Monday, October 12, 2009



We left it there so long ago

It's where we dream to always go

The happy times seem to override

The things in life we tried to hide

It is there we had each other close

To share the things that moved us most

Childhood fights seem reverent now

They tied us together, I don't know how

Dreams were made and realized

As one by one our house downsized

Marriange and careers led each away

From that place we long for most today

Cuddling arms that held us near

Bedtime stories we held so dear

Easters and Christmases come and gone

Occasions for which we sometimes long

Just a house, just a town

Places we liked to hang around

Sometimes with tears we face the fact

We must move on, there's no going back


October 11, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

And here's one from Thomas Jefferson that we should apply every day!

While You Walk

Walk, walk, walk
And think with every step
Don't talk, talk, talk
Lest you be inept

It takes miles and miles to think a lifetime
Stepping until Kingdom come
Until you've earned the right to die
And leave behind your miles of wisdom

July 5, 2009

No matter what we have come through, or how many perils we have safely passed, or how many imperfect and jagged---
in some places perhaps irreparably---our life has been, we can not in our heart of hearts imagine how it could have been different. As we look back on it, it slips behind us in orderly array, and, with all its mistakes, aquires a sort of eternal fitness, and even, at times, a poetic glamour. Randolf Sillman Bourne 1886

Times Passed

Broken minds and broken hearts
Are sometimes scars we carry
As we look back on the life we've led
Perhaps saddened, perhaps not very.

Spirited debates won or lost
Love sweet, at times so sour
Had my life just passed me by?
It seems but just an hour.

Places seen and of places dreamed
Stored neatly in my head
I will not regret lost chances
To do everything I said

People known and people bemoaned
Friendships strong and true
The one thing I will treasure most
Is the day that I met you

August 31, 2009

Summer Storm

Summer Storm

Lying silently upon my bed
with a pillow comforting my weary head
I sleepily became aware
of distant thunder rumbling somewhere

The air was warm and still
Outside my open window sill
But in an instant the wind blew in
As applause before the show begins

The pattering on my rooftop grew
As good as any percussion I ever knew
Raindrops bounced from leaf to leaf
Adding a melody beyond belief

Thunder joined as a big bass drum
As a light show in the sky begun
The rustling tune of all the trees
Was a song included in the stormy breeze

The concert was brief but melodic
And I find it quite ironic
That in all the years I failed to listen
I had no idea what I had been missin'

August 27, 2009
Our greatest pretenses are but not to hide the evil and ugly in us, but our EMPTINESS. The hardest thing to hide is something that is NOT there.
Eric Hoffer


In vain the emptiness I try to hide
The sadness carried deep inside
Alas the pretense is not to be
One hides nothing others can't see
They know not the times I cried

Holding on to secrets past
Extending pain that seems to last
If only I could share this pain
So hopefulness can still remain
But one cannot see a shadow not cast

Sharing the secrets held within
Accepting forgiveness for times of sin
Had I known that if I'd shown it
My loved ones would not disown it
I'd not have suffered years for what had been

October 6, 2009

Just Passing Through

We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. We are spiritual beings on a human journey.
Stephen Covey
October 24, 1932

Just Passing Through

Belief so strong
In a journey so long
I am a spirit inside and out
Not a being so mortal
I live portal to portal
I know what I am with no doubt

It is just for awhile
I am here in this style
I'm a mere living hunk of clay
My mind is a mist
Just that one thing I list
As my spirtit moves on day by day

You don't really see me
Just for now what I be
I'm a spirit on one train to a station
Where I will go next
Need not confuse or preplex
As I honor His guiding persuasion

I'll love you through time
While this being is mine
And hope your journey will end to meet mine
My faith is my ride
As I flow with this tide
To an end that is much more devine

September 25, 2009

I've Only Passed

"A word I want to see written on my grave: I am alive like you, and I am standing beside you. Close your eyes and look around, you will see me in front of you."Khalil Gibran

I've Only Passed

Never gone, those who lived
Never too far away from those to give
Guidence and direction, love and affection
Look around for me, I'll be there

No, I am not here, this grave site's for you
To visit when you miss my smile
But know I am standing right by your side
willing to share

You're never alone just a prayer away
I'll be there if truely needed
Be happy for now, I'm watching over you
Lovingly aware

Septeember 10, 2009

Your Life

Help yourself to love...for others and yourself. Climb those mountains that only appear to block your path. Be who and where you are. Your answers are there too. Let
go of fear and walk through it. Help yourself to life. Melody Beatty

Your Life

Grab the love
Share it readily
Go through life
Confident and steadily

Hills to climb?
No time to ponder
Climb them with heart
To what lies yonder

Show no fear
Put it aside
Be the leader
Don't break your stride

Be who you are
And always proud
Proclaim each victory
To awaiting crowds

Find the answers
That are waiting there
Live your life
Honest and fair

Where you are now
And where you've traveled
Is your life
That you've unraveled

October 8, 2009

Don't Mourn Me

While we are mourning the loss of our friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil. John Taylor

Don't Mourn Me

It was only just a journey
A vacation of sorts
The life as we know it
From all the reports

Our body a vehicle
To take us through time
Along with our loved ones
Yours and mine

We were offered the pleasures
God had in store
The natural beauty
Time to love, wings to soar

A gift from our Father
A prelude to a place
Gathering the hearts
We'll forever embrace

Come time for departure
From what we've known of as home
We'll be greated by those
That we've previously known

Don't mourn me, my friend
As I have earned my wings
Come join me later
For magnificent things

October 10, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Although men are accused of not knowing their own weakness, yet perhaps few know their own strength. It is in men as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of gold which the owner knows not of.
Jonathan Swift


Like there is gold in the rock
in the mountain of the land
Man is the rock in which
the gold vein began

Man shows his weakness
Too often you see
But man's a rock with the gold
Strong or waiting to be

Too many stand down
Not knowing their value
Unaware they are rocks with
The gold running shallow

The gold is the strength
Though man may not know
There only to surface
When he discovers his foe

September 24, 2009

Let's not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. James Thurber 1894-1961


Was the sky more blue yesterday
Than it will be tomorrow?
Will your past be your worst
Or next week for your sorrow?

Are you still mad about words
Said by someone last week?
Are you afraid for tomorrow
So you don't dare to speak?

Are you rooted in anger
Thrust on you last year?
Avoiding people tomorrow
from yesterday's fear?

Today is important
Not the future or past
To lay the foundation
Not a shadow to cast

Don't dwell on past feelings
Just learn and be aware
What life brings today
It's here and not there

September 24, 2009

Ch 6 The Killer Within

Chapter 6

“There is no way we can release him to your custody, Mrs. Kelly, the attack was just too violent.” The police sergeant explained. “He’ll need to stay here until he goes before the judge tomorrow morning, at which time bail will be set.”

“You don’t understand, he needs to be home, he needs to be with me.” Bruce’s mom pleaded through tears.

