Monday, September 1, 2014

In Enemy Territory

"One ought to never turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run from it. If you do that you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching you will reduce the danger in half. Never run away from ANYTHING! NEVER!" Winston Churchill


Allied soldiers in the bushes crouch

Guns are ready, bayonets are mounted

With hate filled eyes they scan the horizon

For the terrorists who will set their guns a-blazing

Day time drags and night will come

Anticipation wanes in everyone

The soldiers waiting now experience fatigue

Yet they fight to stay alert, crouched within the trees

The sound of enemy vehicles in the distant hills

Foot soldiers marching from kill to kill

The devastation they have left behind

Put out of sight and out of mind

Yesterday they had been the aggressor

Killing, maiming, was their pleasure

The terror they put on innocents tell

The extent of what their leaders sell

Shots ring out as the terrorist convoy passes by

Grenades send shrapnel into the sky

"Allah Akbar" they shout as they shamefully engage us

The visions of their massacres continue to enrage us

We are soldiers here to stop their surge

Into Christian and Jewish villages they intend to purge

Wrecking havoc with evil intent

With twisted meanings the Koran had sent

Our eyes show hate and at moments fear

As we fight this enemy over here

Hoping beyond hope that back home we're safe

Unlike the daily terror these countries face


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