he has always been too busy to question the facts

This has led to the character he lacks

Born of innocence and raised the best

He should be a man who can pass every test

But ignorance has overcome all his good

He never questioned all the people he should

Another sheep a good man has become

Because he failed to see evil and run

He is now one of many who let us all down, yes

Unfortunately it is they who ultimately surround us


socrates said..."False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil."


Hear them

Absorb them

Fail to question them

Evil words by evil people flow freely

Allow them

Embrace them

Fail to erase them

Is this who we are, really?

Live them

Love them

Don't rise above them

Let the evil rule your soul

Use them

Abuse them

Light the fuse then

You are part of it now, you know.

Believe them

Don't grieve them

Reuse and retrieve them

Lies are the corruption of mankind

Keep them

Increase them

No need to decrease them

Now you control the man's mind

Monday, August 19, 2013


"If we resort to lawlessness, the only thing we can hope for is civil war, untold bloodshed, and the end of our dreams." Archie Lee Moore (1916-1998)


As much as we regret control

And want our lives to be our own

It has come down to the greater good

To curb the violence we have known

So laws for the good of peace and order

Are a means to our protection

But it doesn't mean our lives should be

The subject of government detection

You would not let your body guard

Snoop through your dresser drawers

Anymore than let your government

Invade the business that is yours

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Where is the media and Sharpton for this?

As horrific as this is, it needs to circulate!!!

The animals pictured below car-jacked then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. They cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.

Knoxville (WVLT) - The District Attorney General of Knox County announced the list of charges facing now five suspects in the double murderof Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the State will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury. Lemaricus Davidson, 25 , faces a total of 46 charges.. Letalvis Cobbins, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. George Thomas, 24 , faces a total of 46 charges. Vanessa Coleman, 18 , faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Eric Boyd, 24 , also arrested in connection with the fatal car jacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact.

SO!!!!! Where's Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson? Are they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?

Of course not - the victims were white

Why hasn't this received National coverage by the news media like the Trayvon Martin case in Florida

Oh, that's right - the victims were white

Why hasn't the NAACP, ACLU, New York Times etc., called for an investigation?

Must because the victims were white

Why hasn't the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?

Oh, that's right - the victims were white'

So, if a white radio shock jock uses the phrase 'Nappy headed'Ho, it gets 2 weeks of constant news coverage.

If two white people are tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black people, it barely gets a blip in the news.

Pass this around, and maybe, just maybe, it will land in the hands of someone in the media or politics, who has the guts to stand up for the white people!! Or don't because you don't have the guts either!!


Bring Back The Smiles

"A well developed sense of humor is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk the tightrope of life." William Arthur Ward

When you think there is nothing left to make you smile

And there has been nothing but heartache mile for mile

If you think you've lost faith and are no longer proud

Look in the mirror and laugh out loud

If finances have left you with worry lines

And you can't figure how you got so far behind

It is time to step away from the budget and graphs

Think about the times when it was easy to laugh

When your children have reached your final nerve

Or monotony has thrown you another curve

Eliminate the frowns that cramp your style

Bring back that warm and friendly smile

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Sons of Islam everywhere, the jihad is a establish the rule of Allah on earth and to liberate your countries and yourselves from American domination and zionist allies, it is your battle...either victory or martyrdom." Ahmed Yassin


Hate the Americans for they are the infidel

Maim their bodies and send their souls to hell

Allah Akbar...shoot, cut bomb

Rid the world of them, for they do not belong

Fly the planes into buildings, rule the sky

Watch their people burn and die

Celebrate for Allah as he supports Jihad

Teach the infidels who praise a Christian God

Friday, August 16, 2013


.by Samuel Johnson

"No government power can be abused long. Mankind will not bear it. There is a remedy in human nature against tyranny that will keep us safe under every form of government."


Like the birds we were born to spread our wings

Experience freedom among other things

Our voices were made to sing loud and clear

It is in our nature to overcome our fear

Some have black hearts and manipulate

Engineer our lives and seal our fate

Obsessed with power to run the show

Able to take us where we refused to go

Most of us have souls with liberty's spirit

We reject oppression as well as fear it

Wars on prosperity oppressors declare

True Americans won't let them take us there

Although there are some who will fall in line

Amid the handouts they've become the blind

No, we won't let them clip our wings

America is the land where freedom rings

We've stood our ground many times before

Hand to hand and shore to shore

We will defend our liberty one more time

And leave another tyrant behind

Thursday, August 15, 2013

He who overtakes you

If Plato were to describe Obama, this is what he would say..."There are three classes of men; lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of gain."


