Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My rant about the shift in power

Sr Walter Raleigh was one of the old greats of the 15th century and therefore a good name for my ship. ...and now a word from Raleigh...

"It's the basic principle of a tyrant to UNARM his people of weapons, money, and all means whereby they resist his power."

In order to unarm a people of these things, the tyrant must first convince ignorant and lazy people to put him in power. He does this by bribes and promises that his government will take care of them.

These ignorant supporters are left licking their lollipops in satisfied bliss as long as those lollipops keep coming. They have no clue or desire to learn just what his government is doing. If you do try to convince them that they are losing their rights day by day, they will say you are lying because you are a racist, greedy hater.

As long as a tyrant can keep at least half the people happy he can continue to use his minions to manipulate the government through laws and regulations. The control is shifting to the executive branch and if it continues we will have a society of takers and a fleeing contributing class who will, WILL have to resort to their guns to fight for the country. Will our military back the government?

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