Saturday, April 12, 2014

Take Note

Jon Voight the actor..."There is a real question at stake now. Is president Obama creating a civil war in our own country?"


As our liberty is taken

We have so much at stake

Our history forsaken

The windshield is opaque

As we drive forward to disaster

Apathy becomes a crime

Obama's the ringmaster

He's tyranically inclined

Seeing division in the races

A broken foreign policy

Socialism he chases

He reeks putrid of dishonesty

Now will we ignore the scandals

The cover-ups and deceit

To bow to those in sandals

The sand beneath their feet?

There are thieves in the White House

And it's those who we elected

As our standing is heading south

Our power is being rejected

The flag we once revered

And our country we yearn to save

Is the viper's head now severed?

Are the liberals dancing on our grave? 

Take note of how it happened to us

How we let our republic die

As we look at ourselves in sheer disgust

And dare to question why

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