Salute the men who covet wisdom

Then question boldly to make it their own

They are those who improve the system

Know who they are and where they are going

The men of honor who grace our presence

Are the ones who live for truth

They will change the path to immoral acceptance

They rebuff the lies and show you the proof

Then there are those who live for gain

At their own whim they change our lives

His ideology though quite insane

Somehow gains acceptance when he arrives

He is quite the orator and seems sincere

People take him at face value

The parasites and takers cheer

As he secretly manipulates you

All the wise and honorable men

Will die trying to show you the way

The narcicist will do you in

While you flounder in dismay

Will it be those who attempt to lead you home

Trying never to forsake you

The ones who respect the things you own

Or will you follow he who overtakes you?

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Plato said something interesting about dictatorships..."Dictatorships naturally arise out of a democracy and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty."


Can being so free induce the pain

Of leaders who rise above our cause

To control our lives again and again

Manipulating us with oppressive laws?

If leaders choose to circumvent

The rights we own and should demand

And we allow it now with no desent

Can government take us by the hand?

If by the hand they lead us down

A primrose path where all is free

Isn't it true it will come around

That handouts steal our liberty?

By the time we realize it

Will it be too late for questions?

Will we live oppressed and then despise it?

Too late to have learned our lessons.

Monday, August 12, 2013



He won the hearts of many

There was history to be made

But skills, there were not any

And soon his games were played

The country has paid dearly

For lavish vacations and his golf

He would act so cavalierly

At the parties he would host

He has not stopped the spending

The wars continue to rage

And his lies are never ending

As he is standing on his stage

The minions he has selected

Are Socialist to the core

His duties are neglected

As he takes off out the door

Air Force One is his private jet

He chalks up many miles

He is always off to some event

The main stream media he beguiles

His term is not as accurate

As it claims on the  campaign poster

The hope and change is as commensurate

With him being the great imposter

If They Win

Aristotle had Obama pegged long ago..."Man perfected by society is the best of all animals; he is the most terrible of all when he lives without law, and without justice."

He sits in office high above us

Because he gained our trust

Now he's chosen to rebuff us

Which has led to our disgust

He thinks that he's above the law

He and all his cronies

They think they are the face of awe

In truth they all are phonies

It's a jungle now in which we reside

We are hunted now as prey

There's no place for us to hide

They record all that we say

As government had grown so big

And social justice sets in

They own us now right from the crib

Until the day they do us in

Lawmakers Take Heed

SOPHOCLES put it..."Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law."

We handed over our confidence

When we decided to select you

Based on all your promises

We had faith to elect you

Laws you make for our own good

That certainly is understood

Before you pass one with a flaw

Remember you're not above the law

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is denying healthcare our holy graile?

Mr. Obama said it is the Conservative's will to deny healthcare to 30 million people.
Is he correct in his assumption?

I say absolutely not.

Look at the cost of Obamacare:

It is now projected it will increase the cost of premiums.

The cost of regulating and maintaining Obama are will be off the charts.

Doctors will have to raise their fees as will all other medical entities to keep up with the cost of billing and such.

How many doctors will retire rather than deal with Obamacare, how many prospective doctors will change their minds and go into other fields?

Obamacare will be an intrusion in the lives of all Americans and a huge leap towards big government.  Health care is a major part if the world economy and this administration will be first in line to claim their power.

Would it be less costly for the government to just cover the medical bills of the 30 million people without health care? After all, the government has guaranteed business loans, housing loans, student loans,  loans, etc that are high risk and likely not to be paid. Why not give those who need healthcare benefits a loan to obtain minimal coverage payable through deductions from disability or welfare payments? Or if left voluntary, perhaps some if the 30 million would actually pay. 

Maybe it's time for some of these people to take responsibility for themselves, or for their families to chip in.

Mr. Obama, we do not want to deny 30 million people healthcare, we just don't believe the government needs to take control.

Healthcare REFORM not government TAKEOVER please!


"Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love."


Is it something I said

That made you love me?

Well chosen words that made an impression

Just the right tone

And voice inflection

Is it how I used my words with skill

That grows the confidence

I try to instill?

