Friday, January 31, 2014

Knowing the Stripes

Confucius, Chinese Philosopher. 551

An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.


In the jungle of our perception resides our emotions

Revolving around trust and fear

It is logical to hold the notion

That we fear the tiger and trust what we hear

The tiger is real, we must trust his intentions

He is exactly as he appeared

But from what they've proven, in my contention

Empty promises of a government are to be feared

The Great Forest

Confucius, Chinese Philosopher. 551 BC-479 BC)

If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed, if in terms of ten years, plant trees, if in terms of 100 years, teach the people.


When you think about only day by day

Little accomplishments appears the way

Bits and pieces are the way to go

Plant the seeds and watch them grow

If in years you are able to foresee

Perhaps it is time to plant a tree

A permanent growth to look upon

Your mark on history for when you're gone

But if you think in the terms of a century

It is important to think beyond the tree

In your quest to make the forest stand

We must educate our fellow man

The symbol of our civilization

Was born from our own imagination

A great forest we have created with our own courage

The great men within it will make it flourish

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Altering life's path

And another quote I would like to leave you with today is from HYPATIA, a Greek Philosopher (350-414) You can see he goes way back.

Life is an unfoldment, and the further we travel the more truth we can comprehend. To understand the things that are at our door is the best preparation for understanding those that lie beyond.

"If we can just see who we are, we can have a glimpse of who we can become if we maintain our due course.

If we are satisfied with who we are, we will maintain that course. If there needs to be changes made, the present is the best time to look at your map and change the path of your life's journey."

Marian Beatty

From the Littered Pathway


Life is not a super highway

It is meant to be a walking path

Things left littered along the byways

Are memories left in your past

Come time to time your forward progress

Must be stalled in order to look behind you

It is good for the soul to at times regressed

To pick up memories that in life defined you

People are not a sterile creature

They are made up events experienced along the way

Some are just short clips, some major features

And you are the subject which they portray

Of the littered pieces left behind you

There is always some shreds you will maintain

Little notes that will always remind you

Who you were from where you came

From the littered pathway you grew your heart

Your mind was enriched, your personality uncovered

You developed your soul from merely a spark

And with each glance back you are rediscovered

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

By Our Own Selves Condemned

The quote is from Thomas Edison. It might be a familiar one to you but I think we are all in need of some inspiration.

If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.


We are wrapped within a blanket of self imposed ignorance

Is it too much of an effort to be aware?

We are on the verge of a government imposed dependency

As they whittle away our rights, why do so few people care?

Students find learning a waste of their precious time

Most are at a loss to the core of our history

There is too much of a rush for them in a virtual world

Just look around and you will realize our dilemma is no mystery

So hard our ancestors toiled to retain our liberty

So much sweat on their brows in their pursuit of success

Now we are caught in the web of demeaning liberal greed

Is there any question why our economy is such a mess?

Liberty is costly in sweat equity and continued knowledge

Only being ambitious and informed will freedom thrive

Yes, it is easier to lazily accept a tyrant's handouts

But is it in oppressed poverty we can happily survive?

If we could realize our capabilities the results could be astounding

Chasing rainbows and dreams are surely not a sin

Yet we wallow under the thumb of those who steal all of our hope

Why would we choose to be by our own selves condemned?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Built on a Lie and Rest in Peace

The next quotes are from WOLE SOYINKA. He is a Nigerian Dramatist born 1934:

Power is domination control, and therefore a very selective form of truth which is a lie.


Twisted non facts

Told and denied

Not taking it back

We know it's a lie

"But I didn't know"

More empty excuses

He spends all our dough

For frivolous uses

Won't work with the congress

He wants all the power

There is no hope for justice

With each political encounter

It's the use of the lies

That got him control

Now he is thoroughly despised

In his presidential role

The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.


The storm approaches the republic

But silence is all we will hear

From those who know it is coming

It's a tumultuous atmosphere

It hurts so to be demonized

Labeled a bigot or worse

People remain silent for fear of reprisal

It's a typical political curse

The storm arrives in the form of a tyrant

The silent have been brought to their knees

They have dragged the few vocal down with them

To suffer in their common disease

We have witnessed the death of our country

At the hands of a powerful tyrant

The warnings were not heard in our voices

Because too many chose to be silent

Sunday, January 26, 2014


The works an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hidden under ground, secretly making the ground green.

