Thursday, April 15, 2010

Can We Again Stand?

"Government is not reason, it is not is a force. Like fire it is a dangerous severant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action" George Washington

Can We Again Stand?

It should not grow so large
As to be feared by the people
It should not be so powerful
And we should never be feeble

We are meant to be the masters
They were meant work at our will
Is that premise still active?
Do they honor us, still?

Have they broken away
Running wild at their will?
Are we letting them stay,
As we're footing their bill?

Is it too late to revive
The dreams of our fathers?
Are we now too weak
And needy to bother?

Can we stand up and tell them
Their short reign is now done?
Can we once again stand
For all and for one?

April 15, 2010

1 comment:

  1. Once again you have made a profound statement with your poem and interpertation of the quote. Our government is getting so big that no earthly power can control it. It is hard to contemplate the enormous number of agencies that are there to impact our daily many that they overlap and often conflict with each other in purpose...and to think we pay for all this chaos. An agency would be ok if it worked FOR the people, but more than not, they work only to complicate things and suck out money that could be used to really make this country return to it's original stated values. Dessip
