Sunday, June 30, 2013


"One has to accept pain as a condition of existence. One has to court doubt and darkness as the cost of knowing. One needs a will stubborn in conflict, but apt always to the total acceptance of every consequence of living and dying." Morris West

My Enlightenment

Had my life been an elevator

Quietly moving on upward

Should I have thought sooner or later

My world would be restructured?

Who delegates the pain?

Who makes your heart ache?

What determines who's insane?

And how much a man can take?

Off and on I have been led into darkness

I don't think I went there on my own

But I ended up there regardless

It won't be written on my stone

Who puts us in places we can't perceive?

I really don't think I had willingly gone

I guess it is time that I believe

I should have known right from wrong

What the Heck?

"Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune." William James

What the Heck?

I had my best laid plans in mind

There right in front in my thoughts

I had put lessons I learned behind

And was ready to use what I was taught

Then there it was, standing in my way

A thing called life in the middle of my road

It just happens, they always say

I guess it's all about going rogue


Battling the Beasts

With the sun comes shadows

Even on the best of days sinister things will lurk

Your pristine neighborhood becomes a ghetto

Evil prone to pounce when we're not alert

Life of puffy clouds and angels singing

Are on the top of everyone's lists

But we live among those with doomsday bells a-ringing

Who emerge from hell in foggy mists

Only goodness can overcome an evil plight

Our swords are sharp as are our minds

Dedicated people rise to chase terror back into the night

And rescue those who choose to remain blind

The. Cleansing Storms

The Cleansing Storms

In serenity I languish with the life I had in mind

In chains I hold myself when tension grips my soul

In turmoil from my anger when I am so inclined

Too often with bitterness I won't let go, I can't let go

So badly I long for escape from my fears

Wanting freedom from such emotions that confine me

Then comes the lightning and the thunder amid raining tears

Bless the storms that break the chains that bind me

Saturday, June 29, 2013

As We Awaken

"It is easy to understand why the law is used by the legislator to destroy in varying degrees among the rest of the people their personal independence by slavery, their liberty by oppression, and their property by plunder. This is done for the benefit of the person who makes the law, AND IN PROPORTION TO THE POWER THAT HE HOLDS." FREDERICK Bastiat

As We Awaken

We handed them more and more power

Fueled by our apathy

We have disappointed our founders

With misuse of their legacy

We have voted in ignorance

For liars and thieves

We have shown our indifference

To the regulations they weave

Now on the brink of freedom lost

Our blinders have become askew

We are getting a glimpse of what a nanny state costs

And are realizing our attention is long overdue


I love you

Let me share my hope, my vigor, my lust for life

Let me kiss away your tears and ease your strife

I will listen intently and dry your tears

Hold you close and ease your fears

I love you

Let me hold you up when your legs give out

I will open windows to opportunity when you have doubt

Just return my love with hugs and smiles

And we will endure together for endless miles

Friday, June 28, 2013


"Anyone entrusted with power will abuse it if not also antimated with the love of TRUTH and VIRTUE, no matter he be a prince, or one of the people." Jean de la Fontaine 1709-1784 French Poet, literature master


The young man saw the power

He was a rising star

He would have his finest hour

Amid his minion czars

He soaked up the adoration

Took advantage of the perks

With his close collaboration

He stirred up all the dirt

He has taken his leadership to the point

Of a dictator in his role

And with the crooked people he appoints

They conspire to take control

Apathetic people refuse to see

Their country is in trouble

And if this trend continues to be

Our free society will truely crumble

Thursday, June 27, 2013


"Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretense that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth." Mark Crispin Miller


Why should I bother to question bold?

Furthering education is getting old

I studied my lessons and got good grades

Now I have my own plans laid

As far as I know the news is truth

And I pick my rep in the voting booth

If the media informs me why question it all?

And running the country,  that's the government's call

If the youth today are that apathetic

With no reason to feel apologetic

Truth and justice will fall so fast

And our liberty will become a distant past

Commentary J. Dixon

Back during the Eisenhower administration a guy by the name of Ezra Taft Benson had a conversation with Kruschev the leader of Russia. I remember Kruschev very well from his shoe banging and his emphatic statement "We will bury you"...anyway Ezra had a conversation with Kruschev and quoted part of that conversation..."You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright, but we'll keep feeding you doses of socialism until you"ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won't have to fight you. We'll so weaken your economy until you fall like an overripe fruit into our hands." That particular statement wasn't that long ago and look where we are now as a nation.

The socialist, Marxist, and the commies stepped up their infiltration during the cold war and started infiltrating our schools, the media, and even our government. The infiltration included certain executives in corporations, some churches, but they mainly infiltrated our colleges with their sights on the journalism and political science students. Today we have a more efficient media propaganda machine than Hitler ever thought possible. The take over of America happened without a shot being fired. As a nation we got too comfortable, too detached, too apathetic...and so here we are. I will leave you with one small quote that I know you will understand...

"Media manipulation in the U.S. today is more efficient than it was in Nazi Germany, because here we have the pretense that we are getting all the information we want. That misconception prevents people from even looking for the truth." Mark Crispin Miller

Remember the media will make you believe all sorts of things convincingly...and if you start getting too close they'll throw up a distraction to send your truth search off the rails...distract, manipulate, control. "The roll of the media is to SURROUND THE TRUTH WITH A BODYGUARD OF LIES." (Greg Hallett)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Positive Direction commentary

"The larger the government, the more our living standards are reduced. We are fortunate as a civilization that the progress of free enterprise generally outpaces the regress of government growth, for, if that were not the case, we would be poorer each year...not in just relative terms, but absolutely poorer too. The market is smart and the government is dumb, and to those attributes do we owe the whole of our economic well being." Lew Rockwell

"This was quoted out of one of Lew Rockwell books back in 1988...back before Obama and when our government was about half its size and we had a real free market...this has changed dramatically since Obama where now the free market does not outpace the growth of government. It's just something else to think about!" James T. Dixon

"So now that our economic health is so dire and government growth so rapid, is this to mean collapse is inevitable? Once free market can no longer sustain a capitalistic society I believe the only direction the country will continue to travel is toward Socialism.

Already nearly half of our population is being cared for via government handouts, food stamps, welfare, unsubstantiated disability payments, etc. And to my horror, people are becoming accustomed to that status in society. The will to achieve is diminishing faster than a comet crashing to earth.

The achievers are being forced to care for the fledgling population through ever increasing taxes. The job providers are being taxed and regulated to the point they are fleeing the United States to corporate friendly countries. Those who stay are downsizing, laying off, and doing what they can to avoid the taxes and penalties Obamacare is going to place on them.

There is nothing happening within our government today that shows signs of any type of recovery plan. The social and economic issues are only the tip of the iceberg." Marian M. Beatty

The Illness Spreads

Ron Paul said not so long ago that "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads."



Lies on the Hill

Another cover-up

Secret deals are struck

And voters swallow the pill

The disease is spread

Through what is said

Too many secrets are untold

Their time is spent

Fighting discontent

As scandals now unfold

No laws are passed

That deserve to last

It's all a socialist agenda

What's happening

In Washington

Is beyond real dementia


George Orwell said "The people will believe what the media tells them to believe." .

The media is their god

Hollywood actors tell no lies

If your action hero says it's so

No need to scrutinize

If mentioned on TMZ

They say they heard it on the news

The talk shows on tv

Give them all the facts they use

Ultra-liberal teachers

Pound ideals into their minds

Hollywood stars are preachers

Who spew rhetoric to the blind

What happened to education?

Who will hold an original thought?

Why are they prone to emulation

Instead of history they are taught?

Our future voters are showing

An absence of general knowledge

And ultra-liberal winds are blowing

Where our children attend their college

What is permeating our country

Is apathy and misinformation

With only secular commentary

We are facing a falling nation

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Commentary ie: entitlements spurring oppression

"Find out just what the people will submit to and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." Frederick Douglas (1818-1895) escaped slave, abolitionist, author on August 4th 1857

As long as a near majority of the people are ignorant of underlying facts, and those same people are willing to be kept by their government while they do little to contribute to the sustainment of said government, the whole country will remain oppressed.

Those striving for success are being taxed well beyond what is deemed to be usery. Our votes are being cancelled by the votes of people who do not understand that the agenda of the people they are putting in power is to undermine the Constitution. They do not understand that the government taking care of the people is an unsustainable task. But by then, the Socialist regime will have great power and will no longer have the need to create entitlements meant to lure people into their web.

