Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Why I Am Pissed

The Bush administration did a HORRIBLE job with this country. Obama (who I was FOR, BTW) was handed a mess and has proceeded to mix the mess around the floor with a dirty mop while adding to the crap that Bush started. Obama is moving way too fast, he is surrounding himself with advisors and czars who will do nothing but make worse what was started in past administrations. His healh care is not reform, it is a government take-over which will in the long run not only hurt the people who already have health insurance, it will not help the people that it is meant to cover. The cash for clunkers is a farce. Puttting people into new cars when the economy is saying to watch your pennies. Then perfectly good older cars are being demolished and limiting the used car market. The Cap and Trade bill will raise rates for everyone, including small businesses who will have no choice but to close up shop and head elsewhere. Not to mention what it is going to do to the consumer when their utility bills and gasoline rise by 40%. And the taxation on small business to fund the proposed health care bill? THEY CAN'T AFFORD it! Small business employs the bulk of Americans and they are failing because their operating costs cannot bear anymore taxation!

I am all for green and conservation, but Obama is trying to put three loads of clothes in to a compact washer. I would be behind this president 100% if he would step back and see his agendas through at slower pace and get things done right. I got goosebumps when he was elected and was all into the historic meaning of a first black president. I was hoping our first black president would represent a better image for his constituents. He is taking community organizing to a whole new level.

There are now 40 czars that answer to and advise the executive branch. They have the power to impliment change in their charges without running it through the congress. Our system of checks and balances is compromised.

All the liberals can scream about is "it is a racial thing" and it is NOT. I am about as unbigoted a person as you will find, and I find what is happening to our country a very scary experience. It is not left and right either. The republicans and the democrats have equal blame in what has been happening for years before Obama was even elected. The lobbyists have the ears of our representatives as the people are being tuned out. No wonder laws get passed that no one wants.

The sooner people realize it is not about Obama, McCain, dems, and republicans, the sooner the people will take back the country. There has to be a point where people and the government start taking fiscal control of things. If your car breaks down you don't go out and buy a whole fleet of them. That is what the government is doing...they are spending us into a hole so deep we will never get out.

JMO. Because I give a shit.


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