Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Time For Some Intolerance

"Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It is boring. Unlike love, it has always been bad press. It is negative. It merely means putting up with people, being able to stand things." E.M.


Since when is every wrong acceptable?

Why are sins and anti-social deeds ok.?

Too many folks are un- respectable

Let it be said whatever they say

It is about so much incivility

That has become tolerable today

Condoning irresponsibility

What's been said, whatever they say

Protesting crowds are a distraction

When property is damaged in the wake

We tolerate more lawless infractions

As we have put so much at stake

Why do criminals have more rights

Than the soldiers in the field?

Is our future looking bright

As legalized drugs are being revealed?

Why will we tolerate

That oversized soda laws are passed

While states are lining up to embrace

The lawfulness of smoking grass?

Worst of all we have our government

Riddled with ineptitude and scandal

It's time to stand and be intolerant

Of what put our country into shambles

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