How do we educate people who are happy to live in oppression and have their meager existence supplemented by a government buying their votes with the crumbs they are tossed?

Education, motivation, and insistence that people contribute to the Republic are our only hope.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Quote and commentary

QUOTE In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” ~George Orwell

How can words be more true today? People who tell the truth, ask for the truth, or search for the truth are demonized. We are labled racists, haters, and civil disobedients. We are gun toting radicals and nay sayers, they say. Any media who dare rebuke the policies of the administration or ask for answers are called disruptive. Name calling is the most ready weapon of a government wanting to silence those who dare to speak their mind.

If seeking the trurh and asking for transparency in our government is a revolutionary act then label me a revolutionary. In defense of our Constitution I will proudly wear that label and wave my Republic's flag. I will sing to the top of my lungs the National Anthem and continue to hold God in concert with my quest to continue the dreams of our founders. Marian 1/30/2013

The quote comes from Saul Alinsky & his book RULES FOR RADICALS: QUOTE The organizer’s first job is to create the issues or the problems. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community, for the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues. An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent.

The quote is a mirror of the attitude in today's White House. The entire coubtry consists of factions at each other's throats...Conservative vs Liberal, gay vs straight, pro-life vs pro choice, black, white, hispanic, all at odds, secular attacking Christian values and atheists asserting their disbelief, Progressives stomping on our Constutinal rights, class warfare, environmentalist supressing our need for fossil fuels until technology can embrace a green society. The entire givernment machine is working against one another...the executive branch is over-steppung its authority by a record use of executive priveledge, the right in congress are becoming more extreme within their minions while the left leans further from reality and they all stall the progress of solving our economic problems. And worst of all the states mistrust and reject the federal power and intrusuon.

Saul Alinski is celebrating as the republuc struggles in a mass sea of discontent and our life jackets have become anchors.

Quotes and commentary

QUOTE The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.

Just the opposite of the Progressive movement. Progressives think people should stand still and have things handed to them. Having the people chase happiness (success) and achieve it gives the government less power. How will the government survive if they have no substantial people to tax? They think they will thrive off the power to take and possess what the people would have owned. The commercial property and industry will be run by the government...but it will not work. The government is a failure at pursuing their own happiness.

But I digress...I think the quote means that you must take your own initiative to achieve your success and not rely on others to do it for you. YOU have to choose it, pursue it, and snare it. If someone else gives it to you it is not yours to enjoy.

QUOTE Pleasure is spread through the earth, The stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find. William Wordsworth/1806

Pleasure shall not just befall you as you sit idly under a tree. Seek and Ye shall find...if you snooze you lose.

In the era of generous government we were promised abundance for all. By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul, But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy, And reality stood up and told us, If you don’t work you will die.

With government as an oppressor and the people as a burden there is very little the people can covet. The will to earn is diminished and all that will be available to the people is what little the government has to offer.

Commentary re: wisdom

Hermann Hesse..."Knowledge can be communicated, but NOT WISDOM. One can find it, live it, be fortified by it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it."

Wisdom is acquired by how you process the knowledge acquired through life. It is an accumulation of experiences and teachings, it is how you learn to accept love and hate and how you choose to deal with with affection and rejection. Wisdom is knowing when to walk away from a fight or stand your ground. Wisdom is what kicks in when emotions become unreasonable. Wisdom is the ignition to the motor that drives your rationality and the brakes to a runaway imagination. Wisdom is acquired by choosing to be open to truth and an instinct to reject lies and manipulation. M. Beatty 2/8/2013 Hermann Hesse..."Knowledge can be communicated, but NOT WISDOM. One can find it, live it, be fortified by it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it."

Wisdom is acquired by how you process the knowledge acquired through life. It is an accumulation of experiences and teachings, it is how you learn to accept love and hate and how you choose to deal with with affection and rejection. Wisdom is knowing when to walk away from a fight or stand your ground. Wisdom is what kicks in when emotions become unreasonable. Wisdom is the ignition to the motor that drives your rationality and the brakes to a runaway imagination. Wisdom is acquired by choosing to be open to truth and an instinct to reject lies and manipulation. M. Beatty 2/8/2013

More commentary re: the government

"ALL greatness of character is dependent on individuality. The man who has no other existence than that which he partakes in common with all around him, will never have any other than an existence of mediocrity."

Those who settle for blending in with those around him are sacrificing their chance of pursuing his own purpose and reeping his own rewards. It is like dining in a grand restaurant and settling for a plain burger.

"The more dependent you are, the more ignorant you must be, and that's how they want you. That's the definition of success for the modern democratic party. As many people dependent on government as possible is the objective."

Who would challenge the government more?...a country made up of wise owls and cunning foxes or a country consisting of complacent sheep????


Does death ring final...that we'll be alone?

Or will forever be one fantastic reunion?

Will we finally be reunited with those we have known?

Will a solitary wandering be our undoing?

Is it Heaven, our final destination?

Or is a devil to welcome us with open arms?

Need we have to accept some revelation

And trust Gods children will endure no harm?

Heaven and Hell

As grand as Heaven is said to be.

The truth is how you percieve prosperity

For wealth is in how well you know your mind

It could simply be Hell we leave behind.

Battles Within

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell." Buddha...

Amid chosen enemies combatants fall

Those who remain standing are said to win

But the biggest battle that comes to call

Is the one you fight within

Avoid the Brussel Sprouts

The Greek Philosopher, HERACLITUS:


Avoid the Brussel sprouts

They are obvious on your plate

What is hidden in the mashed potatoes

Is the poison that you ate

They say it and shout it loudly

So that obviously you can hear

But what is hidden in their whispers

Are the lessons you should fear



Subliminal perception is a subject that virtually no one wants to believe exists, and...if it does exist...they much less believe that it has any practical application...the techniques are in wide spread use by media, advertising, and public relations agencies, industrial and commercial corporations, AND BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ITSELF.

Wilson Bryan Key

People think of subliminal messages as science fiction. The truth is they have been used for years in commercials and I believe the use was banned by the FCC.

Government is no stranger to mind control and subliminal suggestions. When people become passive they are good targets for that type of control. Open minded people are much harder to subliminally impress. It takes a nearly idle mind to let things infiltrate your thinking process and the world is full of idle minds.

How many times have you seen people in church meetings, assemblies, and such with their minds seemingly a thousand miles away...fertile ground for skillful propaganda mongers to plant their seeds. All of a sudden there are hoards of people who believe something and don't even really know how they know it.


Sit thee in a vacuum

Protect not your mind

What gets planted while you linger

Lord knows it's a crime

Be there in your seat

Pretend that you're not dead

You may not want to be there

But you soaked up every word they said

Letting down your guard

They occupy your mind

The next thing that you know

Your own views get left behind.

Bug Bye Winter

"Springtime is the land awakening. The march winds are the morning yawn!"

Buh Bye Winter

The icy air still lingers and chills me to the bone

Each winter as I age a year seems the worst I've ever known

The sharp intruding fingers that the northern wind has blown

Sends shivers down my spine and makes the water hard as stone

Spring is around the corner but is afraid to come on out

Winter always rules, that's what life is all about

The calender tells the truth until there isn't any doubt

The warm air sneaks in through the branches while the birds begin to shout

Spring fairies flitter through the air singing "Dear winter that's enough!"

Winter takes an exit and leaves us in a huff

Just like a grumpy grandpa with his voice so hoarse and gruff

Winter stalks off slowly with his snow and ice and stuff

The gentle warmth of spring brings a smile to our faces

Happily we work outside to remove the winter traces

It is time to brush the horses now and put them through their paces

And head out in a canter to now warm wide open spaces


Happiness is like a butterfly: The more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder.



I love that quote. The meaning is very clear, a person can be so obsessed with finding happiness he will fall into ruts that eventually make him sad. For instance, those who try so hard to find a mate so he can live happily ever after will force themselves to fall in love. Love like that is destined to fail. Love that brings happiness is the love that comes by chance...when two soulmates come together.

My Love

Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.

Leonardo da Vinci


It happened on a summer day

I took flight beneath the sun

The air beneath my wings they say

Is what makes us come undone

T'was a magic breath of air so sweet

Meant forever to exemplify

The one who swept me off my feet

Held the love that makes me fly



Live in such a way that you would not be ashamed to sell your parrot (cockatoo) to the town gossip.

