Sunday, August 11, 2013

Is denying healthcare our holy graile?

Mr. Obama said it is the Conservative's will to deny healthcare to 30 million people.
Is he correct in his assumption?

I say absolutely not.

Look at the cost of Obamacare:

It is now projected it will increase the cost of premiums.

The cost of regulating and maintaining Obama are will be off the charts.

Doctors will have to raise their fees as will all other medical entities to keep up with the cost of billing and such.

How many doctors will retire rather than deal with Obamacare, how many prospective doctors will change their minds and go into other fields?

Obamacare will be an intrusion in the lives of all Americans and a huge leap towards big government.  Health care is a major part if the world economy and this administration will be first in line to claim their power.

Would it be less costly for the government to just cover the medical bills of the 30 million people without health care? After all, the government has guaranteed business loans, housing loans, student loans,  loans, etc that are high risk and likely not to be paid. Why not give those who need healthcare benefits a loan to obtain minimal coverage payable through deductions from disability or welfare payments? Or if left voluntary, perhaps some if the 30 million would actually pay. 

Maybe it's time for some of these people to take responsibility for themselves, or for their families to chip in.

Mr. Obama, we do not want to deny 30 million people healthcare, we just don't believe the government needs to take control.

Healthcare REFORM not government TAKEOVER please!

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