“I understand your frustration, m’am, but the kid is obviously ‘on’ something. We’ll take a blood sample, fix him up with a nice warm meal and a cot for the night, and he’ll do just fine. You really have to understand how violent that attack was on his teacher. You should want him to be where he can come down off whatever made him go off like that.”

“He’s not on anything! She protested vehemently.

“That’s even more reason for us to keep him in custody, by tomorrow we’ll have the results of his drug screening and will have some contacts for you to get him some help.”

“I am all the help he needs, may I talk to him now?”

“As soon as intake is done we’ll take you in there.” The sergeant concluded. “Until then, please have a seat in the waiting area.”

The sergeant knew mothers like this one. Their kids were never to blame, it was always others that ‘made them do it’. Sounds like this kid just might have been using drugs to escape his mother’s claws. The sergeant had no use for coddling and over-protective parents…back in his day kids that age were earning a living already, not socked away in private schools with everything handed to them.

“I have to have a drug test?” Bruce meekly asked the intake officer as the nurse stood by with the syringe and sample tubes.
“It’s just a part of the drill, kid.” Smiled George Zenowski. “Nothing personal.”

“I never take drugs.” Said Bruce quietly.

“No one is saying you are kid, it’s just something’ we gotta do to everyone who comes through here.”

“Then can I go home?”

“Don’t know, son, I just work here. No one lets me make any decisions, I just follow my rules, you ‘ll just follow yours.” George stood by as the nurse drew blood and looked at Bruce as he sat and watched the blood oozing into the tubes. Until that moment the kid’s eyes were dull and lifeless.. The sight of blood nearly lit them up like a neon sign. “Perhaps the kid is just afraid of the sight of blood” George thought to himself before he caught a glimpse of Bruce’s faint smile. Goosebumps rose on George’s arms and he visibly shuddered.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Killer Within

Chapter 1

Another night began as young Bruce Kelly crawled into bed and slid under the covers. Like every night his mother would tuck him in after she urged him to say his prayers. He remembered reciting his prayers from the time he was old enough to have a memory, but that is one of the few things he did remember. It was funny how his life seemed to begin in second grade and nothing but a simple night time prayer would be all that remained of earlier times. Here he was, almost thirteen and he didn’t know a thing about who he was and where he came from. Nothing but a prayer that he didn’t feel it meant a damn thing to him. In fact, the more he had to say it the more revolting it seemed to him. How could there be a God who would let a boy always suffer through the nightmares he endured. The nightmares that interrupted his sleep, left a wet pillow, and rumpled sheets from a seemingly endless night of torturous dreams. And his mother! She was no help at all, so frail and so quick to run crying from the room if he confronted her with questions of his lost childhood.

His sister was younger and it never seemed to bother her that no one talked about the family that was missing in their lives. Why did they not have grandparents? Where, and who, was their father. All they knew was this quiet, sterile little community in which no one ever did anything wrong and the school children were all nearly perfect. Sometimes he would sneak some time to watch a television program that his mother would not condone. The sight of zombies or thrill killers excited him for some reason. He was drawn to blood. Blood so red and warm….blood so inviting to his thoughts.

Bruce shook his head vigorously as if to reject his own images he had conjured. “No wonder I have nightmares!” He admonished himself. He hugged his mother and told her good night as she exited his room to let him sleep. But he never slept for long before the nightmares came.

Chapter 2

“Bruce, get your ass up and get down to breakfast!” Yelled his little sister Hannah.

“You better not let mom hear you saying that, you little witch!” Bruce called from his sweat soaked bed.

“I’m telling mom.” Confronted little Hannah, just six years old and full of herself.

“Suit yourself, and I’ll just have to tell her you called me an ass!”

“Faggot!” She called back to him as she skipped down the hall to the bright yellow kitchen that let in all the sun anyone could bear so early on a school morning. Bruce wondered to himself where she picked up some of the stuff she said. Perhaps her school was not as squeaky clean as the one he attended. Hers was a public school, his was a private boy’s school. Mom would never answer his questions why he had to attend a private school, she just shined him over by telling him it was because he was special and deserved what a private school had to offer. Why was he so special and Hannah was not? She was bright and precocious. Public school was teaching her things she should not be learning…such a potty mouth she had!

Hannah was a baby of eighteen months in the earliest times that Bruce could remember. It was as though he was just created and never existed before then. Mom always kept such a strict watch over both of them. She was barely ever away from them and seemed to act like a prison guard at times. Bruce never knew when to expect mom to pop in on him as he lingered in his room watching his G-rated movies, playing with carefully selected G-rated video games, or reading books carefully selected for children. How Bruce longed to be able to watch the types of movies his friends from school watched or to play video games where he could be an avatar with a sword sharp enough to behead his enemy! Blood was so cool! So freakin’ warm and COOL!

Chapter 3

Hannah babbled on about this friend and that friend she knew from school. She had so many friends, it seemed to Bruce. Most of the kids in private school thought Bruce was a mamma’s boy. He wondered if he was. He yearned to escape the invisible restraints his mother had tethered to him…the proverbial apron strings.

“What’s on your mind this morning, Bruce?” Asked his mother as she gazed at her young son deep in his own world of concentration.

“Nothing much, just thinking about school.” He said as he left his dream world and shoved a spoonful of Cheerios into his mouth. “Mom? Why can’t I go to public school? I could be so much help to you walking Hannah to and from school everyday.”

“Bruce, we’ve been over this a thousand times!”

“But I hate private school!” He protested, then grinned sheepishly “I’m getting to the age when I might want to get to know some girls.”

“Oh, hush!” His mother chided him. “I’m not ready to let some girl get her hooks into my baby boy!”

Hannah was laughing and sing songing, “Brucie wants a girl friend, Brucie wants a girl friend!”

“Damn straight.” Bruce said under his breath.

“What’s that you said?” Asked Mom.

“Uh, I said we’re going to be late…come on Witchy Woman, I’ll help you get your jacket on!” Bruce said to his sister as he got up from the table.

“Don’t call your sister a witch!” Scolded Mom.

“I don’t mean nothing’ by it.”

Hannah had already rushed to the closet to get her jacket and picked up her Sponge Bob lunch pail that sat next to the front door. “Bye Mom!” She called out as she headed for the bus stop just a few hundred feet from their house.

“Mom, can I walk today?” Bruce asked, crossing his fingers.

“No, I’ll drop you off on my way to work.”

“Sonovabitch!” Whispered an exasperated Bruce.

“What did you say?”

I said my foot itches!” Lied Bruce.

Chapter 4

The nightmares had been going on for years. Bruce tried to hide it from his mother because she always had him going to this counselor or that shrink. He was tired of that drill, but he often wondered how a kid so sheltered could have such horrible thoughts wrecking his sleep nearly every night. He found it embarrassing to talk about it because the dreams were so vivid…so vile. He felt so normal during the day, but at night he transformed into someone or something he had never encountered. He thought he was a good kid, but where did he get these evil thoughts?

“Mr. Kelly!” The teacher’s voice boomed and snapped Bruce back to reality.
“Huh? I mean, yes sir?”

