Tuesday, July 30, 2013


I have seen the rise and fall of Nazi tyranny, the subsequent cold war and the nuclear nightmare that for 50 years haunted the dreams of children everywhere. During that time my generation defeated totalitarianism and as a result, your world is poised for a better tomorrow. What will you do on your journey?


In the fifties the threat of Communism

Had even children aware

Of the danger lurking in the shadows

The apprehension was in the air

Bomb shelter plans were talked about

Some were built and stocked

Schools practiced air raid drills

In case devastating bombs were dropped

Come Presidents Kennedy and Reagan

Who confronted our enemies head on

Contentious walls were crumbled

The fear was finally gone

Then Obama was elected

A historical event

A black president was selected

He was applauded in his ascent

Who would have guessed George Soros

And Alinski would pull the strings

And use this radical's presidency

To perpetuate evil things

We the People have foes in media

The patriots have a battle ahead

To depose the Socialist Obama regime

Who have on our rights have tread

M. Beatty 7/30/13

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