Sunday, October 6, 2013



"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." John C. Maxwell.

Yes we have a so called leader who finds fault not remedy. He doesn't inspire people to do more or become more. For him it's all about making speeches and his status on the likeability scale and never about results. Leadership begins with taking responsibility and not casting blame. His general attitude is a mirror of his twisted narcissistic mind and why people can't readily see it is beyond me. I sincerely believe that he is a borderline psychotic so caught up in ideology and egomania that he is incapable of leading this nation. This in addition to being a pathological liar leaves us as a nation in great peril. JTD

The quote you have given us today no way describes who Obama is but your comments nailed him perfectly. You are exactly right and this is what the American people elected TWICE so that points much to where the problem lies IMO! We, and so many others, could see him for what he isn't but not the majority of voters who unfortunately many are minorities. I see in California yesterday they passed a law that gives immigrants (not citizens) a right to get a drivers license. Next they will be granted voting privileges and of course covered in Healthcare......then they will vote. Sounds far fetched but it's likely. If so, we are stuck with liberals...socialist...for a long time! SRK

I heard about the licenses in California...that whole state is a lost cause and more are to follow. The whole country is full of people who want free shit and an easy ride but worst of all we have politicians in high places who use these people to stay in power and to grab even more power! JTD

"A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way." John C. Maxwell

Does Obama know the way? He knows HIS way and is blatantly opposed to anyone else's way. He is narcissistic to the point of blindly following his agenda with no compromise, no research, and no regard to the wishes of others. This is what makes dictators. And dictators are very formidable leaders when people are in a stagnant state of mind.

Does Obama go the way? Absolutely, he goes his way on his limited access highway to reforming America into a dependant society oppressed by big government. He is a leader in that regard. He is the Pied Piper who will lead us off a cliff and into a cesspool of mediocrity.

Does Obama show the way? I'd have to say yes. He has shown all those who have no knowledge or will to obtain it the door to his ideology.

Yes, Obama is a leader, a most terrifying leader.

SRK,  I believe you are wrong. But in a typical way, very right. I am thinking out of the box and not assuming that all leaders are headed north. Some are headed due south into their own territory. A territory where he will control his followers. If people readily follow, then Obama is a leader.

I came upon an epiphany with this quote...I realized everyone on our side says he is NOT a leader. Unfortunately, he is a good leader, a deceptive leader, a dangerous leader. We need not be followers. That lS what gets us in trouble.

We don't need a leader. We need a guide who upholds the rules and shows the way within those rules, our Constitution. Someone who facilitates, delegates authority, and serves at our will. If we deem him responsible, we shall appoint him our leader, but we are not blind followers either, we should always be educated and skeptical followers.

We are all fish in a great ocean. There is plenty to eat and many places to live in the great ocean. But there is a fisherman dangling free stuff from his hook. And he has cast a net with a sign that says "FREE BUFFET" and soon the sea will be void of all fish who have no integrity and will to seek out their sustenance within their own grand sea...then the sea will become stagnate because the fisherman will have taken all the potential worker fish and left the productive fish with no life sustaining ability to thrive. MMB

I do see your point but still have a hard time calling him a leader even though he has deceived many to follow. But can it be not so much HIM but what he offers? SRK

There is a striking difference between controlling followers and leading people. Controlling the masses has nothing to do with leadership...leaders inspire people to learn more, to do more, and become more. It takes a mastery of a certain kind of evil to take the masses and have them follow out of stupidity, fear, or the fact that they are being paid in some sort of way...this is not leadership by any sort of imagination.

Obama is not a leader of any kind. He is simply the guy in power. Any action he gets from people is not the result of effective leadership it is the result of the power that he has managed to get by devious measures. Do not confuse power with leadership!  JTD

But can't a leader also inspire negative acts, like the leader of a gang leads the thugs to commit crimes? MMB

Well stated and the only thing I can add is that he has all the makings of a DICTATOR! SRK

Well I guess you two have a point. I was thinking along the lines of a bad leader being an evil leader and not a leader who cannot lead. MMB

I guess you can call anyone who is in front of a mob or a gang the leader if you go by the strict definition but what I am getting at is the organized structure of society relative to government, the military, or any organization designed for the general benefit of society. You can call the devil a leader technically but in the end all he is is the thug in charge. You are playing on words when you say that an evil entity that is in charge is a leader. There are those who think that Allah is the leader of all mankind but to me that doesn't make Allah the leader. Definitions can be anything you want them to be but when referenceing a president we all know by what criteria is necessary to make him a leader.

I have a female friend from China who I have been helping with English and it is very confusing when you consider how many words have more than one meaning. We don't realize how screwed up English is until you have to explain why so many of the same words have different meanings. JTD

Point taken. I guess it is about the context in which it is taken. My thinking is that there is someone in charge for one reason or another. Most leaders are usually chosen by their peers, some deceive their way into it, and some bully themselves into being in control. One way or another they find themselves with followers. Hitler was in charge of his regime which made him Germany's leader. He led people to commit some pretty horrific crimes against those he perceived to be inferior to Germany's standards for his Arian Society. That, IMO, was negative leadership. In your view I am understanding that to be anti-leadership.

As for Allah, being a Christian with a firm belief in God, I cannot even approach the idea of Allah being the supreme being. The Koran cannot be the truth. I guess that goes to prove just how much a religion can impact a society.

The Muslim extremist's interpretation of the Koran leads them to mayhem. They are compelled to kill anyone who does not believe. As for Christians, we believe God's word was to be spread by mostly peaceful means.

Getting back to the impact of religion on a society, I can see how the advance of secularism within our own society is harming the premise for which our republic was founded.MMB

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