Will Rogers


Words escape before one can think

Sometimes your sentiments just outright stink

Friendships can be ruined before you blink

So think before saying those words that stink

Growing up...commentary

Give thanks for what you are now, and keep fighting for what you want to be tomorrow. Fernando Miramontes Landers

The good thing about aging is that one has the opportunity to become more informed, acquire a sense if humor, grow a thick skin, and become who you want to be.

The bad thing about aging is when one fails to adapt and remains bitter and sad. One can only play the reruns of a sad childhood if they let themselves. I am one who learned to laugh at my shortcomings and let my heart soften instead of harden.

Of course growing old also has the benefit that as people like me age, the beautiful and popular people do, too now we can all blend in...

The Lost Girls


The test of tolerance comes when we are in a majority, the test of courage comes when we are in a minority.

Ralph W. Sockman

We got by in grade school fine

We didn't understand

Our being different would become an issue

Such scorn we never planned

Our clothes were never right, you see

We were never fashion plates

We were awkward and lacked in social skills

We were never asked to date

It took me years to stop regretting

And with humor the load I beared

There is always someone for someone else

Who in time will show they cared


Lessons Taught

Pictures painted by those aware

Having lived it all, they have their say

Innocent faces with interest stare

Holding questions held at bay

War stories, life stories, brutal truth

Related with passionate voices

Bring the awe of quizzical youth

Morals built for future choices

Lessons learned on neighbor's porches

The old man has so much to relate

To the children who will carry the torches

Leading to a future date

Lessons taught with celebrated tales

From those who had been a part of time

Are the winds that bellow the great white sails

Of ships that endure with hope in mind

Sadly Now I Stand Alone

speak out because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionist and I did not speak out, because I was no a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

Martin Niemoller


Oh my! This is more than chilling!!!

Sadly Now I Stand Alone

It used to be a happy people, one day.

We mingled with one another as we watched our children play.

Then came the soldier with guns in tow

They picked out all the Jews and told them they must go

They came again and took the atheists

And in the next week they seized the pacifists

I did not stand for I feared reprisal

Who was left would cower at their arrival

Now I stood alone you see

With no one left to stand for me.

His Torture


Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.

Khalil Gibran

His Torture

They were avid torturers with no reasonable will

They would hang a man with intent to kill

Make suffer the victims upon a cross of wood

To hang in view of the neighborhood

A slow and painful death to bear

A wreath of thorns around His hair

Nailed through hands and feet He hung

To bleed and suffer beneath the heat of the sun

This cruel fate befell Jesus, our Lord

He faded from life on this cross shaped board

Only to prove to the people he would rise again

Extolling his miracle to all good men

His torture proved to re-anoint

After years of good deeds, now He has made His point

Before his followers the message was sent

Believe in your God and for your sins, repent.

Left Behind

Left Behind

Precious bonds in life are formed

Meant to last forever

Never realizing it's shorter to some

In the course of life's endeavor

The time will come when one must go

It leaves the others sad and grieving

Hearts ache deeper than one can know

When the ones they love start leaving

There comes a day those left behind

Will find themselves alone

And grateful when there comes the time

When they too are going home

Free Will

"The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to be greater than our own suffering." Ben Okri

Free Will

God created all that's grand

On a scale that can never be done again

He gave His skill to His creation, man

On a smaller scale to suit future men

Man had learned to overcome

Shortcomings that his life would spin

He learned to endure failures one by one

Transform mistakes and begin again

God realized the imperfections about

The man and world He created

And also knew without a doubt

Perfection becomes outdated

So man will grow and the world will change

God hopes the changes are for the better

He gave us free will to rearrange

And not follow life to the letter


"A system rife with abuses. First by the government in creating a system of generational dependants in order to garner their vote and tax the hell out of the rest of us. Second by the recipients who have lost all sense of values and morality. Third, it is the fault of all of us for allowing this crap to happen at all. End the Fed, Restore the republic." J. Carlton Calgary

They're Here!

Votes were cast with righteous ideals

Seldom did the people scream for repeals

Now voters are split among economic factions

More and more the needy gain traction

Promises made by smiling politicians

They will give you what you need without any restrictions

They will force the rich to pay for your laziness

How did they gain office to sustain all this craziness?

Government boots kick ass for the needy

The folks who are wearing them label hard workers greedy

Lies and deception are their goals for the day

Masters they are if we believe what they say

Obamacare rammed through against all rationality

Making us question our true nationality

More often then not Socialist agendas prevail

Is this what We thought hope and change would entail

Spying on Americans can't do us any harm

If you believe the president's charm

When will it end? I will tell you no lie

It's when we kiss this administration bye bye

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Just Call Me Stormy

I could not deal with peace and tranquillity without a good dose of chaos to keep me on my game. M. Beatty

Just Call Me Stormy

I have been floating in tranquility

They said I needed rest

I feel I'm in captivity

But everyone else knows best

The soft white clouds are comforting

The sunshine on my face feels good

But now peace is what I'm suffering

Give back my chaos if you would

Too much time in la la land

Is not my kind of reform

So take some heed of my demands

And give me back my storm!

The Match

M. Scott Peck...

"The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual---for it is the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost." Peck (1936-2005)

The Match

It takes but one to inspire

Defeated masses in times so dire

He who cares has done so well

When on proper ears his words he'd tell

A man with vision to lead the way

With impassioned pleas he has his say

It takes but one to so inspire

With heartfelt words he ignites a fire

Too many people get defeated and think because they are outnumbered they have to accept the consequences of that defeat. But there are those, Kennedy, Lincoln, Martin Luther King come to mind, who are so driven with the passion of their conviction they can induce others to follow their hearts and take a stand.

The Conservatives are losing their leadership roles because we are in dire need of an orator who can express himself, a patriot who takes a punch, smiles, and proceeds with even more vigor than before. One who can impress the people enough to give them renewed hope and a will to fight.

Obama had two things going for him...there was a desire for substantial change in our government and he had a look and personality about him that could induce people to0op follow him. The change came in the form of having our first black president. People were so taken in by making history that they ultimately accepted Obama as a savior without knowing who he really is.

Those Who Perpetuate the Violence

"Those who forget good and evil and seek only to know the facts are more likely to achieve good than those who view the world through the distorting medium of their own desires." Bertrand Russel

Those Who Perpetuate the Violence

Why did they cross the line?

What made them kill?

What drove their will?

What caused their hate for all mankind?

Why did good forsake them

And evil take them?

All that I can ultimately say

God will embrace the victims today

And the evil that hardened the killers' hearts

Will be waiting for them as they depart

Those who perpetuate the violence shall dwell

Within the stinking walls if hell


The feeling we are being manipulated sets our stance for battle. We see only what we dislike about our enemy and compromise is a moot point.

Are we going to stand face to face with our enemy with guns pointed into each other's faces, jaws set, and refuse to budge? There needs to be dialogue at some point lest we continue to stand at stalemate while the country crumbles beneath our feet.

The Good That Lies Within

Let us carefully observe those good qualities wherein our enemies excel us; and endeavor to excel them, by avoiding what is faulty, and imitating what is excellent in them.

Plutarch/46-120 AD

I guess it is true that there is a good part in everyone and every deed. Instead of rejecting someone's ideals in their entirety, perhaps it is best to glean the useful that might well be incorporated into our own ideals.

In the case of Conservative vs Liberal, I have embraced some of the ideals from both sides. That is why I consider myself an Independent. The main focus that would be beneficial to all would be to not get caught up in the extremes. That is what is tearing this country apart...the fact that the parties have taken such an extreme stance on both sides they refuse to see the good points their enemy may be offering.  MMB

The good that lies within

Every faction before the sins

Is what all should acknowledge

Even inside our foes

The truth that can be found

Proves to be profound

That only lies can hide this goodness

Is what we should always know

The vigor of their convictions

Expels our judged perceptions

Someone is right

And there we'll want to go.

Free Will

"The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to be greater than our own suffering." Ben Okri

Free Will

God created all that's grand

On a scale that can never be done again

He gave His skill to His creation, man

On a smaller scale to suit future men

Man had learned to overcome

Shortcomings that his life would spin

He learned to endure failures one by one

Transform mistakes and begin again

God realized the imperfections about

The man and world He created

And also knew without a doubt

Perfection becomes outdated

So man will grow and the world will change

God hopes the changes are for the better

He gave us free will to rearrange

And not follow life to the letter



I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.


