Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This is the quote from Matthew Cummings:

"The America I see today scares the heck out of me. Dependence on government will be our destruction."

In his early years, Bill Ayers sought destruction through violent protests and explosives. He evolved when he realized the best way to destroy a Democratic society is from within. And that is what he and his minions have been doing ever since.

These turncoats infiltrate our schools, government offices, and influensive corporations to spread Socialism. Their young, impulsive mindset of immediate change through force morphed into the long term plan they put in motion many years ago.

How better to gain supporters than by breaking our economy (George Soro's expertise) and creating a society of dependent people who will vote for anyone who will continue to establish more ways to take care of them. Freedom means nothing to dependent people who are comfortable in their poverty and do not care to pursue happiness.

A once reasonable balance of more centered liberal and conservative ideals is now a standoff between extremes on both sides that stagnate the balance of power by stalling the legislative branch of government. Enter a president who has his eyes set on reforming America into a Socialistic society with the guidance of people like Soros and Ayers. He gets his way by circumventing congress via executive orders and you have the makings of a dictatorship.

Appointments of ultra extreme socialist minded people in key positions such as the Department of Justice and the Supreme Court derail our whole system of checks and balances. Add the indoctrination in our schools and rejection of religion the recipe for transformation is well on its way to becoming the meal we are being forced to consume...big government and continuous loss of liberty.


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