Thursday, March 13, 2014

Eight Long Years

Ambassador John Bolton:

We meet at a time of true national security crisis, but our biggest national security crisis is Barak Obama.


We'll have had eight years of an agenda

When all is said and done

That will have put us on a destructive path

So Un-American

We find our country in tripled debt

And a president who shows no ounce of truth

We are now inundated with regulations

That have stifled our country's growth

The welfare and the foodstamps

Still grossly multiplies

Scandals like Benghazi

Are covered up with lies

The attempt at social justice

Leaves us sinking to all time lows

Instead of finding success

We find more financial woes

The one crowning glory offered

Is the Affordable Health Care Act

It is the nail in the coffin of prosperity

That's a true and simple fact

The IRS has become

A punitive authority

The NSA is spying

On folks like you and me

The congress is non-essential

Amid their bickering division

It does not bother the president

Who is making of all the decisions

The biggest outlaws in office

Are in the Department of Justice

Our slithering Attorney General

Is the President's accomplice

Let's talk about vacations

The first family rates them high

We watch our dollars burning

Each time they wave goodbye

In the case of national or global tragedies

Where will Obama be found

Yes, he's on the golf course

Playing another round

The White House is now the party house

Where rap stars come to play

The liberal Hollywood actors

Dine on a presidential buffet

The leaders of the world

Think our president's a joke

Jay Carney keeps on telling us

Fox News is just a hoax

Can we survive the damage

This far liberal crew has done?

Will we find us a Conservative

Who can win if he will run?

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