Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lady Liberty

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Emma Lazarus 1849-1887


They came with hope from everywhere

Braved dangerous journeys  to find themselves here

Most kissed the ground of the land of the free

Seeking new hope for prosperity

They were so tired of the tyrannical minds

In the land they left not grudgingly behind

They were tired but able bodied, ready for the grind

A hopeful beacon Lady Liberty held high brightly shined

But who opened the gates to the progressive interlopers?

Who spiked the koolaide of citizen voters?

Who gave them power to oversee the foreclosure

In this country that has become at best mediocre?

What is it falling down the cheek of Lady Liberty?

Behold, is this a tear of sadness I see?

Her beacon no longer glows for the land of the free

Is the cause all the apathy harbored in people like me?

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