Does my choice of words

Build some excitement?

My words in anger

Cause your chastisement?

It's not only what I do

It's mainly what I say

That will cause you pain

Or make your day


.."Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with deeper meaning." Maya Angelou


Words can hurt

Words can heal

They are on your shirt

Some have appeal

Words will teach

For self improvement

They are used to preach

And bring amusement

Words are bitter

Ugly and hateful

They are a trigger

To deeds so shameful

Some words are sweet

Helpful, and wise

They can be upbeat

Or terrorize

They are your voice

Your pencil, your pen

Words are said by choice

And often condemn

It is how you use them

That cause perception

The message they send

Is your reflection

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Obamacare's Stranglehold

How in the world can so many people be so uninformed that they will allow the implementation of Obamacare to proceed? They just can't get past the phrase free health care. The facts are that insurance rates are going up for those of us who have taken responsibility and carried it. In addition to that the majority who pays for health care will be paying for those who cannot or will not provide it for themselves. For those with or existing conditions that are denied health care, reform and interstate sales of insurance would take care of that. Revamping our whole healthcare system was not necessary. Health care insurance was the problem that needed to be addressed. IMO, it is all about the takeover of the lives of the citizens by an ever expanding government. Obama are will be one if the mist devastating enemies we will face as we try to rescue our floundering Republic, our liberty, and our economy.



Take notice of the way the liberal progressives have convinced the blacks, the latinos, certain groups of women, and of course the welfare poor that they are VICTIMS. Convincing these groups that they are victims have been in the progressive playbook for many years.  The progressives have also managed to convince these groups that they and they alone have the power to lead them to an easy place. The progressives have convinced them that it is the progressive movement that will be their savior. They have convinced these so called victims that it is the government who has the power to lead them to equal justice. Yes equal justice and equality and social retribution to those who have oppressed them. The "Victims" are charmed with hollow promises which are accepted because of all the free stuff, food stamps, cash payments, special laws like affirmative action, not to mention the weapons of racisism and prejudice against those evil conservatives. The "Victims" in their poverty and so called suffered injustices are in despair. And despair is nothing more than anger with no place to go.  The progressives direct that anger toward conservatives holding them responsible for all that is wrong with their lives. The progressives have convinced these so called victims to join them in the progressive movement and to follow blindly, being led to believe that the progressives alone can lead them to total salvation. The progressives have capitalized on the bitterness and anger and managed to direct it against the "RICH" and elite. Being convinced that the conservatives alone are the source of their inability to move ahead as a society, the progressives engineer ways to put in place various socialist programs as a way to punish the evil "Rich conservative white establishment". Soon with all these entitlements going to these so called victims, the progressives own the victims voting block which can only continue to grow.  More power goes to those elites who lead the progressives. This socialist theory worked well for Hitler and Stalin because that's how they came to complete power. The Progressives know in their hearts that socialism doesn't work, it never has and they know it to the depths of their dark souls. It's all about a power base and once the power base is 100% in place there is no need to bribe the poor, everyone except the elites will be poor, and everyone will be oppressed equally. Those who consider themselves victims are in fact making themselves into even bigger more oppressed victims. Be careful who you follow!

JT Dixon



"If you run across a path with nothing in your way then it probably leads you to nowhere." J.T. Dixon


The highways stretch across the country

70 miles per hour, no lights, no stops

Your only concerns are

The traffic and cops

There are many souls on the highway

To uncertainty they're headed

Finality is on their mind

Firmly embedded

Pedal to the metal

Living life with no purpose

Being only skin deep

Never straying from the surface

I have chosen the back roads

Which are sometimes quite slow

Knowing when I get there

There will be nowhere else to go

While I am stalled in my progress

Before I restart

There is plenty of time

For the things in my heart

I find that life filled with obstacles

Is what living is about

Not life on the fast track

And an easy way out


"Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely experienced for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." C.S. Lewis


So you are promised a handout

Food, housing, free phones

Easy disability claims

Healthcare, student loans

Isn't it obvious

It is too good to be true

Once you are beholding

The government owns you

They convince you you're victims

Of the rich and elite

Offer the freebies

To keep you on your feet

You are settled in poverty

With no direction but down

With nobody working

And no success to be found

The government won't worry

About the voters anymore

Once their Socialist agenda

Has its foot in the door

Friday, August 9, 2013


Leo Roston...

