Friday, May 20, 2011

Tell Us Your Plans


If the people cannot trust their government to do the job for which it exists---to protect them and to promote their common welfare, all else is lost.

Barack Obama

Tell Me Your Plans

How does this president interpret the role
His Government was created to play?
It was not in place to save every soul
Micromanage their every waking day

It exists to protect us but not to neglect us
The People who contribute their part
It is not to enable those not willing to work
Who have taken entitlements to an art

It was meant to represent us, our will to proceed
Not to regulate our every waking hour
It was not to endebt us, and totally bind us
To the maximum of their taxable power

Dear Mr. Obama, I ask you this question
In all of my sincerity
Is it your idea that your hope for transformation
Is to collapse our capitalists society?

Do you want us encumbered, liberties now numbered
Like birds in a nest waiting to be fed?
Is you social justice that you want thrust upon us
Based on entitlements from birth til we're dead?

Do you see The Constituion as an ancient paper
Not worth the ink it was written?
Or will you as President continue to honor it
Along with the reps on The Hill that are sittin'?

Do you see us beholding to Chinese intervention
As our debt will continue to climb?
Do you see this country as yours and forgetting
It is also supposed to be mine?

May 19, 2011

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