Monday, April 19, 2010


Joe Kline has accused Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbach of sedition on the Chris Mathwes show. Kline being the half wit male bitch that he is showed his total lack of intelligence by quoting Websters dictionary so that we all know what sedition is and therefore should silence the opinions that oppose the far left.

Be aware of these socialist pigs!!...Samuel Adams said...How strangely will the tools of a tyrant pervert the plain meaning of words...

Listen to me, a plain citizen, with little education...A law enacted on May 16, 1918 to restrain public opinion of the U.S. war effort (WWI) was ammended to the esponoge act of 1917. It prohibited spoken and written attacks on the government or the constitution and led to numerous arrest. IT WAS REPEALED IN 1921!

The word sedition does not clearly differentiate between malicious libel and political opinion. The conviction of several newspaper reporters and even a republican congressman confirmed fears that the law was being used to settle political scores and differences of opinion. This conflicted with constitutional free speech. In 1964 flatly declared the concept of words deemed seditious inconsistant with the first ammendment in the case involving the NY Times v Sullivan.

Now if a small town country boy knows this...where the hell did Joe Kline and Chris Mathews go to school. BT you can post this rant to your blog if you care to. I am pissed! BY J.T. Dixon


  1. Well said, Jim. I know you love your country and have served two stints in the US Navy and fought for the countries that laugh at us today. It's about time the government starts realizing the people have something important to say and it is not about the kind of agendas they have going on behind the closed doors in congress and the white house these days.

  2. The constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government...least it comes to dominate our lives and interest.

    Let me ask you REALLY want the government raising your children? Do you really want the government in control of our financial institutions, our businesses, our utility companies, ETC.? It seems that I had gone to war to fight such concepts and while I was away another enemy to our way of life was growing in my own back yard. Our only recourse is to fight back!