“Have you heard a word I have said this morning?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night, sore throat, headache…”

“And I suppose that is why your homework assignment is on the wrong chapter?”

“It is?” Bruce asked, obviously confused.

The classroom of boys broke out into unbridled laughter as Bruce’s face began to redden. “I’m sorry, Mr. Voltz, I’ll do it over if you give me the chance.”

“You march yourself down to the office and see if Principal Woodly thinks I should. I am tired of dealing with your excuses, young man.”

Bruce got up and headed for the door when Mr. Voltz stopped him. “Take your books, I don’t want you back in here today.”

“Yes, sir.” Bruce walked to the door feeling the stare of forty eyes on his back and hearing snide comments from his classmates. They were calling him a loser among other things. He whirled around to face the class and glared at them with eyes so angry they could be shooting blood. “I’m NOT a fuckin’ loser!” He shouted as he hurled his books across the room. Mr. Voltz rushed over and tried to drag him out of the classroom as Bruce grabbed the pointer on the blackboard shelf and swung it with full force into the side of his teacher’s head. Mr. Voltz lost his footing and fell dazed to the floor as several boys ran to subdue Bruce and others ran to get help. The struggle was unbelievable as Bruce seemed to have a power much more intense than any other thirteen year old. It took most of the boys still in the classroom to wrestle him to the floor and keep him from doing anymore damage. The principal arrived to see Mr. Voltz still lying motionless on the floor while several boys held a struggling and cursing Bruce at bay. One of the boys was bleeding profusely from a broken nose which caught Bruce’s attention. Suddenly he stopped struggling and focused on the blood…the warm red blood.

Chapter 5

Bruce sat in handcuffs in the processing room of the local juvenile detention center. He was not crying, in fact he looked completely emotionless as the police officers who brought him in gazed at him intently through the one way mirror. The intake personnel were busy getting his information from his mother, who kept glancing through the glass at her son. She had tried so hard to protect him from his past. She thought she had done everything right by him at great expense to her own well being.

Bruce was a handsome young man who appeared physically more like a junior or senior in high school. His dark hair was close cropped and he wore the typical uniform of today’s teenager when he was not forced to put on his school clothes. Private school was chosen for him because he had lingering problems associated with his past. A past he did not remember, only in his dreams. By morning only the horror of his dreams followed him through the day. He had no idea that his dreams held the key to a dark past.

It was not surprising that it took so many students to take him down after his classroom outburst. Bruce was an athlete who took his training seriously. On the football field he had the reputation as being the hardest hitting linebacker in the conference. His baseball prowess was beyond compare and he would most certainly be sought after for his skills on the diamond. His power with the bat was unsurpassed and he was leading the way to break all the school records. In the summer local sandlot teams surried to get him on their team. It was only his teammates who resented his presence. He was not open and friendly to them and seemed to hold himself above the rest. If they only realized just how much Bruce craved their friendship. The distance he held between other boys and himself was not because he thought he was superior, quite the opposite, he felt vastly inferior. He was missing something important in his life. He didn’t really know who he was or where he came from. All he knew is that he had an overly protective but loving mother and a smart ass little sister who seemed to have the word by the balls.

Bruce continued to sit silently knowing that there were people behind that mirror dissecting him. Perhaps even his mother was there, alternating between he usual disappointment and despair, sadness and anger. His brown eyes were devoid of any sparkle that a person would have. His were like the eyes of a great white shark…lifeless, emotionless. Were his eyes hiding his emotions? God knows he sure displayed a variety of them today!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

Believe Me, Patriotism Is Still There

It was all about the horror
When the planes came crashing in
As people's hearts found compassion
Above the violent din

It was all about the patriots
As reality had set in
Aboard a doomed and hi-jacked plane
where their choice would do them in

It was all about the love
for others that had to win
On that fateful day called 9-1-1
When the planes came crashing in

It was all about the bravery
of women and of men
Who made sacrifices on that day
Of the terrorists' mighty sin

It was all about the comfort
Given families within
The circles of those lost that day
When the planes came crashing in

It was all about togetherness
when 9-1-2 was ushered in
And Americans showed their own true colors
and new hope was to begin

To find the aura of patriotism
You only need to look within
And find just what was in your heart
The day the planes came crashing in

MarianJuly 16, 2009
I know we have it within ourselves to find our patriotism and loved for our country. We need not have to look so far back in history to find it. We lived to see what kind of people we were on that fateful day on September 11, when the planes came crashing in.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Minority's Hero

It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting BRUSH FIRES OF FREEDOM in the mind's of men.

Samuel Adams


The Minority's Hero

They were all aboard his train
as it pulled out of the station
He was meant to be the one
who would lead this mighty nation

But lies began to surface
and a new face was exposed
Who'd think that such an admirable man
was not who we supposed

The few that saw the truth
has set a fire outside
exposing the plan this leader made
and of the liberty he defied

It takes but a minority
to bring the wrongs to light
and convince the vast majority
to return the wrongs to right

It takes heros to stand up and say
the things that we were thinking
And friendless they may be awhile
until the ship is sinking

But the few will man the lifeboats
and welcome everyone on board
Even if it takes awhile
before others reach accord

September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama Quotes

About Bush:

"We were told by our President that we could fight two wars, increase our military budget by 74%, spend more on education, initiate a prescription drug plan, have tax cuts, all at the same time. We were told by Congress that they could make up for lost revenue by cutting government waste.
The result is the most precarious budget situation we have seen in years. We now have an annual budget deficit of almost $300 billion, not counting more than $180 billion we borrow every year from the Social Security Trust Fund.
It is not the debt that is most troubling. The bulk of the debt is a direct result of the President’s tax cuts, 47.4% of which went to the top 5% income bracket.
We can eliminate tax credits that have outlived their usefulness & close loopholes that let corporations get away without paying taxes. We can restore a law that was in place during the Clinton presidency–called Paygo–that prohibits money from leaving the treasury without some way of compensating for the lost revenue." Ah, hello? How much has the Obama administration spent in just eight months?

"Over the last seven years, what we’ve seen is an economy that’s out of balance because of the policies of George Bush and the Republicans in Congress. Not only do we have fiscal problems, but we’ve got growing inequality. People are working harder for less and they’re seeing costs go up. So what I want to do is get the long-term fundamentals right. That means that we are investing in education & infrastructure, structuring fair trade deals, and also ending the war in Iraq. That is money that can be applied at home for critical issues" Oh, really?

"We heard the President say he has a stimulus plan to boost our economy, but we know his plan leaves out seniors and fails to expand unemployment insurance, and we know it was George Bush’s Washington that let the banks and financial institutions run amok, and take our economy down this dangerous road. What we need to do now is put more money in the pockets of workers and seniors, and expand unemployment insurance for more people and more time. And I have a plan that to do just that." He let the banks run amok and Obama refueled their cache with his own stimulus plan...and took them over.