"The purpose of life is not just to be happy. The purpose of life is the be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all."


So you think you are, or are going to be, or trying to be happy

Is that all you want of you?

Is there anything beyond yourself that you would want to be?

With some, that is all they really plan to do

Is your compassion self directed?

Are your responsibilities just your own?

Are your duties carefully selected

For just the seeds you've sown?

Are you ready to shed the selfishness and take a stand for something?

There has to be a time for others to count

Will you leave this world accountable for nothing

Mountains straight ahead that you failed to surmount?

To have been so narcicistic

That the world revolved without you

Your goals were so simplistic

There is no one to surround you

Thursday, August 8, 2013


The whole problem with the world is that FOOLS and FANATICS are always so certain of themselves, and WISER people are so full of doubts." Betrand Russell

When the Fool's Rush In

Forward they go

With wild abandon

Sure of themselves

With nothing to stand on

Fools and fanatics

With unscrupulous notions

Are destroying our Republic

We are set for implosion

The wiser of people

Take time for some thought

Preserving the liberty

We forever have sought

Riddled with doubt

About how to proceed

Taking the time

To do what they need

The fool's and fanatics

Destroy at will

While the ones with the answers

Just ponder their skill

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Goodbye Old Friend

The faithful steed for years gone by

Stood ready for battle with a gleam in his eye

Though battle never came to let him know his glory

It was his companionship that was the real story

Now old and frail his life slowly leaves him

It will be forever that I truly grieve him

The spirit of an Arabian is forever loving a friend

After trotting across the Rainbow Bridge his life will never end

Goodbye Mac Man

El Saheerh
February 16, 1987-August 7, 2013

The 24 years I spent with you has been a blessing.


"In order to experience everyday spirituality, we need to remember that we are spiritual beings spending some time in a human body." Barbara de Angelis


Move beyond your beauty

Get past your scars

Live from your spirit

Reach boldly for the stars

Let your body take you

Through this phase that you are seeing

It is only for a short time

You will live within this being

Celebrate your spirituality

That within you resides

Understand the reality

Who you are is what's inside


"The real problem in the hearts and minds of is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man." Einstein


Here we live in a civilized society

Raised to avoid too much impropriety

So much charity is within our collective hearts

Love for our God and country is where it all starts

Then there are the renegades who infiltrate and occupy

They are the ones with evil minds to which no conscience will apply

We are at a loss to understand these evil proliferators

Too many people die at the hands of these  perpetrators

No one knows what drives the hate inside they store

Or the violence set upon us that good men will abhor

If we could understand their cause we could try to rein them in

Where in their hearts and minds does the need for pain begin?

As good people bury loved ones who so violently had to die

We still look upon the evil deeds, shake our heads, and wonder why?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Lao Tzu ..."Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them---that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward whatever way they like."


Like the ocean ebbs with the tide

And changes the face of the beach

Forward the wandering cowboy rides

To the future we should always reach

Lost in the past with no motivation

Your path grows impassable or hidden in weeds

Melancholy memories fill each conversation

Yesterday will fulfill no needs


Lao Tzu ..."Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them---that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward whatever way they like."


Like the ocean ebbs with the tide

And changes the face of the beach

Forward the wandering cowboy rides

To the future we will should always reach

Lost in the past with no motivation

Your path grows impassable or hidden in weeds

Melancholy memories fill each conversation

Yesterday will fulfill no needs


Lao Tzu
"Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish ---too much handling will spoil it."


Craving power they instigate

More laws in which to regulate

We the People's liberty taken

A patriot's freedom is forsaken

The more that they manipulate

Ban from use and integrate

The less we have to call our own

Gone is the country we all had known

Monday, August 5, 2013


"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will." .

Your Masterpiece

We accept it, won't reject it

But some still fear it

We live it and love it

In directions we steer it 

We try to make our limited time count

It takes time to figure it all out

Life is handed to you on a clean slate

We have a commission to fill before it's too late

Your masterpiece is the promise you fulfill

You won't live forever, your creation will


"You are not a beautiful unique snowflake...this is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."

Melting Away

They are all so different they say

Snowflakes hit the ground and melt away

The beauty is there for all to see

They fell to earth so wild and free

But gone too soon to our dismay

You, of course, are a beautiful entity

Living life as it's supposed to be

The clock is ticking as your heart is beating

It won't last forever, with the reeper competing

You melt away with time, you see


The things you own end up owning you.