I could never paint a tower, much too high

I could never fly a plane into the sky

I suppose I might learn if I should try

Until then I am just another guy

I could never climb a mountain if I would

It just might not be a something that I should

Even though the fresh air and exercise does me good

It's just refreshing if I tried I probably could

I would never be a sailor on the sea

But anything is possible for me

A sea-farer might be interesting to be

The chance I take might really set me free

I can imagine just about everything under the sun

I could learn things when I hit the ground and run

One task I find impossible might be the one

That will satisfy me before my time is done

No Forethought



Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.

A soundbyte sets our fuse so fast

It is only a moment before the blast

We opined with righteous indignation

And acted without an education

Some thought and research may have changed our course

We accepted without considering the source

The road was opened before the bridge was built

And we sped to demise at a reckless full tilt

Alone With Me

"Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of the soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people." Nehru

Alone With Me

Letting in the silence for awhile

Until I find a temporary peace

This wasted time is well worthwhile

Sometimes it's myself I need to please

I escape to my secret state of mind

Ignoring those around me while I search my soul

Please don't find my absence unkind

I'm just filling an emptiness in some new hole

I'll reconnect when I return in time

This place I go is special, you see

It's a personal mountain I need to climb

To occasionally be alone with me



Handed hastily made peanut butter and bread

She retreats alone to her rumpled bed

There lies the soiled pillow where she lays her head

Stained with the many tears her eyes have bled

Mother is primping for a night on the town

Just another night she won't be around

Praying for sleep as her little heart pounds

Trembling in fear at every night piercing sound

She knows that mother will be gone for some time

Swallowing drinks on some strange fellow's dime

While her little girl tosses and turns in the grime

Of seldom washed sheets, neglect is the crime

She can only hope mother comes home alone

Instead of with some man she barely had known

But she is woken by the laughter of two people so stoned

It's a miracle they even found their way home

Another night of cowering under her pillow in bed

Wishing she'd heard a bedtime story instead

Of what comes from mother's bedroom, what bad words are said

Sounds of bedsprings she'd come to dread

She wonders why she had ever been born

A little girl's life so tattered and torn

Sleep rarely comes before she's exhausted by morn

Hoping the man's footsteps don't come to her door

My rant about people's priorities

Why do so many people reverently follow stuff that has so little impact on their day to day life? Does seeing icons fall make them feel superior? Is it a ghoulish dessert following a main course of idolizing the stars they revered and watched fall?

It seems the only interest a majority of the people have in politics is when a politician does something so outrageous to his own reputation that the news media goes nuts and runs with it while the people pile on. If it takes something outrageous to get someone's attention, why are they not outraged by what this administration is doing to hi-Jack our liberty?

Your Choices


Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of his choice.

Your Choices

Beam by beam, brick by brick

Use imagination's glue to make it stick

Build the house of your own dreams

Is this your destiny or just what it seems?

Thought by thought, action by action

Your life is created for your own satisfaction

It will be as strong as your free will

Tomorrow will it be standing, still?

Hope and desire, vision by vision

Your life is ultimately molded by your decisions

Good or evil your truth lies within

Your heart is where it should always begin


Let us not underestimate how hard it is to be compassionate. Compassion is hard because it requires the inner disposition to go with others to a place where they are weak, vulnerable, lonely, and broken. But this is not our spontaneous response to suffering. What we desire most is to do away with suffering by fleeing from it or finding a quick cure for it.


There there my friend

Be assured your world is not to end

Break-ups happen every day

Chin up, now I am on my way

It is hard to be compationate, you see

It puts another's pain square on me

It's so much easier to walk away

Reject the suffering that invades my day

Hand out support in very small doses

Save just a little for those the closest

Feel their pain then walk away

To each is own is what they say

Another's burden will weight you down

You are much too busy to stay around

Pat their backs and walk away

Your conscience let's you live this way?

What We Can Be

Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. ~Voltaire~

What We Can Be

In this life of justification

All it takes is merely appreciation

To absorb the excellence that surrounds us

And be that entity that truely astounds us

What we can be is just what we signify

As the goodness around us we admire and dignify

Ready, Ignition, Blast-off

In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer

Ready, Ignition, Blast-off

It is a long life, a strong life, a weak life

Times of joy, and a kick butt time of strife

At some point you are the apple of someone's eye

Then there are days you want to give up and die

And usually with a reason so hard to identify

You feel you are ready to get in there and try

Life itself is just euphoria, sadness, madness, happiness, and desire

A boring and smoldering existence can suddenly catch fire

To survive it we'll ride out the ebb and flow

We'll climb mountains and tumble into valleys as we go

Onto betterment we should never lose sight

Most of all we should never lose our fight

When there comes a time we don't really want to hear it

Someone who cares steps in to ignite your spirit

Come that time you shed unwarranted ire

Raise your arms to celebrate your new-found fire



"Somewhere we know that without silence words loose their meaning, that without listening, speaking no longer heals, that without distance, closeness cannot cure."

The hush that falls upon our ears

Leaves us ample time to ponder

Continuous voices from our own lips.

Leave critical words hanging in the air

So many turn and walk away

Frustrated not to be heard

Without the silence for opposing voices

Only our own perspective will linger there


Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.

William Somerset Maugham


For some, life is just a same ol' same ol'

Badness is just a blame all blame all

Wrong is just a shame all shame all

Tyranny comes to tame all claim all

Changes are for good or bad

Leads to whether chains are clad

Growth leaves behind what we have had

Being passive turns it wrong instead

Choices steer our course you see

Best ones steer towards liberty

It's up to us who we will be

Growth strives when we choose dignity

Lies Grow

Lies Grow

It was laid upon the table

The filthy, horrendous lie

The liar began to believe it

Every time that he walked by

It never sat there idly

It grew and grew and grew

The liar spiced it up a bit

With similar lies he knew

Once too large for the table

The lie was embellished and split

The more the liar defended it

More additional lies were spent

The liar became credible

His untruth, how it could fly

Now no one would ever doubt him

No, he was an "honest" guy

The Filthy Old Lie


"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

The Filthy Old Lie

Like an old car once pristine

An old house full of charm

An old lie can deceive us

That it's not apt to cause us harm

But the old car still may get you there

An old house a fit abode

A new lie was always dirty

Just believed now that it's old



Political is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.

George Orwell


Words are only vehicles

They drive thought and intent

It's up to us to understand

Just what these words have meant

Are they carrying forth the honesty

You'd hope all words would bear?

Or intentionally without foundation

As empty as the air?

Are they burdened with deceit?

Heavily laden with someone's lies?

Have they compromised the truth?

As filthy as the flies?

See the point from which they came

The character of he who speaks

Before the words are embraced for truth

In the answers that we seek.


I never could I appreciate

The badge that was worn

Until I too had it to designate

That badge that made me mom

Now I have known the times of worry

And when I looked at him, the hope

How fast his legs could scurry

Somehow I learned to cope

And when I looked into those big brown eyes

I understood how God had blessed me

When it was time he grew and said goodbye

How his empty room would test me

So God bless all the mothers out there

Who have children that are grown

Just sit back and be aware

Of the greatest gifts you've ever known

No Longer United

I’ll let Norman Mailer have the last word:

"Each day a few more lies eat into the seed with which we were born, little institutional lies from the print of newspapers, the shock waves of television, and the sentimental cheats of the movie screen."

No Longer United

Such little seeds we people are

Vulnerable to birds of prey

Caricatures of eagles from afar

Swoop in to have their way

Fertilized by lies in the name of hope

How could it get much worse

The only way for us to cope

Is to believe their lies verse for verse

Corrupted by freebies they scatter among us

Needy by their manipulative regulations

Poor by taxes they have taken from us

Our children become victims if indoctrination

What will grow from the people seeds?

Row by row shall we stand and listen?

Threatened by the government's trained eagles and weeds

Will our liberty fade and disappear into the distance?

Justifiable Obcession, Benghazi

Obsession is the singe most wasteful human activity, because with an obsession you keep coming back and back and back to the same question and never get an answer.

Norman Mailer American Novelist 1923-2007

We have no choice but to keep coming back when the truth is not forthcoming.

Justifiable Obsessions

The wool was firmly pulled over our eyes

In the futile attempt to minimize

The object of our first impression

Benghazi became our true obsession

With the innocent loss of life we couldn't turn away

How could American leaders let them burn that day?

We have to revolt against this fact repression

Benghazi deserves our obsession

I am anguished by the order to stand down

And the dead Americans that were the next day found

It IS my full intention

To make Benghazi a relentless obsession

This American can't turn away

The Benghazi victims deserve their say

How our leaders had used their discretion

Has made the truth my one obsession

Mood and Rain Dance

Indian poet, Tagore, born in 1861. Today’s quotes are from him. He died in 1928


I awoke with the intention to continue the crankiness I sulked off to bed with last night.

