Monday, March 24, 2014

The Magic of Politics

BEN OKRI the Poet & Novelist was born in Nigeria on March 15, 1959 and he has quite a story. He wrote his first best selling novel at age 21. It is called FLOWERS & SHADOWS.

"The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are doing."


He wears a suit and satin lined cape

He waves a magic wand

People are distracted by his flamboyant demeanor

And his assistant, the gorgeous blonde

With their eyes diverted to his pointed focus

Behind the scenes deception reigns

With a slight of hand, a puff of smoke

Come the magic one can't explain

The politician in his expensive suit

And his devoted entourage

Talks circles in convincing speeches

A perfect camouflage

With rhetoric crafted to control the media

And of course, constituents' minds

They strive to impress their benefactors

And keep We the People blind

With a stroke of the pen a law is signed

One crafted behind closed doors

He's not unlike the magician

His deception is how he scores

Twirling around the political stage

His lies are his deflection

He keeps a captive audience engaged

And they ignore his imperfection

The amazing world of politics

Was never meant to work this way

They are supposed to be just people

Chosen to keep our will in play

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