"We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition, where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to accomplish these things. Everyone should try to realize their full potential." Then why are you bringing in a socialistic government and wrecking capitolism? Ordinary people don't have a chance to realize their full potential undedr the Obama plan.

"I will never forget that the only reason I’m standing here today is because somebody, somewhere stood up for me when it was risky. Stood up when it was hard. Stood up when it wasn’t popular. And because that somebody stood up, a few more stood up. And then a few thousand stood up. And then a few million stood up. And standing up, with courage and clear purpose, they somehow managed to change the world." Yet we are labeled astroturf, phoney, and angry mobs when we try to do the same.


The death of democracy is not likely to be an assination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernurishment. Robert Maynard Hutchins
Jan 17, 1899-May 17, 1977


It comes not from a sudden ambush
Or an unknown evil source
It happens while you are sipping tea
Right on your own front porch

It happens while you are so intrigued
About the latest Hollywood death
That all the news on all the channels
Cover it in every breath

They'll run right down the middle
As you chase the wide reciever
Even though you know who has the ball
Is in fact the great deceiver

They'll hit a run right over the fence
Just as you creep up for a bunt
They are so atuned to tricking you
They've practiced every stunt

So while you're barely seeing
What the politicians have in mind
Wake up and question what they do
Before you're totally in a bind

June 28, 2009

Times Passed

No matter what we have come through, or how many perils we have safely passed, or how many imperfect and jagged---
in some places perhaps irreparably---our life has been, we can not in our heart of hearts imagine how it could have been different. As we look back on it, it slips behind us in orderly array, and, with all its mistakes, aquires a sort of eternal fitness, and even, at times, a poetic glamour. Randolf Sillman Bourne 1886

Times Passed

Broken minds and broken hearts
are sometimes scars we carry
as we look back on the life we've led
Perhaps saddened, perhaps not very.

Spirited debates won or lost
love sweet, at times so sour
Had my life just passed me by?
It seems but just an hour.

Places seen and of places dreamed
stored neatly in my head
I will not regret lost chances
to do everything I said

People known and people bemoaned
Friendships strong and true
The one thing I will treasure most
Is the day that I met you

August 31, 2009

The Final Season

The Final Season

In the gardens so anticipated
When the summer just began
Stand plants naked of the produce
That grandma already canned

The children are almost happy
To see their many friends
as the school doors are opened wide
and the students are filing in

Summer tans will soon be fading
and the air will chill each night
when Halloween approaches
to bring an autumn fright

Trees will be undressing
with colors so defined
as a painting could do no justice
before their leaves are left behind

Autumn brings such wonder
and hope for a better year
but it also is the time in life
that many often fear

For winter comes right behind it
and it closes the book of life
Some see it as ending paradise
Others look forward to ending their strife

But whatever winter brings you
if not another year
Be certain that there's a spring ahead
both far away and here

August 28, 2009

Summer Storm

Lying silently upon my bed
with a pillow comforting my weary head
I sleepily became aware
of distant thunder rumbling somewhere

The air was warm and still
outside my open window sill
But in an instant the wind blew in
As applause before the show begins

The pattering on my rooftop grew
as good as any percussion I ever knew
Raindrops bounced from leaf to leaf
adding a melody beyond belief

Thunder joined as a big bass drum
as a light show in the sky begun
The rustling tune of all the trees
was a song included in the stormy breeze

The concert was brief but melodic
and I find it quite ironic
that in all the years I failed to listen
I had no idea what I had been missin'

August 27, 2009

My country right or wrong: If right, keep it right and if wrong to set it right.

Patriots Be

Peaceful be, Americans
in times that feel so right
Ask questions, my Americans
if feeling times of plight

Be aware, my dear Americans
you are here with freedom's choice
Be silent in the good times
but forget not your powerful voice

Be a patriot, dear American
when called to take a stand
For faithful true Americans
are seriously in demand

August 14, 2009

What is the essence of America? Finding and maintaining that perfect delicate balance between freedom to and freedom from. Marilyn vos Savant Aug 11, 1946

Our Rights

Freedom to be
Freedom to choose
Freedom to win
Freedom to loose
Freedom from cruelty
Even for crooks
Freedom from censorship
of all of our books
Freedom to bear arms
Freedom to vote
Freedom to admonish
Freedom to gloat
Freedom from slavery
and radical acts
Freedom to review
all of the facts
Freedom of speach
Freedom to assemble
Freedom from tyranny
and all it resembles
Freedom to live
Freedom to earn
Freedom to wave
a flag or to burn
Freedom to worship
at the church of your choice
Freedom from some
trying to quiet your voice
Freedom to vote
and to be represented
Freedom from laws
not your wishes invented
Freedom to change
which has intruded your life
Freedom from your government
causing you strife
Freedom to stand
for what has been written
in our Constitution
of which we are smitten

August, 12, 2009

God's Answer

Of all the pills and medical inventions
I have seen of any kind
There is one created by God's intentions
To ease a muddled mind

Daily grinds and life's disruptions
Bring headaches that we get
The only cure worth all discussion
Is God's magnificent sunset

The beauty and awe brings peace
and causes pause within
and the pain inside begins to cease
with the colors rolling in

The sunset is made to quiet
The evening from the day
Of an inner turmoil riot
God meant it to be that way

August 27, 2009

This quote today is actually a 1972 supreme court decision in a trial (Laird v. Tatum)" Those who already walk submissively will say there is no cause for alarm, but submissiveness is not our heritage. The first ammendment was designed to allow rebellion to remain our heritage. The constitution was designed to keep government off the backs of the people. The Bill of Rights was added to keep the precints of belief and expression, of the press, of political and social activities free from surveillance.. The Bill of Rights was designed to keep the agents of government and official eavesdroppers away frrom assemblies of people. The aim was to allow men to be free and independent and to assert their rights against government" William O Douglas

Freedom Of Speach

Included in the Bill of Rights
And upheld by The Court
I'm going to have my say, you know
And will welcome your retort

For when it comes down to it
what we say is surely our right
And if in the content we don't agree
we'll just say good night

My words may change your mind, I hope
And yours, they might change mine
And if we fall on cool discourse
I'll say Ok, that's fine

To say it is the principle
that makes our words take hold
to agree or not means nothing
we're free to have it told

August 30, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm Pleading

I'm Pleading

The left is playing tricks on us
Why aren't we even curious
While we sleep they will achieve it
While we don't even see it

As socialism comes creeping in
Obama's wearing a big ol' grin
Why don't the people know it?
Do they think that we'll outgrow it?

Our liberty is on the clock
and it's not a case of culture shock
Politicians about to steal it
Am I the only one who feels it?

He said it right to our faces
in the presidential races
We didn't even fear it
Could not we even hear it?

They call us false and angry mobs
as tension causes my head to throb
Is it too late to bring in masses?
Before our freedom passes?