I was armed with the negative thoughts I would toss around

But instead I was blessed by so much joy

And happiness someone's dreams last night found.

Rain Dance

Though overcast and hinting of rain

My spiritual dreams will not be washed down the drain

For I will take this wonderful chance

To mingle with the raindrops and dance!

Scatter the Joy

Indian poet, Tagore, born in 1861. Today’s quotes are from him. He died in 1928.

"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and found that life was service. I acted, and behold, service was joy."

Happy dreams should not be enjoyed only by yourself during one fleeting moment in the night. Wake up and spread your joy so others may be uplifted and you can feel whole.

Scatter The Joy

Is life not about the feelings you share

With the innermost thoughts you bear?

Is it not favorable that with joyous thoughts brought to action

The greatest satisfaction of your life gains traction?

If your dreams are of a joyous nature

Why awaken and let this feeling slide away?

When all it takes is to rise and enrapture

So many people with your joy each day

Tornado Thoughts

Indian poet, Tagore, born in 1861. Today’s quotes are from him. He died in 1928.


Tornado Thoughts

There they go again

Another whirlwind of facts spinning by

But woe is me

So too spins the lie

Then as all the facts and lies

Fall mingled to the ground

How truthful are the facts

Spun with lies round and round?

My comments a out Saul Alinski's Rules for Radicals


"An organizer working in and for an open society is an ideological dilemma to begin with...he does not have a fixed truth...truth to him is relative and changing; everything to him is relative and the extent that he is free from the shackles of dogma, he can respond to the realities of the widely different situations."

A very convincing overview of what we have seen with the Obama Administration.

"He does not have a fixed truth"

Obama and his flying monkeys are like chameleons, adjusting their rhetoric and dealing their lies for whatever game they see the people will agree to play. They go a step in the direction of the people and with artistry the turn them and make them believe they are getting something. The adjustments Obama makes will always lead to his direction and the people will actually believe they are calling the shots. If something goes wrong, blame it on someone else.

Blind Faith


Blind Faith

It comes down to the choices we make

Based on the voices we hear

Can an articulate leader invoke the steps you take

Based on how loud he can make his followers cheer?

We're easily convinced by flowery revelations

Our heads are turned by handsome lies

Once hooked we are controlled by regulations

After the Tyrant reveals his crafty diguise

America's Blocks

HENRI FREDERIC AMIEL. Swiss Philosopher and lived from 1821-1881.

Conquering any difficulty always gives one a secret joy, for it means to push back a boundary line and adding to one’s liberty.

America's Blocks

Buried under blocks of tyranny

Our forefathers planned escape

The treason they chose to perpetuate

Would be the wreckage that began their fate

The revolution came with impassioned fire

Liberty their one desire

The contempt they showed rose the Kingdom's ire

The revolutionaries' resolve had grown much higher

The toppled blocks of the mother land

Lay in ruins in the sand

America was under a new command

American's liberty their one demand

Block by block the Republic was erected

The Constitution drafted and freedom respected

Damage tried by tyrants deflected

Liberty required persistence as We the People expected

Our blocks stand for America strong

Facing enemies that come along

If one should fall before too long

It shall rise again against all wrong




Without measureless and perpetual uncertainty the drama of human life would be destroyed.


How mundane would life become

If we were certain of our every move?

Each card we'd play would be the one

To put us in a winning groove

We'd know the ending of every story

And in advance the one we'd love

With mystery gone life would be so boring

There would be nothing to be dreaming of

When the Best Time Again Comes Around

When the Best Time Again Comes Around

I see them in the distance

Slowly moving away

They looked familiar for an instance

Kind of like me one yesterday

She sat astride him comfortably

His walk matched the radio's beat

A German Shepherd kept pace

Beside the horse's feet

I so wanted to follow them

The Lord gave me a sign

The journey upon the horse I see

Is really meant to be mine

I am no longer that young girl

But I remember that ride so well

I guess it's time to mount up again

It's time now, I can tell


Houses are not supposed to have such a sentimental influence on our lives, but some do. People say its just a house, get over it. But when you think about it, a house that is a home reflects so many memories it is hard not to feel so tied to it. I think a person is influenced by their surroundings.

If the house he lives in has been the center of the best time in a family's life, the family will have a bond with South Street for us.


The walls absorbed our laughter

Protected us as we slept

Now we are bound forever after

Knowing the memories it kept

It holds in its past the footsteps

Now echoing in Heaven's halls

Underneath the many upgrades

Is our character on the walls

Trees we planted together

Now tower above the yard

The memories of the games we played

Are not easy to discard

Don't laugh that we drive by

And slow down to take a look

It is our own best seller

In our family's only book

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Honorable Man

"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave." Calvin Coolidge

The Honorable Man

His coat he gave to the cold

For the hungry he gave his meals

His time went to the old

To the tired he shared his zeal

He didn't have a lot

What he had was his own pride

Selfish he was not

His heart beat strong inside

He would share his final dollar

He would comfort those who wept

This was a man of honor

And he garnered much respect

My quote The Government Can't Be Trusted

The government can't be trusted. The proof now is obvious in that they have revealed their big cannon, the IRS. It is the one branch they can selectively terrify and ruin its citizens. Therefore our mistrust is our best defense, and our lust for liberty our most powerful weapon.

They Moved In

Jim Garrison who was an attorney and FBI agent who investigated The Kennedy assination...

"I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security."

They Moved In

It hurt us all deep inside

Our reaction? We were horrified

A nation's fear intensified

Our home no longer fortified

Now from inside they prepare their best

They'd put the voters to the test

They own the weak, they'll get the rest

Amid disaster and a country distressed

Fear drives the people to their side

Under wings of oppression we chose to hide

"We'll take care of you!" The infiltraters cried

Their agenda now public, no longer implied

"Don't let a crisis go to waste"

Our constitution will be replaced

Once a focus if our distaste

Socialism is now embraced

Cheerfully Seeking Truth

Cheerfully Seeking Truth

Newspaper headlines can make me furious

But I never let what they say knock me on my heels

The more controversy expands it just makes me curious

And I drive my opinions ahead when my facts have wheels

How self assured can someone feel

Toting verified truth as ammunition?

I just know it is with facts my replies reveal

My stance requires no admonition

Picked Clean

In less than a minute the flower will be bare

We picked each petal and threw it away

It's all because too many people didn't care

And refused the option to have their say

Secret Society

"People who are in power make their arrangements in secret, largely as a way of maintaining and furthering that power." Don DeLitto

Secret Society

Like plotting little children with a book of matches found

They meet in secrecy, will they burn out country down?

They abhor the structure that seemed to be quite sound

Left to their own devices while we mingle 'round and 'round

Apathetic Americans let them meet inside their spaces

While ignoring all the signs a New World Order runs the bases

Not understanding the consequences the ignorant embraces

The socialistic agenda our country ultimately faces

Basking in entitlements the voters' faces glow

Allowing the new government to grow and grow and grow

Drowning in regulations We the People in the know

Are now a struggling minority as we see our freedom go

Tyranny Unleashed

Tyranny Unleashed

How huge the beast does grow

Satisfied by the fruits of our labor

Yet ever hungry again, we know

He exerts such energy as his lust  grows greater

Our assets he spends with no regard

Until even our blood he draws

Disguised to most in his benefactor garb

Picking clean our bones with his insatiable jaws

Until such time the beast is slain

Because patriots refuse to yield their sword

The pulse of freedom does faintly remain

And the beast will recieve his just reward

Friday, June 21, 2013


"For too long, we have focused on our differences in our politics and our backgrounds, in our race and our beliefs rather than cherishing the unity and pride that binds us together." Bob Riley

So many differences, should we question why

Folks feel the need to change, they try and try

Pretty little girls

Pretty little curls

But they are vilified all the while

Curls are not in style

Is black skin as good as white

Any color should be alright

Hand in hand

All are grand

There will be those who hate for spite

And take their prejudice to bed each night

May my choices be respected

Especially in my religion selected

Heed my prayers

That feelings be spared

Don't allow our differences to be dissected

No ones differences need be neglected

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Devil Made Me Do It

."Never let a man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means without sinning against his own soul. The evil effect on himself is certain." .Robert Southy

The Devil made Me Do It

Once an evil road is traveled

And evil friends embraced along the way

Once you sit for whisky with Satan

And have forgotten how to pray

The stink of evil is on you

Seldom will it wash away

Once you have used evil to perpetuate your deeds

Through you the devil has his say

Foot in Mouth Disease

"All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things." Robert Southly

Foot in Mouth Disease

How many toes must he lose, I wonder

Seeing his bloody socks, what's under?

