Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Do We Know Enough to Invade Syria?

Good morning. I hear the drums of war and can almost smell the cordite and AV gas as planes tune up for an assualt. Usually the people who beat the war drums are those who have never been to war. The are the politicians who start the wars because it shows the world their power and it keeps the industrial military complex feeding the contractors lucrative contracts. The politicians conjure up all sorts of reasons for war and play to the imagined fears of the people. All, and I say all of the wars we have been engaged in since WW2 have been political and not necessairly to defend freedom. Freedom needs to be defended from the government itself. It is the political hacks and factions of the media who tell us that we must fight for freedom when in reality we fight to protect the industrial interest of the new world order. When war comes the very first casuality is the truth. Vietnam was started on a lie and so was Korea. In neither case was war actually declared. Thousands died for a lie and with the war on terror thousands more die every year. War has been a way of life for thousands of years for certain groups. We fight to establish democracies that people don't want nor understand. We posture our military force to intercede in civil wars going on in the mideast without a war plan or an objective...and when we attack THEN WHAT! They had better think this out! They have spent months and months deciding on the guilt of a murderer in our courts and they will spend months on months to decide a penalty...but for war they attack when the public has been convinced that we have something to fear.

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime." Ernest Hemmingway

How do we plan to justify

The deaths of sons and daughters?

And the years that it takes to rectify

The damage of war and plunder

We resent when foreign beliefs of theirs

Are imposed upon our own

We fall for threats on freedom declared

Will come to hit us next at home

How far must we wade into the turmoil

These foreigners create?

When will our constant intervention

Be realized a mistake?

We can't control humanity

We cannot enforce our moral code

Should for once we try neutrality

These interventions are getting old

We pay for our intrusion

With their brutal terrorists acts

As we live with our illusion

We can make their people adapt

Poem by M. Beatty

I personally think that the current leadership in this country is ill equipped to prosecute a war of any kind and for now they should let Syria and the insurgents do what they must. They show us pictures of gas poisoning about some pictures of our carpet bombing in Vietnam or all the shock and awe laid down on the people of Bagdad? What does the people think happens when we shoot missels into a town? For now we need to stay out of it!

Commentary by JT Dixon

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