The car you have was a beautiful buy

You want to always make it shine

It takes your money to keep it like new

You don't own it, it owns you

That house you bought when you were wed

An investment, you thought, more debt instead

No matter what you say is true

You'll never own it, it owns you

Satisfied with the country where you we're born

In time it's become fractured and torn

"But it is mine to maintain, the red white and blue!"

You don't own the government now, it owns you!


Searching for questions I need to ask

Frustrated I can't find my way

How on earth can I finish my task?

Can't think of the questions to ask today

Worn and humiliated I continue my task

To whom may I direct my questions?

I need answers to questions I cannot find to ask

Will someone come teach me this lesson?

It finally came in a moment if truth

Each of us must find our own path

It took me years to finally deduce

There are not any answers, don't ask

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Living in a Fantasy

"People don't want their lives fixed. Nobody wants their problems solved. Their dramas. Their distractions. Their stories resolved. Their messes cleaned up. Because what would they have left? Just the big scary unknown."

The drama is our security

Our welcome personal impurity

Our minds and hearts are unemployed

If we spend time living to avoid

With no problems to be solved

There is no reason to evolve

Because there's nothing negative here

Just sit there grinning ear to ear

If you like living in a vacuum

Or existing off in Neptune

And life is never in disarray

Your world is just a shade of gray

Perpetual Happiness is Madness

"Did perpetual happiness in the garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?"

Can people be so happy?

Should we exist at the amusement park?

Will the glee become so sappy

Some would welcome the eerie darkness?

There is no such thing as perpetual bliss

To try to achieve it is denial

Challenges really do exist

It's just part of our survival

Should you insist your life's completely

Void of any normal upheaval

You are living life obliquely

And your madness is for real

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Ronald Reagan once said "the government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them."

Friday, August 2, 2013


One more quote from Hitler's minister of propaganda..."We have made the Reich by propaganda." Gobbels

Not All Voter's Choices Are Wise

The people adored him and found him charming

They didn't see the evil he was harboring

They drove his success and made their selection

By a landslide he won the election

His darkness was revealed in the power

He soon made his followers cower

Obsessed with creating his perfect regime

He murdered the ones not part of his dream

Yes Hitler was the people's choice

They cheered him at the top of their voices

He hid well his evil disguise

Can it be not all voter's choices are wise?

Feeding the Lies

Here is a quote from Martha Gellhorn who was a war reporter who married Hemmingway (for 5 years" "Gradually I came to realize that people will more readily swallow lies than truth, as if the taste of lies was honey, appetizing,: ...a habit."

Feeding the Lies

Like cherry flavored medicine

And candy coated pills

Lies can be disguised

We never get our fill

Propaganda spread by fairies

That so innocently we trust

Are really bitter lies

That should bring forth our disgust

When we recognize the wrapping

Hides agendas that will harm us

We will search for the reality

And the truth will adequately arm us

In His Own Mind

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.

Winston Churchill 1874-1965

In His Own Mind

Reality is often too hard to face

One can alter who he appears to be

So ordinary life is then replaced

With a life of his own fantasy

Once living in lies becomes his way

Reality is lost in time

The person he is trying to convey

Is just lies and truth combined

If perhaps, the righteous truth

Would try to block his way

He demands that life show him the proof

His false self he will again portray

Those who knew him well agree

He has become one they no longer know

They avoid the person he pretends to be

Without him they chose to go

The Threat

I have seen the rise and fall of Nazi tyranny, the subsequent cold war and the nuclear nightmare that for 50 years haunted the dreams of children everywhere. During that time my generation defeated totalitarianism and as a result, your world is poised for a better tomorrow. What will you do on your journey?

In the fifties the threat of Communism

Had even children aware

Of the danger lurking in the shadows

The apprehension was in the air

Bomb shelter plans were talked about

Some were built and stocked

Schools practiced air raid drills

In case devastating bombs were dropped

Come Presidents Kennedy and Reagan

Who confronted our enemies head on

Contentious walls were crumbled

The fear was finally gone

Then Obama was elected

A historical event

A black president was selected

People applauded in his ascent

Who would have guessed George Soros

And Alinski would pull the strings

And use this radical's presidency

To perpetuate evil things

We the People have foes in media

The patriots have a battle ahead

To depose the Socialist Obama regime

Who on our rights have tread