Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Golden Ring


Angels means messengers and ministers. Their function is to execute the plan of divine providence, even in earthly things.

Thomas Aquinas



What would an angel do

If that angel was you?

An angel who could not hug me

Now a divine entity above me

Would he search deeply in my memories

Like with only an angel's expertise

To find that little something I lost

Which over sleepless nights I turned and tossed

Perhaps a little band of gold

Lost so many years ago

Now placed lovingly on a statue's arm

I'd find it and first be alarmed

Then I'd say thank you now for being here

To prove you'd be forever near

You are the angel assigned to guide me through

The sadness from the loss of you

As I replace my long lost wedding band

I feel you steady my nervous hand

I almost think I hear you say

After all these years it is here to stay

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