Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Monsters We've Created

The government is the most dangerous threat to man's rights; it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.
~Ayn Rand

The Monster We've Created
Borne for your protection
Supplied by your direction
Fed by your interjection
But never quite perfection
Fed fat then ignored
And left with unbridled power
The government built by you
Grows steadily by the hour
With your backs turned
I takes your rights
Restricts your freedom
Call your fights
It takes your guns
And leaves you helpless
Steals your money
And leaves you penniless
In apathy you lose control
In all the orders they'll soon extol
Like a boulder downhill they continue to roll
Until they ultimately own your soul

 The monster we've created will have their way
Once they've stifled their victims and have they say

March 15, 2011

Thoughtful Advancement

Every man is free to rise as far as he is able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he'll rise.
~Ayn Rand
Thoughtful Advancement
Climb impetuously the tree of life
With no thought, no plan
Go branch to branch upward and onward
A swiftly advancing man
Luck may have it you will reach the top
Pretty much unscathed
For that to happen with many men
I'd be pretty much amazed
Thoughtlessly climbing, only looking up
With only versitality
Pitfalls are there to be reakoned
With even mass calamities
For the branches of life are sometimes frail
And will snap beneath his weight
And man goes tumbling down again
In his radom thoughtless state
March 15, 2011

My rant for the Ides of March

Our costs of living is continuing to grow out of control. It has been sneaking up on us and people just accept it. Gasoline has risen by nearly 50 cents per gallon this year, groceries are rising weekly penny by penny while people try not to notice. Auto insurance rates are sneaking up along with home insurance (mine went up $200 this year) More and more taxes at every level have been imposed. The nominal amounts add up when heaped one on top of the other. Why can't the schools and towns and cities find ways to live within their means? Because unions are allowed to run rampant over them. We have yet to see the true impact that Obamacare is going to have on us. We shall all have health insurance but at what cost to the hard working Americans footing the bill. Illegals are now our dependents and we are raising their families. Politicians say they are listening and some are trying to stop the madness. Our country is not allowing people to stand on their own two feet and help each other through their own chosen charities. The liberals will not have their entitlement programs cut, conservatives don't seem to be up to the fight and still find themselves exposed to lobbyists. Our President is afraid to take a stand against the terrorists of the world and call a spade a spade. He is also afraid to stand against the evil of the Qudaffis of the world. Sitting back and watching the slaughter of the Libyan people is akin to if we sat back and watched Hiltler slaughter the Jews.
There is some of my rant for today. It goes so much deeper.