Friday, February 21, 2014

As Our Rainbow Fades

"The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy." Woodrow Wilson

Our government isn't even close to what was envisioned by our forefathers. The leadership was to be the lead horse ridden by We the People. We are supposed to guide the horse with the ones that follow in the direction we see is best for our country.

But...We the People had decided to put the lead horse into the control of someone with their own destination in mind. We the People are enjoying the scenery on our ride upon one of the horses that follows, not paying attention to where we are being led.

As long as we receive free rations along the way and can see the top of the mountain we are climbing, we will refuse to take heed that the trail now traveled is too rough and narrow for We the People to complete a successful journey.

And while we sleep the leader will wake his minions and steal away into the night, taking our horses with them. We will be left behind in a ghost of a town ruined by the leader and his outlaws. The land will be overgrazed and barren and our meager survival will be the entitlements that come in on the stagecoach sent by the leader who absconded with our liberty.


As long as we can see the rainbow

And believe in the pot of gold

We won't be vulnerable to the innuendo

And the lies the leader told

We see the rainbow as a beacon

And that we are still achievers

But we've been stifled by acts of treason

By the likes of the deceivers

While most are limited to poverty

And our middle class  barely makes do

We have given up on prosperity

And to our rights we bid adeau

Now we watch the rainbow fading

The storm clouds wash away our dreams

Patriot hearts continue aching

While our hope goes down in flames

Had we recognized the shifty salesman

And refused to let him in

We would have stood as elder statesmen

And not be mourning where we've been

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