It's easy to see he's a crook

He keeps shooting himself in the foot!

For him it's so easy to lie

Be truthful? He won't even try

So many untruths he espoused

He lives with his foot on his mouth

IRS Rant and Poem

George Hansen

"The IRS is an extraordinary example of the end justifying the means. The means of this agency is growth. It is interesting that revenue officers within the IRS refer to taxpayers as INVENTORY. The IRS embodies the political realities of the selfish human desire to DOMINATE others. Thus the end of this gigantic pretense of officialdom is POWER, pure and simple. Efficiency is measured by the number of seizures of taxpayers property and the number of citizens and businesses driven into bankruptcy.

This arm of the government was granted too much power to begin with and it has escalated under progressive administrations. No branch or office of the government should have the individual power the IRS has to scrutinize and punish Americans. Each agent can become a lone wolf to pick and punish people for which he has personal disdain. Department heads will allow it to continue for the same reason. It has become a rogue organization that believes it is beyond reproach.

You can't tell me that the president and his flying monkeys do not wield a sharp sword with the influence they have over the IRS. Oh, yes, they use them to symbolically cut off the heads of people who cross them politically. Remember Joe the Plumber?

The tax code needs to be abolished in favor of a flat tax or federal sales tax. The IRS needs to cease to exist.

The power to snoop into your life

The power to seize your assets

The power to run you into the ground

With the questions they ask us.

Unscrupulous people with hate inside

Willing to let good people suffer

Politically or personally driven

They can act alone with no failsafe buffer

It is a punitive branch let to collect our gold

If they have their limits I can only guess

It is now intolerable, the bullying got old

It is time to dismantle the IRS

The Lost Flower

In less than a minute the flower will be bare

We picked each petal and threw them who knows where

It's all because too many people didn't care

Will we ever remember there was once a flower there?

Secret Society

"People who are in power make their arrangements in secret, largely as a way of maintaining and furthering that power." Don DeLitto

Secret Society

Like plotting little children with a book of matches found

They meet in secrecy, will they burn our country down?

They abhor the structure that seemed to be quite sound

Left to their own devices while we mingle 'round and 'round

Apathetic Americans let them meet inside their spaces

While ignoring all the signs a New World Order runs the bases

Not understanding the consequences the ignorant embraces

The socialistic agenda our country ultimately faces

Basking in entitlements the voters' faces glow

Allowing the new government to grow and grow and grow

Drowning in regulations We the People in the know

Are now struggling as a minority as we see our freedom go

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hero's All Who Understand

A hero is one who understands the responsibility that comes with ones freedom. (Bob Dylan) Thank you, Veterans! God bless our military!

Heroes All Who Understand

A hero need not be those revered

Set on pedestals and cut in stone

They are heroes all, behind the scenes

Who are a part of the liberty we have known

Lonely wives with husbands abroad

Fighting wars against tyranny

Motherless children who lost the arms

Of mothers who died with dignity

Parents of children they nurtured and held

Only to send them off to war

A sister of a brother who protected her

Who enlisted and she will see no more

All are heroes in the cost of freedom

Who loneliness and loss are their sacrifice

As are all Americans cheering wars we won

Who support the real heroes we idolize

Heroes are those who will understand

The scars and loss that come with war

They are the ones who will extend their heart and hand

To our selfless veterans for evermore

Lessons Paid

If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment. ( Henry David Thoreau )

Lessons Paid

In the silence of contemplation

Comes your final realization

That all the pain you had come to endure

The wounds of heart and soul you nurture

The lessons are your compensation

Your Greatness

The price of greatness is a responsibility. (Winston Churchill)

Your Greatness

It is not just a trophy you achieve

It is truely a goal in which to believe

It is not neither here nor there

It is something to which you are aware

Greatness is the goodness you tried to be

It's the deapth of your humility

It's the desire to be loved unconditionally

Your greatness is your responsibility


Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity. (Khalil Gibran)


Of all the cherished things in life

One of the most precious is taken for granted

It is looked upon as just a fact of life

Just another tree that God had planted

But that tree was chosen carefully

With all sincere probability

A friend God had presented to you

Was now your responsibility

The true friends you are fortunate to cultivate

Deserve the best that you can bear

For they are the sustenance that feeds your soul

And when needed are always there

Listen Up Mr. Biden

The quote is from PLATO:

Wise men speak because they have something to say.; fools because they have to say something.

Listen up Mr. Biden

Speak up, ye wise men, for you have something to say

Your words may be our driving force

I pray silence is not your way

I beg thee please, wise men come forth.

Stand down ye fools with only jibberish to add

There are those who will listen and take heed

For it is foolish speech that sets a people mad

And no more fools do We the People need




Without measureless and perpetual uncertainty the drama of human life would be destroyed.


How mundane would life become

If we were certain of our every move?

Each card we'd play would be the one

To put us in a wining groove

We'd know the ending of every story

And in advance the one we'd love

With mystery gone life would be so boring

There would be nothing to be dreaming of

For Emma

Your tears are expected

Let the rain fall from your eyes

As her little life is reflected

And you say your goodbyes

There are kind words spoken about her

Some don't know what to say

Understand she knows the wonder

Of her magical journey now under way

When You Know Your Destination

Your rudder and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul. If either your sails or your rudder are broken, you can but toss and drift, or else be held at a standstill in mid sea. For reason, ruling alone, is a force confining, and passion unattended is a flame that burns to its own destination. (Khalil Gibran)

When You Know Your Destination

There is a silent ghost of passion behind you dwelling, waiting

For the one thing in life you have unknowingly been anticipating

Please don't fear what enlightens you most

Or be scared for not knowing why

Know only this, he is your driving force, the friendliest of ghosts

The Power of a Flower

The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks. (Tennessee Williams)

The Power of a Flower

The snow has left us and opened the curtain

Something in the air only seasons can bring

Colors are popping their little heads out, I'm certain

The flowers have strength when it's finally spring

The Fragile Butterfly

Too Long The Winter

So fragile and wispy

For spring air so crispy

Too early for a butterfly

Too late for a frost

So anxious was she

To fly away free

To showcase her colors

Too soon she was lost

Coming of Age

Coming of Age

The papa bird had flown away

His mate had not returned

He told the little one left behind

It's time you used the wings you earned

Fly away, fly away little one

Mama bird has gone away

She met her fate now soars free

Above the clouds you'll find someday

It took all of her courage

But she spread her wings so wide

She fluttered to the ground below

But, damn, at least she tried!

She knew her wings were not broken

Her spirit still drove her will

She knew she'd try, she knew she'd fly

Beyond the highest hill

Perched out of sight papa bird watched

He hoped her landings had been soft

In an instant he gazed upward

His baby was now aloft

With a sigh that heaved his orange breast

It was time to bid adieu

His little robin was on her own

His job was done, she flew

For my grandson, Clint

In just an instant he was created

And soon the couple will know

They, of course, will be elated

But confused about how it will go

Nine months the waiting lasted

So many plans to make

Their fortitude was tested

There is another life at stake

He came into the world with wonder

He made their hearts about burst

So much pressure they'd be under

Choosing what to teach him first

His little eyes are always dancing

His world is such a fantastic place

Toy horses above him prancing

He touches mamma's lovely face

He has found his happy voice

When he hears his dad is home

He laughs as he will rejoice

Daddy's proud and loving tone

Someday he will be grown

Well adjusted in his life

Thanks to those who love him

He'll be a treasure to his wife

For Clint, Ryan, and Haylie May 27, 2013

My rant about the shift in power

Sr Walter Raleigh was one of the old greats of the 15th century and therefore a good name for my ship. ...and now a word from Raleigh...

"It's the basic principle of a tyrant to UNARM his people of weapons, money, and all means whereby they resist his power."

In order to unarm a people of these things, the tyrant must first convince ignorant and lazy people to put him in power. He does this by bribes and promises that his government will take care of them.

These ignorant supporters are left licking their lollipops in satisfied bliss as long as those lollipops keep coming. They have no clue or desire to learn just what his government is doing. If you do try to convince them that they are losing their rights day by day, they will say you are lying because you are a racist, greedy hater.

