Monday, March 3, 2014

The Truth About Russia

The greatest threat the US faces is a nuclear Iran but who is it that always stands up for the word’s worst actors? It’s always Russia, typically with China along side. Russia is not a friendly character on the world stage.

Mitt Romney


There is always that bully on the playground

Flanked by his ghoulish friends

With authority he is pleasant to be around

He is good at the goodness he pretends

In the scheme of a worldly order

Vlad Putin sure fits that bill

He is always aiming for enemy borders

Sending his armies charging over the hills

He will stand with our Prez in camaraderie

While dreaming of kicking his ass

While he smiles and says "You can trust me!"

He will defy the Americans just that fast

So when you chat with Vlad, Mr. President

Please do consider the source

Putin's need to conquer takes precedence

As he rides shirtless away on his horse

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