Thursday, October 23, 2014

Chameleons...commentary and quotes

"Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together." -Eugene Ionesco

This quote is interesting in that it has been Obama's ideology that has driven Americans apart and he has worked hard to continue to divide us. He is well aware that it will be our common anguish that can unite us. His game plan is to cut us off with a new crisis each time we begin to unite over the last crisis. We definitely need a new defensive coordinator.

"Evil is always unspectacular and always human. And shares our bed...and eats at our table." -W.H. Auden

Evil is best spread by masquerading as a common. Ever notice how Obama acts like he is cool? He is a chameleon who adapts to whatever crowd he is facing. He makes people identify with him and gains their trust.

"There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts." -Voltaire

Oh, and how good is Obama at employing his words and affect to gather in the believers!?  It has been his greatest tool but his words are now tainted by so many lies that they are losing their power to anyone with half a brain. Except for those who benefit from his lies and are bribed into submission with all the freebies the government can provide.

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