Saturday, August 10, 2013



Take notice of the way the liberal progressives have convinced the blacks, the latinos, certain groups of women, and of course the welfare poor that they are VICTIMS. Convincing these groups that they are victims have been in the progressive playbook for many years.  The progressives have also managed to convince these groups that they and they alone have the power to lead them to an easy place. The progressives have convinced them that it is the progressive movement that will be their savior. They have convinced these so called victims that it is the government who has the power to lead them to equal justice. Yes equal justice and equality and social retribution to those who have oppressed them. The "Victims" are charmed with hollow promises which are accepted because of all the free stuff, food stamps, cash payments, special laws like affirmative action, not to mention the weapons of racisism and prejudice against those evil conservatives. The "Victims" in their poverty and so called suffered injustices are in despair. And despair is nothing more than anger with no place to go.  The progressives direct that anger toward conservatives holding them responsible for all that is wrong with their lives. The progressives have convinced these so called victims to join them in the progressive movement and to follow blindly, being led to believe that the progressives alone can lead them to total salvation. The progressives have capitalized on the bitterness and anger and managed to direct it against the "RICH" and elite. Being convinced that the conservatives alone are the source of their inability to move ahead as a society, the progressives engineer ways to put in place various socialist programs as a way to punish the evil "Rich conservative white establishment". Soon with all these entitlements going to these so called victims, the progressives own the victims voting block which can only continue to grow.  More power goes to those elites who lead the progressives. This socialist theory worked well for Hitler and Stalin because that's how they came to complete power. The Progressives know in their hearts that socialism doesn't work, it never has and they know it to the depths of their dark souls. It's all about a power base and once the power base is 100% in place there is no need to bribe the poor, everyone except the elites will be poor, and everyone will be oppressed equally. Those who consider themselves victims are in fact making themselves into even bigger more oppressed victims. Be careful who you follow!

JT Dixon


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