Tuesday, April 1, 2014

That's Life

Dessip, you helped me write a poem....


We go through life collecting our scars

While chasing our dreams and reaching for stars

We carry our ghosts, as burdens or fear

We wonder sometimes "Why are we here?"

Yet we find ourselves in awe of the beauty of the world

As patriotic citizens when flags are unfurled

We look into the eyes of a child and see

A sunrise that that proves how pure we could be

Some old fallen barn that stood one hundred years

Broken rotted pilings once a grand fishing pier

Farm boys listened to Gramps musing about his favorite old horse

Grandsons heard overblown fishtales, of course

Somehow our scars are stronger than regular tissue

We learn to roll with things we take issue

We find the courage to move on, most profits, they say

To receive the gift of another wonderful day.

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