Pray we all will open their eyes
to evil forces that they reprise
So easily we've given in
Apathy is our one true sin

Raise your voices one and all
Don't let the republic take the fall
We have the people to take this war
That's what our patriots past died for

Listen, Americans, to your true heart
Don't let them tear our lives apart.
If you're a patriot you will show it
Before we go and blow it

August 26, 2009

Majority Rules

All politics are based on the indifference of the majority. James Reston 1909-1995

Majority Rules

If they are so politically motivated
to plan what's best for all
Just trust the whole majority
to hand over the proverbial ball
For while the majority is sleeping
or swimming at a pool
Political representatives
are playing us for a fool

August 26, 2009

My Stance

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do. Robert Heinlein 1907-1988

My Stance

I trust in me and my moral code
I have scruples that will not erode
If rules are reasonable
I'll tolerate them
If they're unfeasable
I'll surely break them
I take responsibility in what I do
And will live civilly, for me and you
But I come first
in all my choices
I follow true
my inner voices
I am my keeper, and take that stand
Though I will listen to your demands
And I will live
in some tranquility
with your laws
to my best ability
For I am free in my heart, my soul, and my own mind.

August 22, 2009

Want Free?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait til it's free. You will pay with your life.
Want Free?
So you want to save your pennies
and have no doctor you need to pay
You want your health care free for all
until your dying day
Well if medicine is socialized
your wishes will come true
your dying day will sooner come
and your paying days are through

August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Cared

Aesop: He that always gives way to others will end in having no principles of his own. This of course could follow along with John Morley's quote...You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.

I Cared

I spoke today with grave concern
About a controversial topic at hand
I was feeling too many people
Had firmly buried their heads in the sand

I stirred up so much ire
That my friends went into revolt
Not about the issues, mind you
They considered me a dolt

So much has been spoken by liars
Of the fakers they are immune
And they hate the voice of reason
And those who have become atuned

So I silently cry a river
About lost friendships that I came to bear
Because I am cursed with curiousity
and question issues that I feel unfair

As I listen to each and every side
And come to conclusions my mind can embrace
I hope to hell I must be wrong
so others won't be burdened with disgrace

When the issues that do haunt me
carry consequenses that have me scared
I don't want to say "I told you so"
I just want friends to know I cared

August 26, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing what happened. Norman Thomas 1834-1968

The Virus

Cynisizm, no criticism
apathy, complacency
Reject it if you will
the full blown takeover

Libralism about capitolism
security, obscurity
Reflect a society
Mindless to the makeover

Socialism creeps and crawls
in hidden agendas it continues to sprawl
Until we wake up one morning
To find it there

Rejection to reflection
False security and peace of mind
As socialism has taken its place
and left our democracy behind

August 22, 2009

Welcome The New

...Let's not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. James Thurber 1894-1961

Welcome The New

Damaged by the anger past
Living in memories that shouldn't last
Never happy in present times
Grieving of some unforgiven crime

Remembering friends who did you wrong
Not making new relasionships strong
Living with memories of hurtful things
Smothering in feelings these memories bring

Dwelling on those who have long been gone
Crying over a sad sad song
Not dancing with joy of hope anew
Can't even see it coming to you

Never looking around for pleasure to see
Not letting past injustice set you free
Licking wounds open again and again
Not letting a new era bloom within

Days of thunder and darkness gone
Friend it is time to now move on
Don't let sad memories hold you a slave
Let the past lie in untended graves

August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tea Party

Sandusky Ohio
5 to 7 PM Thursday August 20
Shorline Park
There were 300 on April 15, let's make it 3,ooo this time
Be peaceful but show your support for our Republic!

Why I Am Pissed

The Bush administration did a HORRIBLE job with this country. Obama (who I was FOR, BTW) was handed a mess and has proceeded to mix the mess around the floor with a dirty mop while adding to the crap that Bush started. Obama is moving way too fast, he is surrounding himself with advisors and czars who will do nothing but make worse what was started in past administrations. His healh care is not reform, it is a government take-over which will in the long run not only hurt the people who already have health insurance, it will not help the people that it is meant to cover. The cash for clunkers is a farce. Puttting people into new cars when the economy is saying to watch your pennies. Then perfectly good older cars are being demolished and limiting the used car market. The Cap and Trade bill will raise rates for everyone, including small businesses who will have no choice but to close up shop and head elsewhere. Not to mention what it is going to do to the consumer when their utility bills and gasoline rise by 40%. And the taxation on small business to fund the proposed health care bill? THEY CAN'T AFFORD it! Small business employs the bulk of Americans and they are failing because their operating costs cannot bear anymore taxation!

I am all for green and conservation, but Obama is trying to put three loads of clothes in to a compact washer. I would be behind this president 100% if he would step back and see his agendas through at slower pace and get things done right. I got goosebumps when he was elected and was all into the historic meaning of a first black president. I was hoping our first black president would represent a better image for his constituents. He is taking community organizing to a whole new level.

There are now 40 czars that answer to and advise the executive branch. They have the power to impliment change in their charges without running it through the congress. Our system of checks and balances is compromised.

All the liberals can scream about is "it is a racial thing" and it is NOT. I am about as unbigoted a person as you will find, and I find what is happening to our country a very scary experience. It is not left and right either. The republicans and the democrats have equal blame in what has been happening for years before Obama was even elected. The lobbyists have the ears of our representatives as the people are being tuned out. No wonder laws get passed that no one wants.

The sooner people realize it is not about Obama, McCain, dems, and republicans, the sooner the people will take back the country. There has to be a point where people and the government start taking fiscal control of things. If your car breaks down you don't go out and buy a whole fleet of them. That is what the government is doing...they are spending us into a hole so deep we will never get out.

JMO. Because I give a shit.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Three Poems For Our Country

What is a Communist? One who hath yearnings for equal division of unequal earnings.
Ebenezer Elliot (1846)

As Our Republic Crumbles

I had my eyes on a successful life
I did what I needed to earn it
Yet when I had what I had toiled for
I had to share it with those who yearned it

Up to my eyeballs in hours of labor
It got me the car I drive
Now the government says I must share all I have
With the slackers who don't try to thrive

I dreamed of a mountain
And reaching the sky
But they level my dreams
The more that I try

Now who wants to labor and toil each day
When you're ordered to give it away

July 31, 2009

The state is not abolished. It withers away. Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)

We Melt Away

Candy melting in the sun
Water evaporating
Just like the state of our economy
There's no reason for celebrating

Our Republic stands above us all
We were the ones who grew it
It grew wildly out of control
Before we even knew it

Apathy and ignorance
Laziness and lack of pride
Is what will be etched on the stone
The day our country died

July 31, 2009

The less government we have, the better. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1841)

Their Mess

They were meant to represent us
As citizens with our goals
But we allowed then to bankrupt us
And bury us in the holes

They live the life of Riley
Leaving all of us the spoils
They lavish highly as icons
Upon their congressional soils

They say they'll give us health care
That won't cost us a dime
But the taxes we will pay for it
Should surely be a crime

They bailed out failing companies
And took their full control
They'll rule our children's future
With the education they will extol

They'll take all that we worked for
and stomp out all our dreams
They'll spread the wealth to all of those
Who never worked, it seems.

