Saturday, May 28, 2011

Collection of My Political Poems Part One

"The basic test of freedom is perhaps less in what we are free to do than what we are free NOT to do."
Eric Hoffer 1902-1983
2008-2012 The Odyssey
It is a system of positive policies
Not supposed to be regulations galore
But politicians with agendas
Have more laws they are looking for
Taxes upon taxes are required
By a Republic now a caricature
Regulations upon regulations
How much more can patriots endure?
A simple thirteen pages
Meant to guide us through our lives
Now mountains of papers, not ever read
Have let our policies easy to despise
Tax laws bent and shaped in time
To favor some more than others
Success is rewarded with penalties
Twas not the wishes of our forefathers
Elections fixed by billionaires
A quest to feed their greed for power
It's no wonder We The People's taste
For our government has turned sour
Elected officials on golden strings
Held by a billionaire puppeteer
Have undermined our liberty
We are losing it, I fear
Unions strangling our economy
Manufacturers fleeing for capital gains
Why civil workers get higher benefits
Could someone please explain?
Pork for special interest groups
Bailouts for companies failing
While folks are fighting to save their homes
Amid white water they are flailing
Wars are fought half-heartedly
The generals have their hands tied
As we feed and clothe the enemies
Shooting from the other side
State side terror is increasing
Planes and buildings are no longer safe
Yet we stand on political correctness
Condoning the violent Jihad faith
DC is suing the states for laws
They have made to protect their own
As millions of illegals rip their economies
And it's obviously known
No reason should we profile
For feelings it may scar
Our police are labeled racist
If they stop an Hispanics car
Farmers on the borders
Are murdered by the thugs
Coming to our country
In the hope of selling their drugs
It took billions of good Americans
To elect our President was not hard
But if anyone questions his policies
They play the old race card
This poem could go on forever
Naming the mountains we've been asked to move
But if we asked for policies to be granted
The Administration would never approve
February 28, 2011

Some people confuse acceptance with apathy, but there's all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish between what can and what cannot be helped; acceptance makes that distinction. Apathy paralyzes the will to action; acceptance frees it by relieving it of impossible burdens.
Arthur Gordon
Apathy and Acceptance
Turn your back, release your mind
From any turmoil borne in time
Evil is as evil does
It's not your problem "just because!"
An apathetic soul can let you know
Why all this agony will come and go
It's here, there's nothing that can be done
Behind the strength of anyone
Let apathy control your journey
It'll drown out your righteous fury
They will meet in basements and complain
In contempteous groups they will remain
Never will there be a hero
Hope for revitalization zero
Apathetics hold no charm
Too frozen in now to even twist your arm
Acceptance Is an enemy
To anyone who had hoped would be
What happens now, had happened then
Just accept the fact we never win
Passed laws are loathed and critisized
Dirty politicans are most despised
Can acceptance be the fatal stake
Impaled into changes we refuse to make?
April 2, 2011

Hadith Al Bohkari vol 9:57 "Whoever changes his Islamic religion, KILL HIM."
From Surg 5:51 Koran "O ye believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them for friendship is of them. This friendship makes ANY Muslim an enemy of their own and deserving the same fate as the unbeliever. This is because God (Allah) does not guide unjust people.
Mohammed said, "I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah. (Bukhari vol 4:196)
a quote from one of the leaders of the Taliban...
"Those youths who did what they did destroyed America with their airplanes, they have done a good deed. There are thousands of youth who look forward to death like the Americans look forward to living."
At Allah's Direction?
How can they say it was a good deed
That day on nine one one?
The only good that was done that day
Was to unite the Americans
People of all faiths and creed
Left their families forever
When can such terror be justified?
I am here to tell you "Never!"
Just because they look at death
In their faith as celebratory
The faith the westerners hold so close
Is by far another story
We hold close to our hearts our families
Our celebrate our creation
Who says it's right in an other's eyes
To terrorize entire nations
I will not stand to be victimized
And killed at their slightest whim
Because their Allah has proclaimed
It's their duty to do us in
February 6, 2011

Daniel Webster:


A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evils.

