Saturday, July 13, 2013

Our rant about political correctness

I believe that political correctness can be a form of linguistic fascism, and it sends shivers down the spine of my generation who went to war against fascism.

P.D. James English Novelist Born 1920

Political correctness is a slap in the face to those who are being "protected" from being singled out for their differences. Why should the color of one's skin, ethnicity, religion, body build, looks, speech pattern, etc be singled out as so offensive that the folks need to be protected by any mention of their differences.

Is being black so offensive that it should not be mentioned in relation to the subject? I suppose it is better to use the code words associated with the differences along with the wink and look askance  when you dare to speak publicly about the person or subject.

Differences should be celebrated, discussed, and understood. Perhaps negativity could be shed if differences were discussed instead of whispered about.

Celebrate you ethnicity!  Be proud to discuss your French, Mexican, Indian, Native American, Asian roots.

Discuss what it is like to be an African Americans in a predominately white society.

Should asking someone a question pertaining to their physical differences be so horrifying that you must put it in the category of being protected under the heading of political correctness?

Why is opening up a dialogue about differences so offensive? How do I cope with being obese? Let me tell you what it's like and perhaps you will understand how I got this way and what it is like to live in a body limited by obesity.

Political correctness is silencing the dialogue that can bring people together. It widens the gap and causes more sensitivity.

" Political correctness doesn’t change us. It shuts us up."

Glenn Beck

What better way to drive a wedge between people within a society than by putting labels on their individuality, traits, ethnicicity, color, political persuasion, color, ot physical appearance?

Convince a people They are targets of others and it will be an ongoing civil war and preventing the unity necessary to stand up to the authoritarian types with their eyes on expanding government.

When there is hate and mistrust among a people there is a division among a people. Cracks form to let subversive entities infilrate. Resolve for a people's' rights are compromised when people are engaged in civil war based on differences that should be readily accepted and celebrated.

Those with designs on growing government are in their glory when there is distrust and descent among the people.

Political correctness is the best tool for building a dysfunctional society. In order to quiet people they make them afraid to speak for fear of accusatory reactions.

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