They'll substitute our power
As they borrow all they need
So today they all can have it
And lavish in their greed

Then down the road our children pay
For the ruin that we made
For what they did for us today
Can never be repaid

July 31, 2009

Politician's Creed

When a man takes an oath...he's holding his ownself in his own hands. Like water. And if he opens his fingers then...he needn't hope to find himself again. Robert Bolt 1924-1995

Politician's Creed

Hold yourself closely with the oath you've taken
Don't let your purpose be foresaken
Be the man we hoped you'd be
Be happy with the image of yourself you see

Hold yourself to the truth you pledged
Through adversity or rumors dredged
Be the man who made your parents proud
Though ugly voices invade the crowd

Don't let power sieze your soul
and steer you from your promised goal
Politicians need not be hated
Remember truth is under-rated

Don't let past resentments do you in
Or let money lead you to your ultimate sin
With the oath you took to heart
Be proud of what service you impart

Bless the public servent who
remains the candidate that we knew
would lead us with hope and honesty
in this land of what we hope is free

August 12, 2009


Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all. William Temple 1881-1944


Some thoughts about humility
before I reach senility
I've pondered on that subject here
and this is the answer that comes so near

It means not thinking less of myself
or minimizing what I do,
Or thinking that what I have done
doesn't measure up to you

Humility as I can figure
and is my final call
Is the freedom not to think of myself
for days or not at all

August 6, 2009


Our government...teaches the whole people by example. If the government becomes the lawbreakersatings of main stream media , it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become law unto himself; it invites anarchy. Louis Brandeis 1856-1941


Born in a country I have been taught to honor
Respect the law
No one above it all
Now I see the leaders disrespecting the people
Taking in hand
What was once our land
They expect the citizens to fall in line
Yet their contempt does show
How can we not know
When the lawmakers break the law we honor
We become udone
All, not one
And society suffers in the end

August 11, 2009


Abe lincoln "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, GIVE HIM POWER


Such a handsome man I see
Predicting change for all to see
Hope forthcoming, recession gone
I wonder where he has been so long?

Such a vigorous righteous man
Elected to do all that he can
With trust we pass him full control
After all, he was favored in the poll

He stands up to adversity
Where has this man been for you and me?
Change will come, and for the better
He said so in his campaign letter

He feels the power his office brings
His focus is on greater things
Seems he has had issues deep inside
now with this power he need not hide

Indescertions in the past
coming to the surface at last
His power brings a cross to bear
Of percieved injustices of yesteryear

A man who had the ability
to stand up to adversity
Has tasted power and craves it more
Than the learned man he was before

August 12, 2009

My Stand

You have enemies. Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life. Winston Churchill nov 30 1874-Jan 24, 1965

My Stand

I spoke my mind

My friends were mad

But were they friends

That I really had?

I now have enemies

This is true

But self respect,

I have that, too

I took my stand

It meant much to me

I hope my true friends

Will always be


August 11, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


If you are one who must meander
Through life to seek your goals
Small steps are what you need to make
To realize your roles

If you rush about and try things
Just to fail and then succeed
The steps you make are far apart
As you find just what you need

Whatever steps you decide to take
Make them all your own
Because when you walk in somkeone else's
Your seeds are never sown

July 20, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Golden yYears Limbo

Golden Years Limbo
The old couple sat wiith their hands clasped
With each other's lovingly
Wondering what became of their dreams,
Who they are, and where they wanted to be
"We worked very hard and spent money quickly
Never bothering to think there would come a day
That someday it would all be gone
And we'd have to wait our life away"
"Our dreams became reality
Much sooner than we planned
And we let it run so quickly
in an hourglass of sand"
"We tried to make a lifetime
Of dreams for us come true
But forgot about our golden years
And time for just me and you"
"Fancy cars and trendy clothes
Were the order of each day
Our children had the very best
For school and for play"
"But time passed quickly and pennies were spent
From our trusty savings jar
Too late for us to realize
What's left just won't go far"
"Now the children are gone and doing
The things we taught them well
Spend all you can on things you want
Don't even sit a spell"
"Here we sit alone and broke
Mortgaged head to toe
Our dream became a nightmare
Far too long before we go"
July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Welcome friends

Every once in a while I reflect on the people around me and what good friends I have. I just want to take this moment to say thank to all of you who have let me call you a friend!


The Gift

The Gift

It came to me on a gloomy day
When all my hope had gone away
A bouquette of flowers so carefully arranged
I smiled at thought it was wonderfully strange

I had pondered on my dreadful past
And thought of choices that I'd amassed
My future now was at my command
as I wandered across the rain soaked sand

I looked out to sea and thought I could
Then at the flowers, wondering if I should
Something was coming over me
That for a minute set my mind at ease

I took a flower from the ribbons entwined
And wondered who had been so kind
To leave these on my front gate post
knowing that is from where I walked the most

I picked each pettal and tossed it into the wind
Asking for answers from deep within
Someone cared enough for me
To set these flowers for me to see

I took a breath of ocean air
And squeezed the water from my rain soaked hair
I turned and began to walk away
I'd live to see another day

July 16, 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Believe Me, Patriotism Is Still There

It was all about the horror
When the planes came crashing in
As people's hearts found compassion
Above the violent din

It was all about the patriots
As reality had set in
Aboard a doomed and hi-jacked plane
where their choice would do them in

It was all about the love
for others that had to win
On that fateful day called 9-1-1
When the planes came crashing in

It was all about the bravery
of women and of men
Who made sacrifices on that day
Of the terrorists' mighty sin

It was all about the comfort
Given families within
The circles of those lost that day
When the planes came crashing in

It was all about togetherness
when 9-1-2 was ushered in
And Americans showed their own true colors
and new hope was to begin

To find the aura of patriotism
You only need to look within
And find just what was in your heart
The day the planes came crashing in

July 16, 2009

I know we have it within ourselves to find our patriotism and loved for our country. We need not have to look so far back in history to find it. We lived to see what kind of people we were on that fateful day on September 11, when the planes came crashing in.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Live Each Day

Live Each Day

As days go by and turn to months
You are only who you live to be
You can live your days locked up in chains
Or live them to be free

As months go by and turn to years
Changes for you become few
For each hour and day that passes
It'll be one less day for you

As spring blends into summer
Summer surrenders to the fall
Then winter with her icey hands
Leaves you no time at all

July 9, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Apathy Part Three

So here I am in my late fifties, retired, and fighting the typical health problems that come with age. I have worked, been a law abiding citizen, and for the most part a good friend and family member. I have what I thought would be a comfortable pension, as does my husband, yet we are fighting to make ends meet. Why? Because our health care premiums have gone up. the deductibles have skyrocketed, and the co-pays increased significantly. Now the current administration is pushing for a government funded health care plan so those who are uninsured will have insurance. This is totally off the wall as far as I can comprehend. I will continue to pay astronomical costs for my health care and be strapped paying the bills that are not covered while my tax dollars pay for free health care for anyone who doesn't buy their own. Now where does that make sense on any planet other than ours? People who cannot afford health care are already treated if they cannot pay. The government already has programs in place for anyone who does not have health insurance. It is called welfare, medicare, and medicaid. Now we are expected to put our children's future in further debt by creating another government funded program or nationalizing medical care. Health care reform needs to address the problems within the private health care system, capping awards for civil suits, reducing premiums to make health care more affordable to everyone, regulating the fact people are denied treatment, and reducing co-pays and deductibles.

