Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Blind Will Follow

quote is from Marilyn von Savant, an American Writer.

Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion.


The cellar dwellers with their Internet assault

On anyone who dares to question them

They say right winged bigots are at fault

And it's time for the affluent to take their medicine

Misinformed they tend to lead the way

For their president to usurp our liberty

But have they researched the things they say?

Do they truly believe all this negativity?

They defend their arguments with well defined lies

Made up stories is what they tender

When will the sheeple realize

True patriots will never surrender

The administration who will tax us, burden us with regulations

Still find those ignorant factions to fuel their causes

It is with division and truth's manipulation

That brings them over the lines they crossed

The only weapons the socialists have at hand

Are ignorant voters looking for all they can get

Are they just incapable to understand

The real devastation hasn't happened yet?

While under the thumb of crooked politicians

And a government seeded with mass corruption

Economic growth remains in remission

While America faces fiscal destruction

The blind will continue to follow the leaders into the dark

Because there is nowhere else to go

And it is on this journey they embark

Because in ignorance it is misplaced loyalty they know

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