Thomas Carlyle, Scottish writer, historian, philosopher 1795-1881


You will never see the droplets form

That creates the cloud that brings the rain

Which will drench the thirsty fields

And will nourish the hungry with bountiful grain

You will never see the best of men

Who sacrifice their oft time vain dreams

To give something back to the world around them

So life's opportunities can continue for hapless souls unseen

You will never see our Savior stand

Before you as you say your prayers

But goodness will continue if you believe

That the answers are truly there


The actions of men are the best interpretations of their thoughts. (James Joyce, our Irish writer friend)


It is said we cannot read minds

Can't see inside a person's head

With actions and his rhetoric combined

He is what he is, not what he said

He can make promises

We can see which are kept

By looking under the carpet

For the lies he swept

Yes, we can read a man's thoughts

When we compare what he will say and do

Serious listeners cannot be outfoxed

By a man who stands on words untrue

Saturday, January 25, 2014



Like a vessel left unattended

When our attention is distracted

The tides can take us off our course

And our journey becomes impacted

It may take a lowly seaman

To set the captain straight

For it doesn't always take a captain

To realize we've gone astray

It may be a simple adjustment

Or a completed turn to starboard

To send our ship on course again

And to the safety of the harbor

Lost Things Revealed

The quote is from James Joyce. He was an Irish writer born February 2, 1882.

Every life is many days., day after day. We walk through ourselves meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love. But always meeting ourselves.


I think I met someone today

Amid the crowd of passersby

The foggy image had so much to say

That uncovered my greatest alibi

You see life is formed of many excuses

To explain why dreams are left behind

This encounter seemed so damned intrusive

How dare it open my pointed mind

We as people tend to fool ourselves

That there will be time later for our fantasies

So we put more and more life on the shelf

And make daily drudgery our priority

Myself, he told me to look back

To see what times I let pass by

Important things swept through the cracks

Extended hugs and lullabies

Dreams of a child deemed frivolous

Hopes of a newlywed put aside

Our outlooks that we labeled ridiculous

So much we could have done but never tried

I hope this encounter with myself

Has come in time to make some changes

While I still have ability and decent health

And before I've turned all my pages

The Laughing Lady


Amid the amusement park, the crowd, the glee

One place repels the likes of me

How did such evil invade our space

It is supposed to be a happy place

Disguised in all the euphoric  sounds

Is an evil laughter to be found

The horrible laughing lady dwells

To bring our outing to the gates of hell

Good memories there should have always been

But this one of her comes creeping in

It took one glass-enclosed mannequin to destroy

A trip to an amusement park that brought such joy

Friday, January 24, 2014

The Escape

If I had no sense of humor, I would have long ago committed suicide. Ghandi


There comes a time in everyone's life

There is nowhere left to run and hide

The only way to stick around

Is to paint your face and be a clown

It is the only defense I know

When you have nowhere else to go

Wrinkles etched upon a face turned down

Can't be read behind the painted face of a clown

Disguised With Humor

Good humor is one of the preservatives of our peace and tranquility. Thomas Jefferson


I'm living under the big top

The clowns are my best friends

They always keep me laughing

With their big shoes an billowing pants

I love the prancing horses

The monkeys are a hoot

I avoid the lion's cage

On the high wire there's no parachute

Under the big top there is laughter

So I am very well prepared

Sadness can escape me

At least while I am there

But when time is slow and life is dark

And the circus tent is void of sound

I can feel past all the laughter

I'm really afraid of clowns

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Blind Will Follow

quote is from Marilyn von Savant, an American Writer.

Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion.


The cellar dwellers with their Internet assault

On anyone who dares to question them

They say right winged bigots are at fault

And it's time for the affluent to take their medicine

Misinformed they tend to lead the way

For their president to usurp our liberty

But have they researched the things they say?

Do they truly believe all this negativity?

They defend their arguments with well defined lies

Made up stories is what they tender

When will the sheeple realize

True patriots will never surrender

The administration who will tax us, burden us with regulations

Still find those ignorant factions to fuel their causes

It is with division and truth's manipulation

That brings them over the lines they crossed

The only weapons the socialists have at hand

Are ignorant voters looking for all they can get

Are they just incapable to understand

The real devastation hasn't happened yet?

While under the thumb of crooked politicians

And a government seeded with mass corruption

Economic growth remains in remission

While America faces fiscal destruction

The blind will continue to follow the leaders into the dark

Because there is nowhere else to go

And it is on this journey they embark

Because in ignorance it is misplaced loyalty they know

Misplaced Priorities

quote from EDWARD R. MURROW, American Journalist.

We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.


For our military duty calls

For the citizens liberty falls

In Washington progress stalls

In the divided legislative halls

Our dollars are spent for freedom there

In Afghanistan deadly arms they bear

On tv screens we often stare

At the political rhetoric the liars share

In Afghanistan, boots are on the ground

They receive and fire another round

More good soldiers going down

Leaving grieving families in their hometown

Terrorism is alive and well

No matter what old lies they tell

Social justice they try to sell

And our deficit continues to swell

More soldiers to Afghanistan

Spending months in the burning sand

Political agendas proceed as planned

Taxes rising and arms are banned

The right will fight with no avail

Economy continues to fail

Media bias beyond the pale

Will the left achieve their holy graile?