But my life long apathy is to blame for the problems facing our country today. Had I spoken sooner and often, as well as millions of other Americans just like me, perhaps government would not have grown into the monster it has become. Democrats and republicans alike have turned our Republic into a caricature of itself.

No longer are our Representatives serving "We the People", they are feeding their own greed with pork laden agendas designed to make their lives more comfortable. They have spent this country into a corner where there will be no way to ever balance a budget again. Had we done that with our own checkbooks we would be sitting in prison right now.

This is why I am sending this to my friends. You will see now how I am taking a stand for my freedom and liberty. I can no longer remain silent for fear I may rock the boat or cause someone to think ill of me because I may see politics a different way. No, I haven't lost my mind, I have found it. I have also found the courage to use my freedom of speech. It is time to sever our ties from the likes of democrats and republicans who hold a monopoly on our future and no longer are representing their constituents.

Your friend in liberty and Independence,

Marian Beatty

My Apathy Part Two

It is not that I did not have causes and agendas through my life. I did not live the life of a turnip. My thing in life was animal rescue and pedigree research relating to my breeding Arabian horses. I pulled stints as a Sunday school teacher, 4-H leader, and den mother for my son's cub scout pack. Oh, and don't forget I was a Mamma Bear for our local high school football team! I only now wish I would have put more effort into picking people to run our government with the same care I took choosing just the right stallion for one of my mares. After all, it comes down to a quality of life issue for generations to come if you let yahoos drive your country into fiscal and moral collapse. I find it funny how many wild Internet debates I got involved in concerning neglected animals and poor judging at horse show but I was afraid to voice my political opinions for fear my friends would look down on me. And I figured people more in tune with politics would take care of things for me. So did millions of other people.It was also not that I did not care about what was going on in my country. I just did not dwell on it for long periods of time after the initial impact of some major event. As a teenager I worked at a local amusement park with college students who were focused on worldly issues and at that time the Vietnam war was their cause. When one guy I worked with who attended Kent State and served in the National Guard was called to duty to quell the violence at Kent State against fellow students and friends, I felt his pain. I found out much later in my life that my own brother had been an emotional victim of Vietnam after serving there and he was too torn up to even share his pain with his own family. After years of alcoholism and fighting PSTD he is finally sober and dedicating his life to helping other veterans with similar problems. He is also standing up for freedom and liberty.

When Watergate was in the news I was outraged like everyone else. Through the years I had sparks of concern for the world around me but in the end decided I was so small and insignificant in the scheme of things I would just leave it to those who understood it all to keep me safe and uphold our Constitution. After all, it had been good enough for over 200 years, it was rock solid and nothing was going to circumvent the words of our forefathers on that document so revered in my country.But as I aged and matured my interest in politics grew to where I actually began to watch debates and read about the candidates. I had my opinions and my friends and relatives had theirs. I was not one who embraced conflict so I kept most of my opinions to myself. I figured if I did not discuss things like that with friends and relatives no one would get mad at me for having an opposing view. There were times I felt strongly about my views, but how people regarded me as a friend was too important to me, so I kept quiet. I just held out hope that enough people were thinking like me to right the ship as I saw our economy crumbling, crooks in office, and the past three administrations making a total mess out of things. Then there is mainstream media not only reporting on the puppet show, they were becoming the puppets IN the show. Fact is, there are too many people like me out there hoping everyone else is doing enough to look out for us.

Take a look at where our country is headed now. Progressives have steadily increased our governments role over our Republic and the changes we prayed for are crippling our economy.

My Apathy Part One

For fifty seven years I have reaped the benefits of having been born a citizen of the good old USA. Being born in 1952 I was too young to remember the bomb shelters and drills held in fear of the atomic bomb. Then of course, Vietnam was a cause I was too busy to be overly concerned about while I meandered through my teen years and would catch occasional glimpses of the news about the war and the protests that accompanied it. Watergate was on the back burner for me because I was a young single woman trying to get through the sixties and politics were not on my to-do list.Marriage, a career, a fine son, and a dream of raising and showing Arabian horses consumed me for nearly the next thirty years. I voted diligently for the candidate I heard mentioned the most in a positive light. I went along with my friends and family on political matters because I could not be bothered with the complicated task of researching who really was best for our country. I would catch bits and pieces of political debate among the postal workers as I cased my mail for delivery when I was tired of listening to seventies rock on my CD earphones.I voted for Reagan because he was a familiar name and I liked his Hollywood persona. I voted for George H. Bush because he flew the same kind of plane my husband flew in during WWII. I voted for his son DubYa (twice, mind you) because I thought he had a nice personality and I liked his father. I voted against Clinton because he lied about Monica Lewinski. I didn't really care so much about the affair, it was that he lied and the lies were stupid that turned me off. In local politics I voted for levies involving schools and for the police and fire departments across the board because they were good things to vote for. You don't even want to know why I voted for and against some Representatives and Senators but as an example I will tell you I continually voted against one guy because he sent out too many thin, hard to handle campaign postcards in election years which added to my workload at the post office. Long story short, I relied on everyone else to see to it I had a pretty decent country to live in. After all, what can go wrong with a Republic such as ours based on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I actually did know a lot about the American Revolution and our founding fathers' fight for freedom because it did intrigue me while I was in school. Too bad I didn't take our gift from them seriously as I grew up and lived my life.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Because We Love Our Freedom

Because We Love Our Freedom

Some did not come home at all
They were left in pieces on foreign soil
Nothing to those who they fought for
A part of a war in which no principles they understood

So much blood was left behind
When lifeless bodies were returned to grieving parents,
high school sweethearts, and perplexed siblings
who would never again feel the spark of their loved one's spirit

Some came home with damaged bodies
Wheelchair bound, or missing arms
Deformities they will forever endure
A high price to pay for another country's woes

Some came home unscathed, at least on the outside.
But rotting minds from brutal visions
led to years of terror, pain, and loneliness
all for the sake of another country's problems

So many broken souls, too many broken hearts
Uncounted broken minds never acknowledged
In hopes that others can taste the sweet nectar of freedom
and the democracy we are privileged to know

July 3, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

Our Frankenstein

Our Frankenstein

The shadow keeps creeping over us
We are disappearing into darkness
The giant is approaching us
With big shoes it will crush us

The shadow is from the giant
We've created and allowed to grow
Now while we all are sleeping
it gets bigger while we don't know

We revel in the freedom
We've learned to take for granted
While the Socialistic leader
Sows all the seeds he's planted

Progressive are his intentions
To trample us is his plan
To own everything around him
developed by his fellow man

The giant is our government
And we've gone and lost control
And we continue living life
As we blindly take a stroll

Why does this not concern you?
Is freedom still not your choice?
Wake up, fellow Americans
While you still have a powerful voice

July 1, 2009

Some thoughts

I am not an activist nor do I get off on joining protests. I have never been one to sign or circulate petitions. When I vote, I do not lean toward any party, I try to vote for the candidate who IMO would be better for America. I am an American. I am not a Democrat nor am I a Republican. I am a CONCERNED American. Until the past few years I have been fairly comfortable that our government was working as our forefathers had intended, with a few flaws that were overcome by persistance from our citizens. Now I see our country quickly falling into a downward spiral. Our government is larger than life and still growing. I am a SAD American.

