Friday, October 11, 2013

Incentive Lost

Incentive is dying. The last of the hopeful dreamers have grown old. They are the ones who can get by on what they earned and socked away.

The last of the hopeful middle class have found themselves less comfortable than what they prepared themselves for. Most have prepared enough to have their home paid for and a tidy pension.

Coming of age are the children of the former who have had their college paid for and are searching for work. Along with them are the children of the blue collar class who have worked their own way through school and are mired in jobs just beyond minimum wage. They are afraid to advance for fear of loosing their meager benefits, so they stay until the job kills them or life itself does them in.

Then you have the lowest of middle class who struggle, work multiple jobs, both husband and wife working while the kids are home alone trying to figure things out.

And all the above are giving up a growing part of everything they earn to subsidize alcoholics, drug addicted felons, child- producing single parents, and third generation bums who just prefer a free ride.

And who gets to vote in their representatives? The liberal do gooders and their flock of takers.

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