Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Feds

"Productive private citizens in outlying regions of our nation and states are financially burdened to pay for a parasite public economy of lawmakers, lobbyist, contractors, and bureaucrats in the political centers." Richard K. Vedder (economics professor Ohio State University 1996)

"The cost of doing business in our government is beyond unreasonable. They pay far more for everything they buy, sometimes a hundred times more than a normal citizen would pay. We are trusting our budget to politicians who have no concept of budgeting. 

Take Hillary Clinton for instance. If what she says is true about the debt she and Bill were saddled with when they left the White House, are we supposed to welcome her to the Presidency, turn over our budget, when she cannot handle her personal finances? Everytime that woman opens her mouth her foot goes in deeper. She is about up to her hip by now.

The Federal government needs to be reined in while the states and the people gain control of the purse strings.

I am appalled at the ineptitude of government. I think the problem lies on both sides of the aisle, generally with the progressive movement.

We the People need to get tough and stand fast against the power of unions, lobbyists, and impenetrable bureaucracy.

Term limits need to be high on the list of reform. Accountability following closely behind." M.M. Beatty

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