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Agenda

The quote is from Frederick Douglas, 1817-1895. He was an African American social reformer, orator, and writer.

"When justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and when any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe."

These words are so in tune with what we are facing today with an extreme liberal progressive movement. They are following it like a script!


We read the news and hear the pundits

On radio and tv

Where government's latest culprit

Again is going free

No justice for the common folks

As more scandals are uncovered

The truth is hidden in mirrors and smoke

More lies go undiscovered

When people are forced into poverty

Thinking they are entitled

Success is put in jeopardy

When welfare has them bridled

It is just another tool

To keep boots upon their throats

Indoctrination in the schools

Freebies guarantee the votes

Keep people ignorant to our history

Reliant on The Man

Make them think that all their misery

Comes at the rich man's hand

Oppression and submission

No, people aren't the same

If there are questions and suspicion

You are racist, you're to blame

Loss of your possessions

Will be their final score

When they finally get the guns

There will be liberty no more

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Extreme Politics

This quote is as true as it gets. Love it!

What is objectionable, what is dangerous, about extremist is not that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant. The evil is not what they say about their cause, but what they say about their opponents.

Robert Kennedy


There is sometimes deep inside of men

That set their souls on fire

The compassion that envelopes them

Which sets goodness to transpire

It will drive them to extremes, sometimes

To do more than lend a hand

Willing they are to cross the lines

To enable their fellow man

Then there is yet another extreme

That drives men to seek more power

Their goal is to take control, it seems

And cause lesser men to cower

Our forefathers had given us tools, you know

In the form of check and balance

When far left or right the power flows

Our constitution should give us precedence

But over time we fall back on our heels

And think our freedom is set in stone

Apathy in our hearts conceal

How much government has grown

Amid our tolerance for extreme agendas

And our ignorance of where countries have failed

Then we are fed three meals of propaganda

Allowing the extremist to prevail

One day the government offers universal care

The next day they take our guns

It happens while most are unaware

And the patriots just stand stunned

The bullseye is in the center

Not far left or right

Are we really ready to surrender

While they burn the stars and stripes?

Monday, January 20, 2014

Love Or Hate

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King Jr. 1929-1968


Lure me not into your darkness

Invite me not into you hell

I choose to romp in the sunshine chasing my dreams

Not hide from the shadows of nightmares of ominous things

My vision in life is love and camaraderie

In friendship I prefer to lend my hand

Evil voices get this straight

I'll not reside in your world of hate

Positive dreams are more pleasant to share

Than nightmares that cause us to shudder

Love nourishes, enriches, feeds your good soul

Hate eats you alive slowly in a dark hell hole

As only light can obliterate the darkness

You can shine your happiness on the lives you touch

Love can cast hate into the deepest well

Keeping those around you from a living hell

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk. SUSAN SCARF MERRELL


There they were when I was born

My older siblings they would stay

As long as we all were children

They wouldn't go away

There I was when they arrived

My little siblings to mentor

I was in charge of keeping them

Facing front and center

But alas we all go our separate ways

Not that we didn't care

But each of us had families

And lots of love to share

Through life sporadic gatherings

Would bring awkward howdy do's

It is funny when people drift apart

Family memories can go unused

If siblings are the fortunate ones

Who find a chance to reconnect

Growing older can be much brighter

As their lives now intersect

Old memories like a favorite stew

Can be stirred and happily shared

We can look back on the good times

Or discover why we were spared

We may open up some wounds

But together we will heal

We can become philosophical

Or discuss our morning meal

While our children are living busy lives

We again as sisters and a brother

Find comfort as we age together

Remaining young with one another

We will dance to songs that moved us

So many years ago

We will laugh about our escapades

When we found the time to grow

We will share our journeys bad and good

And wipe a tear or two

We will smile sincerely as we remember

Our daily I love you

My Brother the Hero

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a Superhero. MARC BROWN


To my parents he is a son

To his teachers another student

To his friends he was a classmate

To his challengers an opponent

To the sailors he was a shipmate

To his employees he was boss

To his enemies he is personna non grata

That's ok, it is their loss

He is everything to many

And nothing to a few

But to me he is a hero

Super in my view

For a little girl a little danger

Can be big in her own mind

But when she has an awesome brother

She can leave her fears behind

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Don't We Care?


How can a people having liberty sit back

Allowing our elected officials to act

As treasonous thieves of freedom they go

And take all the perks we have come to know?

How can ignorance overrun a society

With education a jewel of our dynasty

And be allowed to elect the social engineers

Who from past history we once had feared?

Why do we allow an executive branch

To undermine congress at every chance?

How did the parties become so divided

That laws and budgets can't be decided?

Why are so many citizens drawn

To the welfare and subsidies they now are on?

When once this great country stood on pride

And the yearn for success held deep inside?

How did secular society permeate

And divide our country with mistrust and hate?

Why are patriots held in contempt today

When patriotism was once our way?