As long as a tyrant can keep at least half the people happy he can continue to use his minions to manipulate the government through laws and regulations. The control is shifting to the executive branch and if it continues we will have a society of takers and a fleeing contributing class who will, WILL have to resort to their guns to fight for the country. Will our military back the government?

My rant about our privacy

I foresee a time, sooner than we would like to believe, when babies are implanted with a tracking chip.

And don't think when we get our flu shots they won't be implanting us, too.

Our lives are all on electronic data by now. We are being encouraged to use electronic means for just about everything we do in our lives.

Our tv viewing is monitored, as is our reading material. Where we visit on the Internet is watched, what we buy in stores is easily tracked via our debit and credit cards. There is nothing about us that cannot be harvested through our daily routines. Our health records are being kept electronically now and available on line.

The only chance we have at some anonymity is to avoid data based electronic transactions, which is nearly impossible. Buy your books from swap meets, use over the airwaves antenai for tv viewing, stay off the net, pay in cash, etc. Stay off the Internet.

It is a comfort based society that puts chains on us. What to choose? Leaving the ease of electronic means that leaves us under their scrutiny? Living under the radar which will usurp our liberty?

Damned if we do, damned if we don't.


Dave Barry...a man of comedy...

"We'll try to cooperate fully with the IRS, because, as citizens, we feel a strong patriotic duty not to go to jail."


Ok, so the IRS exists

I will refrain from the will to slit my wrists

When they do wrong they will plead the fifth

But I pay my taxes to avoid a rift

It is written as if a holy graile

We pay taxes though we're old and frail

The IRS heads are being held on bail

Soon to be locked away in jail

The Treasure

Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined.

Patrick Henry was born on this day, May 29, 1736 & died June 6, 1799

The Treasure

Stand guard with swords held high

When a liberty thief approaches

Such a precious treasure, our freedom

Be aware when tyranny encroaches

Set high on your list of priorities

Lest your children become encaged

Any sinister step toward your freedom

Is cause to become enraged

Oppression Depression

Oppression Depression

Tentacles reaching in from every direction

Invading your homes with the ruse of inspections

Filling their coffers with fines from your lacking

For their own enrichment more taxes they're stacking

Government growing in size to control us

Multiplying arms to quietly subdue us

More and more rights are lost as we sleep

Less and less earnings they allow us to keep

Why do we allow them to intrude so completely?

Are you going to continue to let them defeat thee?

When will you question your money they burned?

How much liberty is lost until your lessons are learned?

Letting Them Defeat Us

HORACE who was a famous Poet in the Roman Empire. He was the son of a slave.


Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor. One must exercise proper deliberation, plan carefully, before making a move, and be alert to guarding against relapse following a renaissance.

65 BC-8 BC

Letting Them Defeat Us

Life had been fruitful

Liberty became etched in stone

We had become accustomed to freedom

It is all we had ever known

Like a stealth cat hunting in the night

Conspirators came to betray us

Changing every option we had for life

We'd now accept what they would pay us

A nanny state left us stagnant

No dreams would be fulfilled

They taxed us to the fullest

Had we remained strong willed

Unless we revive our vigor

And bear the arms we kept

Our children will wind up drowning

In the complacent tears we wept

For Tomorrow

Look not at the days gone by with a forlorn heart. They were simply the dots we can now connect with our present to help us draw the outline of a beautiful tomorrow.

Dodinsky/ Author

For Tomorrow

Shed no tears for yesterday

Say goodbye to the stepping stones

The river has already flooded your path

It's best to be moving on

Keep those you love in the journey you made

Rejoice in the goodness brought forward

Leave behind any anguish that stayed

Your real life is where you move toward

Paint your tomorrow from the best of your dreams

Look upon it as an unfinished piece

Choose the best colors from what was behind you

To present to your Lord a true masterpiece


"The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed." Steven Biko


Save me from poverty

Protect me from the bank

Tax is highway robbery

Our savings account is blank

It cost billions to regulate us

Pass laws we don't condone

Unemployment is going to break us

Social Security is nearly gone

If we refuse to stop the asking

For government to be our breast

We will continue to lose the liberty

For which we were truely blessed

Our minds we all must use them

And we should work while we are strong

Entitlements we can't abuse them

Cradle to grave coddling is just flat wrong

It should be our main Obcession

To remain free and self sufficient

The cause of our oppression

Is the lack of being proficient

Have a Good Time Burying Me

An effort made for the happiness of others lifts above ourselves.


You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people.

Lydia M. Child



Although I am respectful

And have some dignity

I hope when I am buried

People have a laugh over me

Dress me in my ratty jeans

Any funny hat will do

Sprinkle something strange into my ashes

No one will know but you

Have someone crack my favorite jokes

Those who know me will not care

Expect me back when I'm a ghost

If I arrive naked just don't stare

I hope my life brought you joy

Lord knows how hard I tried

I shall not stoop to feeling coy

Just because I up and died.

The Forgotten Host

The best effort of a fine person is felt after we have left their presence.

Ralph Waldo Emerson



It was a gala affair, so much fun

An abundance of joy in the air

Our host was the invisible one

Few guests had seen him there

On our way home we raved and raved

Such a party he had thrown

On our cameras the fun was saved

Had we let our appreciation be known?

This fine person put such effort into

The gathering that meant so much to most

There was barely time to bid adieu

And spread kudos to our competent host

Logical Reorganization

"The biggest threat to the American people today lies with the United States government. The long term solution is to dismantle, NOT REFORM, the iron fist of the welfare state and the controlled economy. This includes the end (not reform) of the IRS, DEA, BATF, the SEC, the FDA, HUD, the departments of HHS, labor, Agriculture, energy, and every other agency that takes money from some and gives it to others or interfers with peaceful behavior."

Logical Reorganization.

It is no longer realistic to support the IRS

Rein them in completely, implement flat tax

While we are at it, this is how it's gotta be

Abolish leaching departments in favor of liberty

The cost of regulations is what hurt economy most

Implement simplicity and make bureaucracy toast

If it cost us dearly of our freedom and more tax

That department growing government must certainly get the axe

While getting back small government and having liberty restored

Replace all the cronies and get our congressmen on board

Reject an administration who will lie right to our faces

Replace them all with leaders who our Constitution it embraces.

If there is to be the proverbial hope and change

We must vote in candidates who in our mindset they engage

And whatever is oppressive it should also get the ax

Limited government for We the People is reasonable to ask

Stop the Madness

Tacitus said that "A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man."

Stop the Madness

I don't appreciate your boot upon my neck

You work for We the People and it is your compliance I expect

All these rules ans regulations just can't be

This is supposed to be the land of the free

This expanding government has definitely got to go

As is the raining entitlements on n'er do wells as it grows

It is time to stand for the liberty we crave

After all didn't we use to be the home of the brave?

The Honorable Man

"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave." Calvin Coolidge

The Honorable Man

His coat he gave to the cold

For the hungry he gave his meals

His time went to the old

To the tired he shared his zeal

He didn't have a lot

What he had was his own pride

Selfish he was not

His heart beat strong inside

He would share his final dollar

He would comfort those who wept

This was a man of honor

And he garnered much respect

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Misguided Mother-in-law

The Misguided Mother-in-law

Such a happy three were we

Whatever we did was together

We always wanted there to be

A bond that lasts forever

We looked forward to someday

When a wife and children would enter his life

Never guessing that his vertebrae

Would soften beneath a clinging wife

I never meant to dominate

Just wanted to retain a small share

A little time to coordinate

Some visits scattered here and there

It may seem somewhat dramatic

When I say my heart was ripped in thirds

But my pain is symptomatic

Typical of other stories I have heard

Dear Lord if I am wrong please guide me

Is there a way this can be repaired

There is an empty space inside me

Lord, I'm lonesome and so scared

They Moved In

Jim Garrison who was an attorney and FBI agent who investigated The Kennedy assination...

"I'm afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security."

They Moved In

It hurt us all deep inside

Our reaction? We were horrified

A nation's fear intensified

Our home no longer fortified

Now from inside they prepare their best

They'd put the voters to the test

They own the weak, they'll get the rest

Amid disaster and a country distressed

Fear drives the people to their side

Under wings of oppression we chose to hide

"We'll take care of you!" The infiltraters cried

Their agenda now public, no longer implied

"Don't let a crisis go to waste"

Our constitution will be replaced

Once a focus if our distaste

Socialism is now embraced

Monday, June 17, 2013

Telling it Like it is

Thomas Sowell...

"Mystical references to "Society" and its programs to "Help" may warm the hearts of the gullible but what it really means is putting more power into the hands of the bureaucrats."