Cash Control

Willing, we are, to pay our way
But we also wanted to have our say
Now the people elected and we thought were trusted
Have gone and gotten our economy busted

Spending more to try to get even
Redistributing all to folks who're grievin'
Putting brick upon brick on those who earned
Who now hold back 'cause they're concerned

Our economics tilt to the far left side
What our founders built is on the slide
Government now controls the old purse strings
And parasites wait in the wings

January 20, 2011


The press should not be only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses.

Vladimir Lenin

1870-1924 (he died after a series of 3 strokes)

Corrupt The Media

Organize the masses
Use your beloved press passes
Be the arm of trumoil mixing
Agitating instead of fixing
Be the liar to the classes

Take your game, and stow it
Play the race card like you know it
Use your voice to spread the hate
In the media you infiltrate
Let loose and overflow it

Spread your propaganda well
Truth is something you won't sell
Be the arm of those in power
Command the newstime hour
Believe the lies in which you tell

Come forth with Meda Matters
George Soros and today's mad hatters
You know you own MSNBC
And for PBS you pay your fee
Your billions spent have made them fatter

Bring forth the teachings of Vladimir
The Socialists agendas are rising here
Corrupt the media and spread your word
It's the only way that you'll be heard
Hold this country at bay with fear

Once the media is totally corrupt
There is nowhere else for you than up
Feed the talking heads what you want them to say
Set the table the same old way
Then happily drink from your Socialist cup

Marian May 28, 2011

It is weakness rather than wickedness which renders men UNFIT to be trusted with unlimited power.
John Adams
We look upon our leaders
To know they have the strength
Not just weak chest beaters
Who soon will lose our faith
They'll allow our enemies access
No courage to hold them back
They'll run before the facts are in
Their decision making lacks
Wicked men have been leaders
But are defeated and run aground
But weaker men can hide the truth
Until calamities come around
We cannot allow them power
Unlimited while we sleep
Be it wicked men or weaker men
They made promises they must keep
They must stand for our protection
Represent our country's power
Unfit for that which makes us bold
Is a leader who will cower
March 22, 2011

We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorist. We invite terrorism by ignoring them."
George W. Bush

Don't Ignore Them!

As terror creeps across our land
And our fears are leading us by the hand
Under the covers he shiver and shake
Can this be the biggest mistake?

Burning buildings, crashing planes
Truley they must be insane!
Perhaps evil is a much better dipiction
A slanted source of their's faith's affliction

Strapping bombs to children and women
Growing new terrorists by hoards in Yemen
Peaceful vacations can be disrupted
By American youth by Islam corrupted

We all awoke on Nine One One
Something about terror must now be done
Ignoring them will only raise the bar
To see how devasting their people are

February 8, 2011

These entitlement programs soon self-destruct and at which point the people are no longer able to function on their own and we all become starving birds who have never learned to fly.
Imagine life so stifling
If you can never leave your nest
Watching life going on around you
Because you never passed the test
Momma bird will feed you, true
As your beak is open wide
But you'll never have the freedom
Nor will you ever feel the pride
Someday will the winds prevail
And momma bird never returns?
You had never been taught to fly
Dependants have no chance to learn
Sitting in your cozy nests
You watch the world pass you by
But there's no one left to feed you
It is now your time to die
March 13, 2011

"Terrorism has become the systematic weapon of war that knows no border or seldom has a face.

Jacques Chirac

Evil Has No Face

They make Freddy Krueger look like a long lost friend
Their evil will never expire
We may awake to the sun and blessings of each day
Then wind up a part of a terroists fire

They can be the neighbor boy you watched grow
Gone to Yeman and returned to kill
Measures taken to keep us safe
Can be infiltrated and always will

The grocer you thought was a very fine fellow
A Middle Eastern man of dignity
Has drawn his gun to fire and kill
We never realized his true identity

A Radical Muslim in our military ranks
An Army Major with a Psyche degree
Through political correctness he was ignored
He shot servicemen one...two... three

Anthrax virus mailed to upstanding folks
Via our American postal delivery
Terror has no face to conceal
There's no bounds to their creativity