How did the bright flag that we once flew

Become a faded red, white, and blue?

Why are We the People no longer proud

And anthems in schools no longer allowed?

Socialism has proven to be

A stake in the heart of society

A government will own us, we are all aware

Yet why don't We the People care?


The quote is from Ludwig Von Mises, an Austrian Economist (1881-1973)

The worst evils which mankind has ever had to endure were inflicted by bad governments.


Have we not learned from history

What the evil men can do

In the name of government

How they can control and torture you?

Big governments past

Have risen to evil heights

Regulating the people's lives away

Refusing them their rights

The past should paint a picture

Not difficult to decipher

About all the damage governments have done

When they became the great divider

Promises had become an iron fist

Death and starvation had become a fact

Governments cannot stop their rise

Once there are no more patriots to react

While there are some who see it coming

There are too many satisfied

To be thrown crumbs of an existence

As a frugal compromise

When government has grown to such a size

Our rights are recognized no more

And our guns have now been taken

By the soldiers at our door

Right before our eyes

Our constitution can be shredded

And liberty as we knew it

Is systematically beheaded

Will we look upon the past

And wonder why we had not learned?

How evil men can become your leaders

While apathetic backs are turned

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Generals Know

General Douglas MacArthur.

I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so much as any threat from without but from the insidious forces working from within.


The general sits quietly behind his desk

Pondering this situation

He is a patriot so much concerned

Forthe integrity of our nation

He knows the power within government

Has become the enemy

And the wars he is ordered to fight

Are not about our liberty

He sees that democracy is failing

With each directive he receives

And he is sure he knows the facts

Not just something he believes

The real force we are facing

Is coming from within

It is our progressive government

From who we must defend

The general lowers his head

For now it is time to pray

That the citizens will take a stand

And come to save the day

True, he commands the troops

Aptly armed and now in place

But they're programmed by the government

Who is really the enemy we face

Is it time for all the generals

For our patriotic reasons

To take our liberty back

With an act we know as treason?

We have infidels in he White House

Seeking ultimate control

And generals who see inside them

Is it time for heads to roll?

Our Surrender


Potentially, a government is the most dangerous threat to man’s rights; it holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims.


Meant to be our tool

Supposed to be our voices

Elected to represent us

To implement our choices

They have taken on more power

And we are who to blame

Because we never know their intentions

When we put an x beside their name

We have given up our tools

And let them silence our voices

They are there to undermine us

And limit all our choices

We have handed them the weapon

They now point at our heads

And they dare to now disarm us

What's now law is what they've said

And it's no longer We the People

Mapping our destiny

Because our apathy is the reason

We have lost our liberty

A Matter of Perception

But whatever the circumstance I still say CHOOSE TO BE VICTORIOUS!


Just finishing the race is fine for some

It is with great satisfaction we get it done

Other have the need to feel glorious

And end the race victorious

For those of us so glory bound

We pass the treasures the wanderers found

With haste rewards are left along the way

The finishers who reap them are victorious, I'd say

So the winner may be an odd selection

Judged by each alternate perception

Some see the winners are the first to have crossed

Others see how in haste the things they have lost

It Is Not Always Easy

Carl Sandburg:

Life is like an onion. You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.


The path we walk is clear at times

Perhaps a fallen tree might block our journey

But faith in The Lord seems to help us by

With lots of prayer and a bit of worry

When it comes time to cross a stream

Sometimes a refreshing swim will do

When obstacles are more prevalent, it seems

Waiting it out may get us through

The gusty winds we face head on

May be sometimes do or die

We find it hard to just tread on

And need to sit and cry

Amid the challenges we all have faced

Are rewards at every turn

Sometimes we must veer from the map we have traced

And accept the bridges burned


Nelson Mandela:

After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb.


Life is but a series of challenges

Rolling hills along the horizon as far as I can see

But with each hill I've had to climb

A different reward would wait for me

Thursday, January 16, 2014

On to Socialism

The quote is from BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. Ah the wisdom of Ben...

Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.


A once docile people tend the land

Only concerned about the work at hand

That will feed the people their home grown bounty

And let them pursue happiness in a united county

In come the corrupt tyrants moved by their greed

Gathering in groups the people in need

Convincing them all of a generous society

With plenty to give to ease their anxiety

They demonize the workers who have made their own way

Say they are not willing to share from their tray

They promise to help if the people select them

To act as their leaders, legally elect them

Welfare and foodstamps are a new source of living

Taxes upon taxes from the workers now giving

Why should we survive with sweat on our brow

When the government promises to take care of us now?

