Monday, January 6, 2014


Iris Murdoch shouted: The cry of equality pulls everyone down.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could be equal? The sad truth is that equal wealth should require equal effort, and people being people, that just ain't gonna happen! To achieve a more balanced economic condition, the unachievers would benefit the fruits of another's labor. Why would people toil if they could ride the coat tails of others? And thus, our country balances out at a lower level of equality instead of rising to new economic growth. M. Beatty

Thomas Mann, a German Journalist. (1875-1855)

It is a strange fact that freedom and equality, the two basic ideas of democracy, are to some extent contradictory. Logically considered, freedom and equality are mutually exclusives, just as society and the individual are mutually exclusive.

Equality in its pure form is unachievable considering human nature. No two people are the same, or own the same ambitions. To be equally endowed with benefits requires and equal effort. Some people are just more inclined to achieve, others are prone to living off what a government provides for them by taking from the achievers. M. Beatty

I just think equality in relating to people is impossible. It is hard enough to find mathematical equality. Even snowflakes are not equal, nor should they be. One should not settle for equality for the closest thing to equality would by human nature be much less than their potential. M. Beatty

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