Saturday, October 1, 2016

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.
Albert Einstein


Are we good when we let evil thrive?

Turn our backs without despise

Like it's not there, we act surprised

When it's pointed out it has arrived?

We are good it's not our concern?

Windows smashed and buildings burned

Shaking our heads, again we turn

Asking will they ever learn

Who are we to interfere

With evil folks inciting fear?

We've seen them around and often hear

ISIS is their financier

Kids are bullied, that's so sad

Let's hope they stop it, that's too bad

Our kids are good, say mom and dad

Their kids are bullies and yet they brag

Politicians are terribly corrupt

Lie to their minions and round them up

Buy the votes from all the schmucks

Set the country on self destruct

Evil is here, of course we know

Yet we're living in the status quo

Plant the seeds and watch them grow

The evil weeds just wait below

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