One by one regulations will strangle them

Companies fold from the rules that entangle them

Big government has everyone under control

A socialist society, that's how they roll

The evil crooks are the robbers no more

The ones to mistrust are the wolves at your door

They come to squeeze taxes from everyone

And while they are at it they are taking your gun

Soon in the darkness, behind doors you must pray

They listen intently to the things that you say

Letters and emails are for their prying eyes

They have captured the people with false promises and lies

Only virtuous people are apt to be free

Tyrants prey on the people with no hope to be seen

Those earning a living under pressure will fall

And poverty will be the curse of us all

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

In the Enemy's Mind

here is a quote from an Iraqi Politician, Jalal Talabani: (born 1938)

A military coup needs a sacrifice and courage that you can’t find in an army without morale.


The morale is always high

When their goal is always to die

Wearing bombs they are more than happy to go

Among our troops and let it blow

There is always excited elation

Each sacrifice brings celebration

They firmly believe that a reward awaits

In their own conception of Heaven's gates

How do we battle this emotion?

That killing and dying are their total devotion

When the spilling of blood is an enemy's lust

And the spilling of their own is an ultimate must

Yet our leaders continue to comply

Ordering death to an enemy who wants to die

It is our boots on the ground who quickly understand

The rewards of the Shiite for their each fallen man

The Death of Their Morale

The best morale exist when you never hear the word mentioned. When you hear a lot of talk about it, it’s usually lousy.

Dwight Eisenhower


It is quiet on the front when the shooting stops

But the bombs in the distance never cease

There is no longer hopeful banter among the soldiers

Just private prayers for those recently deceased

They landed in Afghanistan ready to fight

Young and cocky, they'd be the ones to get it done

But as days turned to night and night's turned to months

All they ever thought of was missing someone

The enemy had no conception of loss

For Allah they were willing to die

For every kill another was there

For Shiite they would always comply

You could tell that this war took its toll

The soldiers knew there would be no surrender

Morale is at an all time low

The war's reason grew hard to remember

The Commander in Chief Vacations in Maui

There are photo ops with wounded vets

The lonely months in Afghanistan

Are as tortuous as any war can get

There is no longer a will to win this thing

An end can no longer be found

They just count the days until fresh troops come in

And their boots are no longer on this God forsaken ground

Monday, January 13, 2014

Making Things Right

Quote from Thomas Sowell who always has wise things to say:

Sometimes it seems as if there are more solutions than problems. On closer scrutiny it turns out that many of today's problems are a result of yesterday’s solutions.


We patched with haste the open wound

We burned our bridges way too soon

We took the deal, could not decline

Because the money was right at the time

In an instant decisions were made

Without thinking dues were paid

But solutions were short lived at best

And old problems came back to haunt us

Will our solutions now become reality

Decisions made as easily as they were yesterday?

Now that there is twice the pain to satisfy

Are hasty solutions possible to rectify?

There is More to Life's Choices Than What They Sing in a Slogan

Edward R. Murrow caught my eye. It’s a simple quote but he makes a good point.

"Our major obligation is not to mistake slogans for solutions."

Can it be we can have a hip hopping day because a slogan says so? Would you try to curb depression based on an advertisement that says Sunny Flakes can brighten your morning? Be advised, problems cannot be solved by heeding snappy sentences created to make you believe there is an easy cure for anything if you buy the product...and that goes for politics, too. M. Beatty

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Day Reality Set In

Heck, aging wasn't bothering me until I found out people were noticing!


I have always been comfortable with aging

I was only as young as I felt

Even though my hormones stopped raging

And I wasn't so trim and svelte

I thought I seemed young for my age

I still listen to hip hop and rock

But today at the store in conversation engaged

Reality was swiftly unblocked

The cashier asked me if I was okay

She wondered if I need help

Sure, I may have looked tired today

But I certainly can fend for myself

The spring in my step may seem like a shuffle

My breath may be tinged with a wheeze

I may seem a bit stooped and lack some true hustle

And my grey hair has been mussed by the breeze

Though I appreciate the compassion

Her courtesy caused me no harm

I may be moved to an act of aggression

If a boy scout offers his arm!

The Bright Side

The weather might not allow us to just sit under the shade of a tree but there is strength and beauty all around us if we are open to seeing it.


It may still be too cold for lemonade or iced tea

It would be silly to sip it under a hibernating tree

But it is never too early to dream of your favorite shady spot

And be thankful you're not sweating in weather too hot

Hope is much different than dread for the day

It makes no sense to wish your valuable time away

Cold winter days can be filled with much pleasure

Planning for a future event you will treasure

A warm winter night before a crackling fire

Fueled by hot chocolate will surely inspire

The arms of your lover holding you close

Will make living through winter the time you love most


My strength never came from political echelon, it came from family, and from the fields and the lands and the flowers and everything I see there. My strength came from there. Ariel Sharon


Strength comes from the environment, your den, your lair

It comes from the people around you with whom you share

It comes from the air you breathe, the mountains you view

And from the innermost part of you

Power comes from people's faith in your dreams

Bad or good deeds and schemes

Power is a gift or what you have taken

A well earned pedestal or of your lies mistaken

Don't mistake your power for your strength

Because people will hold your leadership at arm's length

A strong man is influenced by what is right within

Grown from good will and discipline

Saturday, January 11, 2014

As Life Uses

It is only in sorrow that bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it.