Bombs set afire in his underwear
On a Christmas flight he rode
Thanks to passengers being aware
No devastation would unfold

Planes were boarded on one fine fall day
In an act that was the final straw
Crashed into buildings killing loved ones
It united us against them all

Come the decision to build a mosque
In the shadow of the towers
They say it is a peaceful act
But inside it shows their powers

Bombs in shoes and carried by children
No one is ever really safe
It can be a shopping mall or hometown church
Evil has no face

February 8, 2011

Fool's World

Who is to know what is in a fool's heart?
Apathy, perhaps, does ignorance play a part?
Is it easier to turn a back than to face the way it goes?
Is a fool just afraid because what deep inside he knows?

Can one watch the daily news and show no reaction?
Is it much too difficult than to insist on satisfaction?
Having coffee in the serenity of a kitchen's morning light
Being oblivious to what has gone on while you're sleeping through the night

What is a fool, when all is said and done?
Are they locked in a reality not including everyone?
Do their stars line up because they only hope they do?
Is it foolish to think of others, or only just of you?

Children playing as they're growing is infinitely acceptabe
So is education that can make them more adaptable
Should we teach them only that amid the flowers we will thrive
Or that it takes some paricipation to even hope that we survive?

They say a fool and his money are parted way too soon
It must hold true to dignity of hapless far out loons
He won't give and she won't budge, we're obviously lost
While the fools will play their games at everybody's cost

April 2, 2011

"If you know your enemy and know yourself you need not FEAR the results of a hundred battles."

Sun Tzu

For Peace

If you know your enemy and realize your power
Fear will not invade your finest hour
If you tend to walk softly and holster your gun
You'll find your retreat has already begun

When peace is your highest priority
You still must defend it with superiority
Sometimes peace in the truest sense
Is holding your power with a good defense

February 9, 2011

Bukhari v4b52n311 There is no immigration after the conquest of Mecca, but only jihad. When you are called by the Muslim ruler for jihad fighting, you should go forth immediately, responding to the call.
Muslim:c28bzon4631, Koran: Allah's apostle said: I heard Muhammad say: I would not stay behind when a raid for jihad was being mobilized unless it was going to be too hard on the believers. I love that I should be killed in Allah's cause, and they are slay and are slain, they kill and are killed.
From the Mouth of The Jihad
We know not peace, only retribution
Allah has ordered destruction to those
Not willing to Jihad, in absolution
Our hate forever grows
Come forth to battle and give your lives
For it is the words in the Koran
Be it guns and bombs and sometimes knives
To kill is our Allah's demand
Non believers shall live no more
Prepare to meet your fate
For the Jihad is knocking at your door
And our resolve is more than great
February 14, 2011

America will never be destroyed by the outside. If we falter and loose our freedoms, it will be because we've destroyed ourselves.
~Abraham Lincoln
From Within
Ride on the wagon sound asleep
Leave the journey to the beasts in harness
Are you so certain that the course they will keep
Will bring you home in earnest?

Leave the map, take no direction
Use your memory to find your way
What will happen if you don't ask questions?
With your liberty you might pay
Live your life in trust of others
Accept the laws they make at their will
Turn your back on your founding fathers
You'll find your enemies on Capitol Hill
Say what you must about the countries against us
But they are not the ones to fear
Your freedom will be lost by those you trust
You thought you'd never see it happening here
May 16, 2011

The main obstacle to the World Order is the United States.
George Soros
His Evil Plan
Comes the Spooky Dude with his power of money
Bent on souring our milk and honey
A new world order is his sole desire
Come on, Americans, raise your ire
Under our flag red, white, and blue
Soros is determined to now control you
He'll rally 'round dependent ne'er do wells
Who for entitlements their souls they sell
Socialism is his state of mind
His money empowers those of his kind
In a collapsed economy he will bring us crashing
Those who tried will be forever thrashing
Gone will be the American dream
For those who won't prosper, gone the gleam
Either we fall to Soros longtime plan
Or draw our line in the proverbial sand
Reject the coping with government funds
Renew the hoping, new spirit begun
Stand in the light of the Constitution
Shoot down the idea of redistribution
May 15, 2011

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