I see mainstream news channels riding the coat tails of politicians who are hurting our country and taking control. I see them hopping on bandwagons heading to Socialism and government control. I see the middle class being taxed until they bleed while government keeps a heavy foot on the poor to keep them in poverty and increases the wealth of the mighty wealthy and thr political machine. I am a SCARED American.

Czars are appointed to answer only to the executive branch, bypassing our legislative and judical branches of government. Our system of checks and balances created by the patriots who formed our democratic government is down the tubes.

I am a fifty-seven year old retired postal worker, I am a mother, I am a wife. I am not rich but I am not poor. I have never taken a dime from welfare or unenployment insurance. I always was proud enough in myself that I found work, sometimes at minimum wage, and found a way to make do. Sometimes it would take several jobs at one time, but in time I found my niche in society and labored on. I have little extra by the end of the month, now. Sometimes I cannot afford my medication. 1/3 of our yearly income goes to pay for medical insurance, doctor and hospital bills, and prescriptions. Our co-pays and deductibles have risen right along with the skyrocketing cost of our health insurance. I am deeply in debt to my hospital and medical caregivers, but find a way to pay whatever I can every month. I would benefit finacially by nationalized medicine but I do not think it is the answer.

I don't drive a new car, spend money on cigarettes, and I do not drink alcohol. My social life consists of being in contact with my friends and family on the Internet (I still have dial-up as I cannot afford anything more). I have not had a vacation in years. One of my dear friends just sent me $20 for shoes so I could walk better when I volunteer at the humane society walking dogs. I walk dogs because I cannot afford a wellness program to rehab my broken down knees. I also walk dogs to pass along charity which I cannot afford to give in a monetary sense.

I am a scared, sad, concerned, frustrated, but proud American. Please help save our country from the pirates now in charge of our government. As long as I retain the freedom so boldly earned by our ancestors I can be a rich American. Freedom and democracy makes me a RICH American.

Marian Beatty

AOL Mail (172)

Stop Blowing Off Your Freedom

The facts are way too simple
So folks try to make them hard
But the freedom that we're given
Is like drawing the winning card

You are free to be as stupid
As you really care to be
Just as you're allowed
To see all you can see

You are free to use you mind
For all that it can learn
Then you're free to use resources
To get what you can earn

You are free to try and fail
To conquer and to win
You can do the best for one and all
Or choose to live in sin

With all the freedom offered
We've relinquished way too much
In the fact that we aren't watching
And our government's out of touch

We must work to keep our freedom
Which with it we have grown
Or fall to growing government
Being free to being owned

MarianJuly 1, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009



It is more than just a parade
On patriotic days
It is more about the feeling
And living the American way
It is more about the pride
You see in a soldier's eyes
When they don the uniform they choose
And at last they realize
"I serve my country as a soldier
Because of my country I am proud
And when the flag goes up the pole
My salute is almost loud
It's not the shiney medals
Or ribbons on my chest
It's not that I am one of many
Who have strived to pass the test
It's because I am an American
I was born as one with pride
And never shall I decry it
Or try to run and hide
If I'm called to active duty
With honor I will serve
It's the least I can do for freedom
It's what American's deserve
And if someday I am called to stand
To uphold our Constitution
I'll fight with every breath I have
to insure our institution"

June 25, 2009

PleaseWake Me

I am hoping it was not just a horrible dream
and I awoke to find me here
where a goverment is claiming all my rights
where my freedom's light passes into night
Has it gone while my back was turned?
Have we taken too much for granted
That our American values would always be there?
Did we let a stalker sneek inside
To steal away with American pride
Please, God, please tell me this is only a cruel hoax
Can this we are living now
Be a horror movie we are watching on TV
Will the channel be there to change?
This is all so very strange.
How can an American be living in such fear?
I 've been taught about the American dream
Where anyone can grow up to be president.
But how did we not choose the best
Where are the patiots that would pass the test
Please,God, don't take my freedom from me.
June 21, 2009

Honor or Lost Words

Honor or Lost Words?

Hear him loud
Hear him clear
His voice rings boldly
In your ear
The fool's heart beats
Right on his tongue
If people listen
His deeds are done
Hear the words
That so inspire
Hear the wisdom
Feel the fire
A wise man's voice
Comes from his heart
That's what will set
Good men apart
June 27, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

So Little, Too Much

So Little, Too Much

It is a documented fact
A tiny leak can work a crack
Until waters behind a mighty dam
Wreak havoc on this sacred land

A single match in someone's care
Can start a flame while we're unaware
He'll stoke the fires and destroy the trees
Aided by a steady breeze

A silver tongue can lull the crowd
It need not be too strong and loud
His power hungry comrades there
Will quietly install the agendas they share

It's not too hard to plant a seed
That he has exactly what people need
For hard times wash a people's brain
And promises are all that remain

June 18, 2009

Ads by Quigo

Ads by Quigo: "Vampires

Of wars this country has been involved
They are nothing compared to what has evolved
From within our own government we've met deceit
And our faith in our future is incomplete

Control has been their main focus
As campaign promises proved vastly bogus
The banks, the industry, the insurance they've taken
As capitalism has been forsaken

Enemies abroad are easily seen
You'd expect our own, their hands be clean
But they take each bite of freedom's bread
And into Socialism our country is led

Our states were meant to be our strength
There will be federal control at any length
We must stand up at any cost
Before every ounce of freedom is lost

Wounds don't need to ooze and bleed
When impaled by spears of power and greed
As democracy is dragged through proverbial mud
They'll drain of us dry of freedom's blood

Beware of the silent enemy within
Who smiles and pretends to be your friend
With promises of wealth and their protection
They are vampires with no reflection

June 19, 2009"

AOL Mail (114)

We Cannot Sit Idle

Our actions seal our fate
We must act before it's too late
If we are weary of our government
It's time for our combined involvement

The country is ours, defend it
The Constitution? We can amend it
Government? We can't control it?
Then it's time to overthrow it.

Changes can be made without guns and knives
When it comes to reclaiming democratic lives
En mass we need to take the reins
and restore what little freedom remains

June 18, 2009

AOL Mail (137)

AOL Mail (137)