Amelia Barr American Novelist 1831-1919


The majesty of the snow on the night before Christmas

Multiplies the joy of the season

The blanket of white makes the feeling just right

As the crystal-like flakes seem to glisten

The same winter storm can beat a soul down

As it holds us hostage once again

Mighty drifts and bitter ice leave us home bound

And the long winter makes life seem so grim

The spring storm advances amid awe, we're entranced

The light show and thunder roll in

The rains melt the snow giving flowers a chance

The barren brown fields let new grasses grow in

But terror can strike as a whirling wind forms

Our apprehension changes to fear

A killer from the sky has demonized the storm

That as a sign of spring we once welcomed here

Warm breezes and beaches are welcome relief

From the flood and mud and rain

Anticipation of vacations gives us reprieve

Amid the fields of bounty dotting the terrain

But the unbearable heat from the summer sun beating

Keeps us inside where we hide from the fire

The hope of pleasant frolicking ever so fleeting

As a draught burns out our hopeful desire

New autumn colors and chilly fall mornings

Bring the best and worst of summer to an end

Pumpkins for carving, for candy kids starving

On Thanksgiving our blessings we'll send

But alas comes the bad to overshadow the good

As another year has been used and is gone

With bliss and with turmoil we bravely stood

Enduring what was right and the wrong

Life is not always poetry and hope

There are always pitfalls and pain

We can only rely on our ability to cope

And not let reality drive us insane

Friday, January 10, 2014

When it All Comes Together

Steps can be such beasts in waiting. Hope it is not broken....

a quote from P.L. Berger born 1929 in Austria and became a US citizen. He was a Sociologist.

Things are not what they seem. Social reality turns out to have many layers of meanings.


In the mass of people, our population

Scores of stories invade space and time

What we see in correlation

Are many factions of life entwined

We may never really see most social realities

Not butted up to our own life's carousel

Our existence is our own generalities

Our own Heaven, our own hell

Newscasts seem a distant fiction

When we adhere to our general daily grind

We ride our own waves, endure our own friction

Out of sight means out of mind

Once like factions invade many spaces

And we all converge upon a common grade

We will share the challenges of other places

And in commonality our beds are made

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Heeding History

Study history. Study history. In history lies all the secrets of statecraft.

Winston Churchill


Full steam ahead

Have no fear

No lights are red

The highway is clear

Wait! Not too fast

The clues are behind you

Glance back

See where the pitfalls may find you

No Longer Idle

Mahatma Ghandi

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.


People sitting, waiting, hoping

Fingers crossed, yet completely mute

Where are we going my countrymen?

Is it a resurgence or perhaps we will be destitute?

It comes to mind when all is said and done

In neutral this vehicle won't run

Only patriots with heart  have the keys

But cannot succeed being the only ones

People standing, proceeding, likely succeeding

When they had progressive politics up to here

No longer idle, now proceeding

No longer paralyzed with fear

Mountains to climb, liberty craved

With initiative their freedom can be saved

Moving forward as one

United patriots will get the job done

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Man From the Mission


The man from the mission came over that day

To help shovel the snow that halted our business, per se

He asked for nothing, just coffee and chat

It was very lonely at the point of life he was at

We took him for lunch and talked for awhile

He still had some dreams of a better life style

We bought him a hat, warm boots, and some gloves

He seemed to cherish our offer of love

Time passed and our homeless friend didn't appear

For some time he vacated the mission so near

We thought of him often and hoped he was well

Life on the street must be some kind of hell

The next year another humongous snow came to town

The mission man again arrived as the snow blanketed the ground

He still sported the boots and the gloves and the hat

But the spring in his step we will never forget

Our kindness and appreciation dealt him new hope

He realized that with  courage and respect he could cope

He had been steadily working and making a living

And was anxious to thank others for the help he was given

He grabbed a shovel and and joined in our task

Just volunteered, we didn't even ask

He invited us to lunch and wanted to treat us

And explained how easily the world can beat us

Our friendship, he said, made him feel like the man

Who once could not but has proven he can

That man from the mission we considered a friend

We would pray for the progress for this man on the mend

This man on a mission to retrieve self respect

No longer himself he would ever neglect

He had a new future of progress to fill

And looked satisfied as he took care of the bill

Material Perks Set Aside


Keep what you have earned and not what you covet

Accept what is offered in the spirit of giving

Review your jealousy and rise above it

For what is taken from you, be forgiving

Embrace, if you will, things of the heart

Superficial tokens often bring pain

Set your luxuries and true treasures apart

Gold is often an emotional strain

Set your material perks aside

Let charity and love freely flow

Purge all the guilt you have hidden inside

Feel the warmth from the fire in your heart set aglow

Let the sight of a miracle be your lust

When it brings another true redemption and joy

When your righteous emotion becomes what you trust

You have reached the greatest skill a mortal can employ

Do Not Disturb the Watery Tomb0


The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient...One should lie empty, open, as a beach....waiting for a gift from the sea.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh


The deep holds secrets from time past

Sailors and passengers in the deep are aghast

As scavengers disturb their ghosts

Taking what they will from the ancient hosts

The Titanic lay sullen in the deep

With the souls of the lost now asleep

Now people pillage what was rightfully hoarded

In the tomb of the ship they so eagerly boarded

Graves in the sea are not viewed with reverence

Curses overcome the scavengers with such arrogance

Thieves pillage the treasure of those resting below

The ghosts of sea watch and they know

Take what you will from the beaches washed ashore

Offerings from the depths of the ocean floor

Trinkets released from the lost resting below

To the waves and the tides as they ebb and they flow

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Our Strength


History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak and timid.


We are born of special ancestors

Who for liberty they fought

And they secured for us our freedom

That's what history taught

Should we continue to weaken

And let our legacy slip away

Big government shall own us

And for mercy we'll pray

It takes a strong people

For our liberty to bear

With strong people standing

Our constitution will be there

Our strength will then determine

What we keep or distort

Should we decline to speak boldly

We'll regrettably fall short


Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Sir Walter Scott


Do you want to test your memory?

Does your truth wear a disguise?

Do you need a detailed directory

To document your many lies?

Have you woven a sticky web of deceit?

And find yourself stuck fast

Because of lies beginning to re-repeat

And are flooding you from the past?

If you are not burdened to concoct a story

That justifies the false

Truth will stand in all its glory

And credibility won't be lost

Monday, January 6, 2014


Iris Murdoch shouted: The cry of equality pulls everyone down.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could be equal? The sad truth is that equal wealth should require equal effort, and people being people, that just ain't gonna happen! To achieve a more balanced economic condition, the unachievers would benefit the fruits of another's labor. Why would people toil if they could ride the coat tails of others? And thus, our country balances out at a lower level of equality instead of rising to new economic growth. M. Beatty

Thomas Mann, a German Journalist. (1875-1855)

It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusives, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.

Equality in its pure form is unachievable considering human nature. No two people are the same, or own the same ambitions. To be equally endowed with benefits requires and equal effort. Some people are just more inclined to achieve, others are prone to living off what a government provides for them by taking from the achievers. M. Beatty

I just think equality in relating to people is impossible. It is hard enough to find mathematical equality. Even snowflakes are not equal, nor should they be. One should not settle for equality for the closest thing to equality would by human nature be much less than their potential. M. Beatty

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Thickest of Blood

Check this out on AMZN: The Thickest of Blood

Status is No Excuse

Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.

Nido Qubein/ American Businessman


Go ahead, absorb all the negative influences dealt

Wallow in all the bitter feelings felt

Ignore the forks and crossroads

And keep following the land of lost roads

Escape is yours if you have a mind to

Negative circumstances should be behind you

Some people have mentors who should not be

Success is your option your mind is free

Your status isn't set in stone

Life is your making for you to own

Climb out if the pit you found yourself in

Be a can do and not a has seen s

Saturday, January 4, 2014


A young man thinks in terms of the future. Man in his prime is busy with the present. Man walking his final mile thrives in his memories. M. Beatty


The road ahead is open and paved

For the young man with only his future to see

There is no reason for time to be saved

He must hurry to find who he'll be

There are roadblocks and tolls and construction ahead

A working man in his prime lives in the now

He goes day to day just making his bed

Just worrying about why, when, and how

Time goes too quickly in the final mile

The old man dwells on the memories he made

He will be leaving his life in a very short while

No more options to buy, sell, or trade

Two Lives Without Choice


A miracle happens, a baby cries

Tears of joy spring to our eyes

A brand new canvas with hope to be painted

Memories to be made but not yet acquainted

Loving arms and fairytales told

If only it lasted as people grow old

Too often a child's life is met with intrusion

Bitterness and arguments cause him confusion

Quickly gone is a painting of time without fear

Life is a nemesis filled with disappointment and tears

Hush my child please don't cry

Mommy and daddy promise to try

Sketches made hastily in black and white

No hope for the child born this night

Not every baby meets such a fate

Not every family is filled such hate

Two old souls with memories to bear

One dealt the aces, life was so fair

The other a victim of shattered dreams

Once hopeful pages torn to smithereens

Two little lives presented no choice

One was a burden the other rejoiced

Who presents fate to each baby born?

Who draws the destiny to life tattered and torn?

Memories and Hope

A strange thing is memory, and hope; one looks backward, and the other forward; one is of today, the other of tomorrow. Memory is history recorded in our brain, memory is a painter, it paints pictures of the past and of today.

