Friday, April 25, 2014


"Every age yearns for a more beautiful world. The deeper the depression and the depression about the confusing present, the more intense the yearning." John Huizinger


It comes from deep within me

The passion for the miracles around me

Perhaps if I did not so see things so bright

I'd not be cast into the darkest of night

Why do I appreciate love so immensely

Only to feel hate so intensely?

Can't there be somewhere in between to embrace me?

Rather than the highs or lows my emotions must place me?

I have it always in my mind

The world will fall apart if I leave it behind

Then again it may blossom and thrive

If I just live in the background while I am alive

When I'm happy and getting things done

My humor propels me and I bask in the sun

When in times of depression I fell

I have personally shook hands with the devil in hell

Again my brain is being sucked from my head

As I enter a world so close to the dead

And tears fall...

And fall...

As I fall

"Depression, suffering, and anger are all part of being human." Janet Fitch

"Perhaps it is true that depression, suffering, and anger are all a part of being human. But when the depression intensifies normal frustration within common suffering and anger, it means the Swiss watch that ticks in your brain that moves you forward is ticking back and forth from past to future and confusing the hell out of you." M. Beatty

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