Applaud if you must the generosity

The government vows to give

They spend with such ferocity

To insure in poverty folks will live

Revel here and everywhere

And beyond the clear blue sky

That they will provide us healthcare

At least they say they'll try

Be grateful for the stimulus

Providing for clean air

Of course they are being ridiculous

The technology is just not there

They wonder why conservatives

Tend to be so furious

There must be some alternative

Isn't someone somewhat curious?

They said they'd be transparent

But their ass is in a sling

It is really quite apparent

That scandals are their thing

The president likes to entertain

When stars are in his midst

Lavish vacations that he won't constrain

His golf, it never quits

With sixteen trillion and counting

The country is sinking fast

They refuse to stop the spending

No matter how much we ask

What were this man's credentials

To show if he could lead?

He is not too presidential

When he calls capitalism greed

He continues to be stubborn

And let this country crash and burn

He has proved that he can't govern

When will the people learn?

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Life  on the Trail

Galloping along the trail of life

Carefree and irresponsible

Not worrying about things that may cause me strife

Finding life ahead quite improbable

Before I can finish above what I said

Came the soulmate for the rest of my life

In a wink of an eye we were happily wed

Sticking to vows making us husband and wife

Trotting together on a fast paced journey

On the lane straight ahead was our life

Came a curve in the road we reined 'em in firmly

But what happened was really quite nice

Now three of us rode, one on a pony

Keeping up he had rode for his life

Raising him up, the road was quite stoney

But together the three of us thrived

Along our path t'was like life in the city

Our teen loped from one plan to another

The two of us had slowed down, what a pity

We barely kept up to our son's world of wonder

Now plodding along what remained was the dust

Of our son riding off on his own

Who would have guessed what had come of our lust

Was the best thing that we've ever known

With a family of his own he rarely stops moving

When he does, we meet on the trail

All in all I find it quite amusing

We're being passed by each turtle and  snail

Cheerfully Seeking Truth

"Curiosity endows the people who have it with a generosity in argument and a serenity in their own mode of life which springs from their cheerful willingness to let life take the form it will." Alister Cooke 1908-2004 British/American journalist / broadcaster

Cheerfully Seeking Truth

Newspaper headlines can make me furious

But I never let what they say knock me on my heels

The more controversy expands it just makes me curious

And I drive my opinions ahead when my facts have wheels

How self assured can someone feel

Toting verified truth as ammunition?

I just know it is with facts my replies reveal

My stance requires no admonition

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Devil made Me Do It

."Never let a man imagine that he can pursue a good end by evil means without sinning against his own soul. The evil effect on himself is certain." .Robert Southy

The Devil made Me Do It

Once an evil road is traveled

And evil friends embraced along the way

Once you sit for whisky with Satan

And have forgotten how to pray

The stink of evil is on you

Seldom will it wash away

Once you have used evil to perpetuate your deeds

Through you the devil has his say


"All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things." Robert Southly

Foot in Mouth Disease

How many toes must he lose, I wonder

Seeing his bloody socks, what's under?

It's easy to see he's a crook

He keeps shooting himself in the foot!

For him it's so easy to lie

Be truthful? He won't even try

So many untruths he espoused

He lives with his foot on his mouth

Thursday, June 13, 2013



The walls absorbed our laughter

Protected us as we slept

Now we are bound forever after

Knowing the memories it kept

It holds in its past the footsteps

Now echoing in Heaven's halls

Underneath the many upgrades

Is our character on the walls

Trees we planted together

Now tower above the yard

The memories of the games we played

Are not easy to discard

Don't laugh that we drive by

And slow down to take a look

It is our own best seller

In our family's only book

State of the Union

There we stood under colors waving

Proud to fight in each war engaged

A country like ours was well worth saving

Violence set upon us had our folks enraged

Come now an administration to apologise

To those who perpetuated terror on our soil

When will the President realize

Acts against us should make our blood boil?

Their jihad waged against we infidels

In the name of their God. Allah

Is truely indefensible

And should not be our brouhaha

We stand to defend Afghanistan

Against terrorists who kill our own

We send them all the soldiers and money we can

An act in itself we should not condone

Amid scandals they try to turn our heads

With lies and more deception

Our media goes with them instead

Of asking pertinent questions

Are gone the times we used to brag?

Is the nanny state prevailing?

How many now refuse to salute our flag?

Is our patriotism still unfailing?

There came terrorist in the night at Benghazi

Who murdered four of our own men

Our leaders still cannot see

Help was available and should have been flown in

The IRS is the President's arm

To choke the life from his political foes

The justice department does our champions harm

As for the NSA, big brother knows

We are hostages to the flow of oil

To Arab countries with malice to bear

We can find it readily in our own soil

And shed the dependency, aren't we aware?

In closing I challenge all Americans

To open their eyes to our destruction

It's time to become good Samaritans

And end Obama's disruption


"The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy." Florence Scovel Shinn (wrote the book THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY 1925)


Past events of your making return

Memories good and bad etched into your soul

Past indiscretions can't be overturned

As your lies and deception unfold

Did you not think we'd unmask your conspiracy

That your allegiance to the flag would bring doubt

In a matter if time you revealed your transparency

Distorting the facts was what you were about

Americans stand as your agendas emerge

We will take back our country or else

It's time we took back that which you've taken charge

And thought you had won with such stealth

We the People had this revelation

We were losing the reins of the steed we once trusted

It is up to us now to ensure restoration

Obama, your scheme has been busted


.."A gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match is words." Kong Fu Zi (aka Confucious)

Bringing Down our Republic

Eloquent speeches bring cheers from the crowd

Sincere revelations bring tears, they're so proud

Protect us he will he states clear and loud

Who wouldn't elect him with all that he vowed

Secrets revealed that show it's a hoax

Using his bribes to the needy he'd coax

He can't remember his own lies without plenty of notes

More people are aware his whole presidency's a joke

Bowing to enemies and saying we're sorry

He plays golf every weekend and vacations in Maui

People begin to throw stones at his tower of ivory

We're starting to doubt his elaborate story

He ran up the debt by the trillions, you know

Unemployment still rises, welfare numbers still grow

Terrorists still kill with the bombs that they blow

He refuses to blame them or call them our foe

Benghazi burned as he refused to send

Assets to help so we lost four good men

The scandals that surface we can't comprehend

Those who did wrong with pay they suspend

Rewarding conspirators for their lies and deception

Creating a crisis to cause a distraction

They deceive their constituents to the point of perfection

How did these liars just win reelection?

Where is the shame for the lies that they told?

As more and more the conspiracies unfold?

Are we feeling cheated for the goods we were sold?

When will we insist the Constitution they'll uphold?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Extinguished Flame

As Obama and his administration grew and grew

It became obvious what now proved true

He stood toe to toe with Lady Liberty

And blew out the torch that signified we were free

Now the tired patriots kneel with heads bowed

You can hear their prayers as they ring out load

Lord give us strength to stand another day

So this Socialistic government may no longer have its say



In less than a minute the flower will be bare

We picked each petal and threw them away

It's all because too many people didn't care

And didn't take the option to have their say


"People who are in power make their arrangements in secret, largely as a way of maintaining and furthering that power." Don DeLitto


Like plotting little children with a book of matches found

They meet in secrecy, will they burn out country down?

They abhor the structure that seemed to be quite sound

Left to their own devices while we mingle 'round and 'round

Apathetic Americans let them meet inside their spaces

While ignoring all the signs a New World Order runs the bases

Not understanding the consequences the ignorant embraces

The socialistic agenda our country ultimately faces

Basking in entitlements the voters' faces glow

Allowing the new government to grow and grow and grow

Drowning in regulations We the People in the know

Are now struggling as a minority as we see our freedom go

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How Much More History Can I Write?

How Much More History Can I Write?

Pages have turned

Bridges were burned

Secrets to hide

Forever set aside

Memories were made

Good ones never fade

Love declared

Heartache shared

Many miles I walked

Using lessons I was taught

Now beyond my glory and strife

What do I do with the rest of my life?

Goals were set

Challenges met

As I continue into the night

How much more history can I write?

Be the Mighty Oak

"Never give in...never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force...never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy." Winston Churchill

Be the Mighty Oak

The mighty oak refuses to yield to the wind

Standing tall to take on all its force

Does not its courage a message send

That in the end, when with age it topples, there is no need for remorse?

Can we be the mighty oak

Standing tall against our foes forever?

Showing all the power we invoke

Throughout every invasion against our life's endeavors