Anna Mary Robertson/AKA Grandma Moses


Time etched deliberately in my mind

Faces and actions I've sadly left behind

Come the memories best put aside, then

I'm wishing for places I could easily hide them

The past is a portrait of me

Hopefully who I tried to be

But still I'm a victim of some circumstance

Negative impressions that happened by chance

Hope is the daily sun as it rises

Days filled with my will, some surprises

Roads in disrepair, I can't avoid the bumps

Grand trees I imagined now sad lonely stumps

I cannot choose the memories I dream

Or control the nightmares that cause me to scream

But at times I'm awake, memories make me smile

And I try to be hopeful, at least for awhile

Friday, January 3, 2014


"If you can take the time to do it right the first will you ever find the time to do it over?" J. Dixon


Build it slow and deliberately

Find mistakes along the way

Make use of time considerably

Leave no time for play

When done you have a masterpiece

No reason to redo it

A creation of your expertise

No time left to renew it

Yet more advice

"Most people who ask for advice have generally made up their minds what they want to do...they are just looking for confirmation...and in some cases someone else to blame in case it doesn't work out." J. Dixon

"Taking someone's advice, in the mind of an incompetent, is merely a tool used blame others for a wrong decision. Heeding another's advice in the mind of a competent thinker is an act of humility." M. Beatty

More Advice

"And of course our best advice could have come from ourselves to ourselves." S. Krogman

"Advice, like a commodity, is meant to be weighed. The best value between your own conclusion and someone's advice is the choice best implemented." M. Beatty


Sometimes we ask for advice and this is what Khalil Gibran has to say about that:

"Most people who ask for advice from others have already resolved to act as it pleases them."

Asking someone's advice is a form of respect. You ask it knowing full well you have come to your own conclusion. It is an intelligent person who can ask for token advice with an open mind, then have the humility to realize he had initially come to the wrong conclusion and willingly heed the advice. M. Beatty


Advice is but a token need

Asked in true respect

It's not asked with intent to heed

It is rare that we accept

But the thoughtful people who know their mind

Have the insight to rearrange it

When they ask for advice of any kind

Their conclusion they might change it


The quote is from VIGGO MORTENSEN, an American Actor who was in Lord of the Rings. Born 1958.

"One of the best pieces of advice was from a horse master. He told me to go slow to go fast. I think that applies to everything in life. We live as though there aren’t enough hours in the day but if we do each thing calmly and carefully we will get it done quicker and with much less stress."

Time is a gift, yet a curse.
Treasure it as though it is the most precious thing you own, use it slowly and deliberately. Use it too fast and you lose its intention. Thus it becomes a curse. M. Beatty

Thursday, January 2, 2014


The closing of a door can bring blessed privacy and comfort...the opening, terror. Conversely, the closing of a door can be a sad and final thing...the opening a wonderfully joyous moment.


The room of life is never a vacuum

Moments and memories are spinning round and round

No matter what comfort the familiarity brings

The door must open to other things

Apprehensively outside we peer

For fear that evil is lurking near

Should we dare to open lifetime's door

And risk the unknown we are looking for?

So much pain has circled this room

Within it and out we've avoided the doom

What goodness may stand outside the door

Holding back a brutal firestorm?

The stale air becomes hard to breath

An opened door relief can bring

Sometimes we must assume some risk

To set the stale air adrift

As doors are closed so is the mind

Doors are not meant to hide behind

Wednesday, January 1, 2014



The symbol of freedom soars over the hill

The eagle so regal inspires us still

The monuments of stone in Washington stand

Showing respect for those who surely demand it

Red is the blood that flows on foreign soil

In the wars to protect the sacred oil

White are the angels overwhelmed to protect

The families of fallen warriors that wars affect

Blue is the feeling that is said to be

For the continuing loss of liberty

Although ugly and brutal these times it seems

America the Beautiful remains our theme

Stay Home

To be the ideal guest, stay at home. (E.W. Howe)


Do not a party animal be

Refrain from coming to visit me

If all you offer is boring conversation

Little humor and desperation

Stay away if you growl or yawn

Belch or fart, and man, you're gone

If all you do is cry and moan

Do us a favor and stay at home

Two Quotes and poems for champions



Promises kept

Boundaries lept

The truest of friends we'll be

Resolutions made

Truth displayed

It's the character I want in me




It is a small feat to climb a hill

A very small challenge, little skill

To plant your flag on a mountain peak

Is a goal a champion would complete

Don't define your limits or set the bar

When in your heart you crave a star

Keep the imagination of a child

Don't settle, let your dreams run wild

Stand in the spotlight's illumination

Don't sell yourself short with limitations

The hope for the champion you want to be

Beats a life of invisibility

Both quotes are from Cavett Robert, an American businessman who was born in 1907.